First game

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"KIARAAA," Ava shouts, running towards me, and a few people look at her weirdly

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"KIARAAA," Ava shouts, running towards me, and a few people look at her weirdly. I motion towards Ava and me and say, "she is not my friend, and I don't know her," to the students.

She comes over to me and smacks my head while shouting, "Don't believe her, she is my best friend". I glare at her while I rub my head.

"Kiara, we have our last football match this Friday, and you are coming," Ava says enthusiastically. Oh yeah, our junior year is coming to an end, then we have our summer vacation. I might go back to India to meet everyone.

"I have to ask my host. I will ask them and let you know," I inform Ava.

"Fine, so on Saturday morning, we are all going to Kate's house, and if you want, I can pick you up," she tells me.

Oh no, if she picks me up, I will have to give her my address and then she will know that I am living with Reed, and it will be a problem.

"No, that is completely and utterly fine. You give me the address, and I will come there," I deny the offer.

"Well, ok, you ask them and let me know," she informs, and we head over to class.

It's lunch, and I get two burgers, fries and two juice bottles and head over to the bench under the tree and wait for Andrew. He appears a few minutes later, and we start talking and eating our food. I look inside to see Kate looking at us, and she gives me a wave. She looks at Andrew and smiles, and his cheeks turn pink.

HOLY, he has a crush on her. I look at Andrew and wiggle my eyebrows with a grin.

"So, when did this happen?" I question, bumping his shoulder.

"I don't know what are you talking about." he plays it off.

"Andrew," I warn him.

"Fine, during freshman year, Victoria and her gang were harassing me when Kate saw that she stood up for me and tended to my wounds, and I find her really pretty, so yeah," he trails off.

"So, you have had a crush on her for two years, and you didn't make a move?" I question, looking at him incredulously.

"Kiara, look at me. I am a broken boy. I can't give her the happiness she deserves, and she doesn't even like me that way." Andrew is good looking with dark black hair and innocent boyish features.

"Andrew, that one thought is more than enough, you will give the world to her if she becomes yours, and you don't know if she feels the same way or not," I assure him.

"Yeah, I would rather see her happy with someone else than being stuck with a broken person like me," he finishes.

"Are you coming to the game on Friday?" I ask him, changing the topic

"Nope, I have to work that day," he informs me, and I nod.

Soon lunch is over, and the day comes to an end pretty soon after that.

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