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I wake up to bright sunlight entering my room

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I wake up to bright sunlight entering my room. Why has my alarm not gone off yet? The sleep I am getting is really suspicious. I take a look at my clock and see it's thirty minutes past six.

Ah. I can sleep some more. I doze off again.

'Don't you think it's quite unusual to be this bright at six-thirty in the morning?' I hear winter's sleepy voice.

'It's too early to hear your voice. Let me sleep,' I cover my ears with my pillow.

'I can say the same about you but, I think the clock is not working because the sun is too bright to be this early in the morning,'

'Fine, stop nagging. I will check my phone,' I roll over my bed and accidentally fall.

I open my phone to see that the time is 8:10. I rub my eyes thoroughly to see if I am mistaken. But the time still shows 8:10. School starts at 8.

"AHHHHH, I am terribly late," I shriek, trying to stand up. My legs get tangled in my blanket, and I fall again.

"Could this day get any worse?" Turns out I was wrong. This day got worse. My body wash got over, I did not iron my outfit, and I fell two more times.

"Keith, I will kill you later," I say to my brother, who is grinning at me and happily eating his cereal.

"Don't you want any breakfast? Skipping breakfast is bad for health, baby sis," he teases me.

"Fudge you," I answer back. I reach school within five minutes.

"Kiara, please give these books to your English teacher," my math teacher stops my running. I jog in the same place while receiving the books. I start running again.

"KIARA," I turn and find Luke running up to me. He places a piece of toast in my mouth.

"You will get sick if you don't eat breakfast," I am glad to have a friend like him. NOW, is not the time, Kiara. I thank Luke and head to class. I push open the door with my leg.

"I am glad you could join us, Ms Tennyson," my English teacher says sarcastically.

"I would like to say you are fashionably late but, given your outfit, I wouldn't dare," she mocks me. The Whole class snickers. I am wearing an oversized tee and legging. My hair is up in a messy ponytail.

"I'm sowwy, mam. Ts wnt happen again," I say with the toast still in my mouth. She raises her eyebrow. I give her the books and take the toast from my mouth.

"I am sorry, mam. My brother switched off my alarm clock. This won't happen again," I apologize to her.

"You can write a poem about being late since you are named, after a poet, after all, Ms Tennyson," she smiles sweetly. I nod and take a seat beside Kate.

"Don't say a word" I warn her, and she giggles.

"I hate him. I hate him. Why? why is he, my brother?" I vent to Andrew, eating lunch. He chuckles.

"But he did call me to give you breakfast," Luke informs me.

"Where did you get that toast from, and how did you leave class?" I ask him.

"A magician never reveals his secret, Kiara" he smirks.

"Yeah, a magician who was chasing the chicken this morning for his sock," Kate intervenes.

"Chicken?" I question, snickering.

"Don't ask," Kate shakes her head.

"By the way, where is Reed? I haven't seen him since lunch started," I ask Andrew.

"He said he had to do something important," he says, not meeting my eyes. School comes to an end, and I go home ready to kill my brother.

"Don't blame me if the poem is not good," Keith tells me, rubbing the spot on his head where I hit him. I chased him around the house after I reached home, and now I am making him write the poem.

"It's your fault that I woke up late," I scold him, and he grins. I hit him on the head again.

"Finish the poem. I need it before I go to sleep," I warn him.

An hour later, Reed comes to my room all dressed up.

"What are you all dressed up for?" I question him.

"You also get ready. I am taking you for dinner," he informs, kissing me. I smile and get ready. I wear a white off-shoulder top, pair it with a black jean skirt, and tie my hair in a half pony and meet Reed downstairs.

"You look beautiful as always," he compliments, pecking me. I thank him, and he takes me to the same place where we had our first date.

It is again beautifully decorated. We enjoy our date. Reed plays some music and asks me to dance with him.

We dance for some time, and I look to see all my friends and Andrew and Adrian wearing similar white t-shirts.

They all turn their backs to me. On the back of their shirt were different letters.

PROM? Adrian had a question mark, and Andrew had a big heart on his t-shirt.

"Will you go to prom with me, Ms Kiara Tennyson?" I notice Reed with a bouquet.

"Yes," I say, smiling wildly. All my friends cheer, and Reed kisses me after handing me the bouquet.

"Took you long enough,"

"Since it's your first prom, I wanted to make it special for you and extravagantly ask you. But in the end, I couldn't come up with anything else," he smiles apologetically.

"This is plenty enough, Reed. I am happy that you asked me. You could have just given me a rose and asked me, and I would have happily said yes," I reassure him.

"I love you, sparkle,"

"I love you too, Reed," I kiss him.

"You guys can kiss later. I need food," Noah whines, pulling me along with him. I chuckle.

My first ever school dance with the guy I love. What could go wrong?


Everything always goes wrong when you say what could go wrong. What do you think is going to happen. Remember Jesus loves you.

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