First Kiss

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It's New Year's eve, and currently, I am on a facetime call with my friends

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It's New Year's eve, and currently, I am on a facetime call with my friends.

"So guys, how was your Christmas dinner with Keith?" I ask them with a smirk.

Anna's cheeks go pink just like I expected. Anna has had a crush on him forever. She thinks that I don't know. But I found out a couple of years ago when Anna acted all shy and strange in his presence. Whenever they are together, you can see a faint tint of pink on her cheeks.

I don't think Div has noticed it yet.

"Why are you blushing, Anna?" Div asks with a smirk.

.... okay, she knows.

"What I... I blushing are." Anna stutters, and I mentally facepalm. Nice save, Anna.

Looks like we are gonna talk about my best friend's crush.

"You like him, Anna."

"But I don'.."

"Don't even think about lying." I cut her off.

"Yeah, Anna. We know about your crush on Keith, so spill the beans." Divya tells her.

She sighs, "Fine. What do you guys wanna know?"

"Tell me, how did it start?" I question.

"Fine, you guys remember Kiara's birthday party four years ago?" She asks.

We both nod, and she continues.

"Well, when Div, you took Kiara to your house to distract her so we can decorate the house. I fell from the ladder and sprained my ankle, and I didn't tell anyone. Keith found out since he saw me limping and made me sit down and gave me some ice. He applied some nonswelling cream and did all the work himself. He took such good care of me." Anna completes with a smile. I did remember Anna limping during my birthday party.

"Then what happened?" Divya questions eagerly.

"Well, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was confused about my feelings. One day I was walking to class and, I saw some senior boys harassing and teasing a girl. And Keith saw it and saved that girl. He fought with the boys and also got in trouble. That day I realized that he respects women. Which is pretty hard to find in men these days. So that day, I knew I liked him." Anna finishes. I remember that day Keith came with bruises all over his face.

"So you have been crushing on my brother for four years?" I ask her, and she nods.

"So, you are not angry?" Anna nervously asks me.

"No, Anna. I am not, but instead, I am happy that it is you," I tell her with a smile.

"Phew... I thought you were gonna kill me."

"Let's save the killing part for later," I tell her with a smile

"You are so.." she starts.

"Amazing." I finish.

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