Secret Revealed

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This is the day that I am going to tell my friends that I am living with Reed

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This is the day that I am going to tell my friends that I am living with Reed. Saying that I am nervous would be an understatement. I am freaking out. What if they decide they don't want to be my friends anymore? What if they hate me for lying to them? What if...

Suddenly two arms catch my shoulder to stop my pacing. I look into Reed's beautiful brown eyes.

"Sparkle, pacing in the living room is not going to make you less nervous. Go take a shower and wait for your friends," he tells me and pushes me to my room.

I told my friends to come to her at 11 and gave them the address. It is currently 10:15, so I have time to shower. I grab a tie-dye hoodie and legging and head inside for a shower. After taking a shower, I come outside the bathroom and scream.


AHHHHHHHHHHH," Noah also screams when I scream. I give him a deadpan look.

"What? You startled me," he tells me with a shrug.

"What are you guys doing here at," I look at my clock, "10:40? You guys are early," I tell them.

"Well, we were curious because you never told us who you are living with," Kate tells me.

"So, can you please tell me why our school 'bad boy' opened the door for us?" Ava glares at me.

I silently curse Reed.

"Um, guys, have I ever told you how much I love you all, and that you are important to me and that I don't know what I will do if you guys will not be in my life any-"

"Cut to the chase Kiara," Noah tells me. Woah, I have never seen him more serious in my life.

Well, here it goes.

"IamlivingwithReed." I rush out. I mean, it's not like they haven't already guessed. Reed did open the door, after all. Luke raises his eyebrow, and I sigh.

"Guys, I am really sorry for keeping this from you. I am living with the Scott family. They are the host. So, I am living with Reed. He told me not to tell anyone because people might target me to get to him," I finish and look at them.

Kate and Ava look hurt, and Noah has a blank expression, and Luke is smiling. Wait. Smiling? This gives me hope that they are not really mad.

"He really cares about you, huh," Luke mumbles inaudibly, but I catch it since he is standing close to me.

"We are just hurt that you didn't tell us sooner, Kiara," Kate says.

"Yeah, we are best friends. We will not tell anyone," Ava smiles.

"Yeah, just don't get hurt," Noah smiles.

"I actually guessed," Luke tells me with a knowing smile.

"Thank you, for not being mad and giving me another chance," I tell them and pull Kate and Ava in a hug which turns into a group hug when Luke and Noah join.

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