First Date

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It's been a week since Reed got released from the hospital

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It's been a week since Reed got released from the hospital. Everything has been going good. Now I am with Ryder watching, The Conjuring.

"Why do all these people go inside the room when they know something is wrong? They can see there are ghosts," Ryder mumbles.

"Beleive me. When you hear sounds weird and strange noises, you automatically go and check what it is. It was two years ago, and it was midnight, and I was reading a book when I heard unusual sounds. Any sane person would hide under the blanket. But me being me, I went to check what it was, shaking the whole way," he chuckles.

"Do you know what I saw?" I whisper, and he shakes his head.

"Ducks in the kitchen," I shout, making him scream and laugh.

"Ducks?" he asks in between chuckles.

"Yeah, somehow they came to my house from our neighbour's house," I shrug. Raven comes, bringing us snacks.

"Kiara here," she says, handing me a piece of paper and my favourite candy. I look at her, and she motions me to open it. I open it and instantly recognize Reed's handwriting.

'Go to the place I told you my past,' I read, and a smile appears on my face. Raven motions me to go. I go to the swimming pool and find a box gift wrapped with a note on top of it.

'I love how you were so understanding when I told you about me. Thank you for not judging me. Go to the new room in our house,'

New room? Andrew's room. I carry the box and the note and head upstairs. I enter his room. Andrew notices me and gives me a box from under his bed with a note and a rose.

'I love how you stand up for others even if it means harm to you. Go to the place where you have your baby' My car. I thank Andrew, and he winks at me, wishing me luck. I carry the boxes with some struggle and head to the garage. I look inside my car, and my mouth hangs open. The inside of my car is beautifully decorated, with roses and chocolates. My car smells heavenly. I see a teddy bear with another note in the driver's seat.

'I love how you love me more than your car,' I snort. As if.

'Go to the place where I declared my undying love for you,' My cheeks hurt from smiling. I go to his room.

I see Reed kneeling on one knee with a pizza box in his hands. The room is wonderfully decorated, with balloons and heart-shaped decorations in sparkling colours. On the wall, eight simple words are printed in rose petals.

'Will you go on a date with me?'

"Sparkle, I love you. I knew it the moment I met you. I am sorry it took so long. Will you go on a date with me and say yes to being my girlfriend after the date?" he asks nervously. I chuckle.

"Yes, Reed," I say, and his face lights up. He gets up and helps me with the boxes, and immediately catches my lips in a kiss. I show him through the kiss how happy I am that he has done so much just to ask me on a date. But I will never forget it as long as I live.

"Come on. Let's keep this stuff in your room and have a movie date," Reed suggests, taking all the boxes. I carry my teddy bear, my rose, and my favourite candy and follow him.

I enter the room and hear people shouting congratulations and find Andrew, Ryder, and Raven. I smile and thank them.

"Reed, just because I gave you permission to ask my sister on a date doesn't mean you are off the hook," Andrew warns him. I look at Reed in shock. He asked permission from Andrew. Keith told me that tomorrow is a big day, but he wouldn't tell me why. Reed asked permission from Keith too.

"You asked permission from Keith too, right?" I question him.

"Not only from Keith but also from all your best friends and Raven and Blake too," Andrew confirms. I look at him in wonder.

"Since all of them are important to you, I figured I would ask them for extra measure," Reed says, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks turning pink. The love I feel towards him cannot compare to anything else right now. We talk for some more time, and Reed and I go to his room to have a movie date. Raven warned me to come to her three hours before the date so that she can, 'Turn me into a princess,' Her words, not mine.

We start watching a movie, eating pizza and candy. Halfway through the movie, I get a face time request from Luke.

"Kiara, congrats," my best friends squeal. I laugh, looking at all my friends. They are covered in paint.

"Why are you guys covered in paint?" I question.

"Kate wanted help to make her boyfriend his birthday gift, and we had nothing better to do so, we helped her," Luke says. Yeah, I forgot to tell you guys. Andrew and Kate are dating now.

"So, how did it go?" Noah asks Reed who is beside him.

"Perfect, and she said yes," Reed grins.

"We still didn't talk with you," Luke says, narrowing his eyes at Reed, and he nervously chuckles.

I get why he is nervous. The other day Reed caught Andrew, Luke, and Noah carrying Andrew's signature bat, a body bag, and a shovel. To say Reed is traumatized would be an understatement.

The poor boy was shaking. The bad boy personality does not work on my friends. My friends, take turns threatening and teasing him and soon it was time to get ready. My first date. 


Finally, Reed asked her on a date. Remember Jesus loves you.

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