Starting Of Reality

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"So, you guys got the plan, right?" I ask my friends, and they all nod their heads

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"So, you guys got the plan, right?" I ask my friends, and they all nod their heads. Reed's birthday is coming, and I am here in the cafeteria with my friends and Adrian discussing his party.

"So, can you explain the plan once again?" Noah asks, not at all looking at me but getting distracted by Ava. I swear he is like a lovesick puppy.

"I will take Reed out, and I want you guys to decorate the house while we are gone. His favourite candy is skittles, so make sure to buy a lot of those,"

"Mhm hmm," Noah hums, getting distracted by his ripped jeans. I take a deep breath and close my eyes to stop murdering him.

'Ah, I love Noah. He is the only one who can irritate you so much,' winter says, smirking.

'Hey, whose side are you on?' I ask her, offended.

'Not yours'

'You are living inside me, so you have to support me,'

'Believe me, if I get a chance to be somewhere else, I would gladly take that opportunity, most preferably Reed since he is so hot,'

'Well, at least I can agree with you on that,' I say.

"So, what now?" Kate asks.

"I have a good plan on throwing Noah off the building," I answer, looking at him. He looks at me with sad eyes, and I roll my eyes.

"Oh, come on, baby. I will protect you," Ava smiles, throwing her arms open, and Noah gladly accepts it. I roll my eyes.

"You love me too much to throw me," Noah says, pouting.

"Unfortunately," I say, pitying myself.

"Aww, I love you too," Noah grins, pulling me into a hug. I roll my eyes but hug him back.

"Yeah, we all established that we love each other. Let's eat," Luke sighs, pulling me from Noah.

"I am coming too," Reed says near my ear, and I jump.

"God, when did you get here?" I ask, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I am not god sparkle, but I am glad you see me as one," he says, smirking. I roll my eyes.

"How come you guys are not in a relationship? You confessed to each other," Adrian questions. I raise my eyebrow at Reed.

"I didn't ask her on a date, yet," Reed mumbles. Everyone gasps.

"You didn't ask her on a date?" Noah gasps again, and I nod my head vigorously.

"Reed, we have to talk" Noah, Luke and Andrew say simultaneously and look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"She is my best friend," Noah and Luke say.

"She is my sister," Andrew says. They look at each other and nod. All three of them huddle together and starts mumbling to themselves.

I hear words like bat, boxing gloves and waxing strips. I look at Reed, worried for his wellbeing, and his face looks pale. I chuckle at this whole scene.

"Don't worry, Reed. They are just kidding," Kate says, reassuring him, then we hear Noah mumble about a body size bag and a good hiding place.

"Or not. All the best," Kate wishes, patting him on the shoulder.

"Kate, comes on, we have to discuss how to kill him too if he hurts Kiara," Ava says, and Kate has a look of determination on her face, and she pulls Adrian along with her to talk.

"Why do I have to be here? I have to support my best friend," he groans, looking at Reed.

The look Kate gave made him shut up. He bows to Reed, silently apologising and goes with Kate. I cannot hold it anymore. I start laughing. I look at Reed, and his face makes me laugh more. I sit down, not able to stand because of how hard I am laughing. Reed glares at me, which throws me into another fit of laughter.

"Don't worry, sparking boy. I will protect you," I say, laughing harder.

Soon all of them finish their discussion and stand around Reed.

"Ok, so this is how it's going to go," Noah starts.

"Today, all the boys will talk with you," Luke says.

"Tomorrow, you will have a talk with us," Kate follows.

"Beware," Ava threatens, trying to look intimidating but failing miserably.

"Oh, Kiara. Don't laugh too much. You talk with me tomorrow," Adrian says. I open my mouth to protest. Instead, I nod, still laughing. It won't be fair if only Reed gets threatened. The day soon comes to an end. I reach home, and Andrew and I straight away get to work. We are making a poster, and I am making a scrapbook filled with all our memories. Andrew was chatting on and on about Kate, and a person can only bear so much and listening to my brother talk, about my best friend is not something that I want to tolerate.

"Andrew, I heard this quote one day that said, 'Silence is golden, and duct tape is silver,' if you don't shut up within the next five seconds, I will bring out the duct tape," I say calmly. He laughs but shuts up.

"Ok, listen, while we are on the topic of quotes, I have some funny, sarcastic ones," he says and opens his phone to read some.

"Two wrongs, don't make a right, take your parents as an example," I laugh. I can use it on anyone who messes with my friends.

"Tell me more," I urge him.

"Even people who are good for nothing can bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs," I chuckle.

"I love my life, but it just wants to be friends," True that, buddy.

"If I tell you that I miss you, will you go really far away?" Huh? Ohhh. I get it after a few seconds, and Andrew laughs at my confused face.

"Light travels fast than sound. That is why people appear bright until they open their mouths," Wow, Noah has a quote. The rest of the time goes by, and we finish everything up and hide the posters.

"I have never had so much fun in life," Andrew says. I smile.

"I don't think I ever told you this, but I love you," he smiles.

"I love you too, Andrew," I lean in.

"AHA, see, here is an eyelash come on-" We suddenly hear a loud noise, and I run out of the room to see an angry Reed running down the stairs, and he leaves the house. Nooo, did he see everything? It would have looked like I leaned in to kiss Andrew from outside. This cannot be happening. I run out of the house and see him turning the street on his motorcycle. I call him after fifteen minutes, but he cut my call.

Half an hour later, what I hear next, breaks me.

"Kiara, Reed got into an accident," Raven informs, panicking.

-make a wish,"


Hello. Kiara was living a fairytale life. Now reality starts. Let me know what you think. Remember Jesus loves you.

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