Playing cupid

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Reed, Ryder, and I are currently on our way to the airport

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Reed, Ryder, and I are currently on our way to the airport. Blake is out of town on a business trip, and Raven has gone to the hospital.

We all shout the lyrics to the song and make occasional talk here and there. Soon we reach the airport, and I turn to them to say my goodbyes.

Ryder hugs me, and I hug him back, placing my head on his. I am going to miss them so much.

"Enjoy your holiday but be careful, okay. Go outside and play, and for goodness sake, don't sit on your Xbox the whole day. Invite your new friends to your house. Keep an eye on your brother. He tends to be a little crazy sometimes, okay, bud," I advise him, taking on a sister role. I consider Ryder as my little brother.

"I will miss you, Kiara," he tells me with a sniffle.

"I will miss you too, Ryder. Take care,"

"I love you, Ryder," I tell him.

"I love you too, Kiara," we are acting like we are going to be separated forever. But I don't care because he will always be a part of my life from on.

I break the hug and place a small kiss on his forehead and his cheek. I look towards Reed now.

He pulls me into a hug, and I place my head on his shoulder.

"You don't regret telling me, right?" I question, dreading the answer.

"No, Kiara, I don't," he reassures me, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't do anything too reckless, okay, and take care," I tell him.

"I am going to miss you so much, sparkle. You also take care, and I am just a phone call away. Call me if you need to talk to me, and remember I will never break my promise,"

"I will miss you too, Reed," I tell him and break the hug.

I place a kiss on his cheek, and I give them one last hug and enter the security check. I wave one last time before going in.

Soon I board the flight, and I send a text to both Raven and Keith telling them that I boarded the plane.

I reach India after a very long flight, and after I gather my luggage, I exit the airport and see Keith and both of my best friends. I run and jump on Keith hugging him tightly. He hugs me back just as tight.

"I missed you, Ara, so much," he tells me, and I mumble a missed you too back to him.

I look at my best friends and burst out laughing. Their hair still looks a bit blonde, but not as much. After all the greetings, we are back home, and I request Div and Anna to stay over, and they agree since their parents knew mine and they also know me.

"I missed you guys so much," I tell them.

"I missed you too, Kia," Anna tells me.

"So, spill the tea, missy," Div orders, and I chuckle.

That is how I spent the rest of the night telling them everything about my life in the US, including my little crush on Reed.

"Wow, our little Kiara is growing up," Anna sniffles, wiping a fake tear from her cheek.

Then I suddenly remember something.

"Div, come with me. Let's go get some snacks and have a movie night," I tell her and drag her downstairs.

"I have a plan," I tell her with a smirk.

The next morning. I wake up Keith by pouring ice-cold water on him. I feel a sense of Déjà vu but, this time, I am the prankster. I look at Keith and see a weird smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling like a creep? Are you in love or something?" I blurt out.

"I am just happy that you are back. I missed this,"

"But it still doesn't mean that I won't take my revenge on you," he smirks and runs after me. I squeal and run out of the door. He runs after me, and I run out to the backyard laughing happily.

It soon leads into a water fight, and Anna and Divya also join us. We all get ready and decide to go out for breakfast. It is time to put my plan into action.

In the middle of breakfast, I pat Div's lap and point my eyes to the door. She nods in understanding, and I excuse myself to go to the washroom. After a few minutes, I run towards their table.

"Div, you will not believe who I saw out there," I tell her with fake anger and, she looks at me confused.

"Your ex. He is with a girl, and they are heading towards the shop next to the café," I tell her and pull her hand, dragging her with me, and we exit the café. Divya's ex was a jerk, and I hated him. He told her that it was a dare to date her. I wanted to kill him, but I never got the chance.

"Phase two," I smirk. I call Keith.

"Kiara, you just ran off," Keith scolds me.

"Sorry, Kei, you know I hate that guy. You guys wait, Div and I will come back in 15 minutes," I tell him.

"Oh, and enjoy your date," I tell him with a grin.

"It's not-" he starts, but I cut the call. I look at Div, and we both start laughing.

Div and I head back to the car without being spotted and spy on my brother and best friend. Hey, no judging, that is my job as a sister and best friend, okay?

Anna is a blushing mess, and Keith smiles at her, and they soon engage in a conversation. Once or twice Keith glances our way, and we hide. Once, I caught him smiling, looking our way.

An hour later, Div and I go back to the café and see them holding hands. I internally scream.

'Hey, stop screaming. Since it is internal, I can hear you,' Winter frowns.

'No, not you again,'

'Hey, that is not nice, I am giving you company, don't complain,'

'What you just said makes no sense,' I tell her.

'Well, you, talking to me make no sense either, but do you see me complaining?' she questions and goes back to do her nails.

Yeah, don't ask.

"It was your idea, wasn't it?" Keith inquires once he sees me.

I shake my head while Divya whistles looking anywhere but here.

"Kia, we are dating," Anna suddenly blurts out and Keith facepalms. Then Keith tells me how he also liked Anna for a long time.

"Oh, finally," Div sighs, bringing Anna and me into a hug.

"So, it was you after all," Keith grins me and pulls me into a headlock and rubs my head with his knuckles, and I laugh, trying to escape his grasp.

"So, you are not mad?" Anna asks me. I shake my head no.

"But as his sister, if you hurt him in any way, I will pull pranks on you for a year that will make you cry," I threaten her, and she gulps.

"As her best friend, if you hurt her in any way, I will make sure to mess up your pretty face that you will have to have plastic surgery," I warn Kei.

Div bursts out laughing, and soon we all laugh, knowing that I was exaggerating. Or not. Ha, it feels good to be back.


Hello everyone. I hope you are all safe. Here is another chapter for you. Remember Jesus loves you.


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