Not Again

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"- got into a serious accident, and is admitted to the hospital," my heart stops for a moment, and I drop the phone

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"- got into a serious accident, and is admitted to the hospital," my heart stops for a moment, and I drop the phone. Raven rushes towards me, and she picks the phone and answers it.

"Yes, we will be there as soon as possible,"

"Come on, Kiara. Everything is going to be fine," she assures, pulling me into a hug. My mind is blank, and my heart is numb. I can't cry.

Everything that happened after that is a blur. I remember Raven, Reed, and I drove towards the hospital. Reed had me on his lap, and he was mumbling reassuring words to me.

"He is currently in the ICU, and the doctors are trying their best. We will know about his condition after the surgery,"

"How?" I question the nurse.

"A truck went out of control and came at full speed and hit the passenger side. The driver only sustained a few injuries and nothing major,"

Three times I had to hear about people close to me getting into an accident. Finally, the tears start falling. I start sobbing uncontrollably. I don't think I have any mental strength or physical strength left to endure this pain.

An hour later, the doctor comes out of the emergency room.

"He is doing fine for now. He will not be able to move his right side, but he did not sustain any injuries to the brain. He did lose a lot of blood, though. After some rehabilitation, he should be able to use his right side. The surgery was a success. We removed all the glass pieces that entered his body. You can rest easy now," I finally breathe after the doctor's words.

He is not leaving me. I smile through the tears.

"The anaesthesia should wear off in about three hours, you can see him then," My knees give out, and I sit down on the floor feeling relieved. Raven gives me a reassuring hug and sends Reed to get some food.

I finally take a look at my phone and see 27 missed calls from Anna. I silently curse.

"Kiara, how is he?" I can hear her crying voice.

"Anna, calm down, deep breaths. He is doing fine, don't worry," I hear her sharp intake of breath.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Why didn't you pick up?"

"I am sorry, Anna. The phone was on silent" I apologize.

"How did you know?" I question.

"He was on a call with me, and I heard glass shattering, and then the call was cut," she answers me.

"I am so sorry, Anna" I apologize again. It must have been terrible for her. To be on a call with your boyfriend and hear glass shattering. I would have died.

"Anna, I will take care of him. Don't worry. I will call and let you know after he wakes up." I console her and cut the call.

Reed comes back with food and four additional human beings. My friends.

"Kiara, are you all right. We heard you were in the hospital and rushed here," Kate says in a panicked voice.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I question, confused.

"Because Reed said you were in the hospi-"

"If you would have let me finish, I would have told that it is her brother admitted to the hospital. Noah cut the call before I could finish," Reed interrupts Kate.

"Yeah, sorry," Noah smiles sheepishly.

"That is something Noah would do," I chuckle while Ava hits her boyfriend.

"How is he?" Luke questions taking a seat beside me.

"The doctors informed me that he is doing fine," My friends stay with me for an hour and then leave. Andrew is home taking care of Ryder.

"He is awake, and you may go see him now," the nurse informs us after an hour. I stand up and look at Raven, and she shakes her head, telling me to go alone for now.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I see Kei tied with all the wires, and he has an oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose.

"Hey, baby sis," he greets once he sees me. I start crying happy tears. I take a seat beside his bed.

"Hey, Kei. How are you feeling?"

'Kiara, that is the question you ask? He has been in an accident, and he feels terrible,'

'Will you shut up?'

'But I am glad he is fine. You don't deserve something like this happening to you,'

'Wait, did you just feel bad for me' I ask winter, shocked. Silence, no answer.


"I feel like I got hit by a truck," he tries to joke, and I give him a deadpan look.

"Sorry," he apologizes. I shake my head with a chuckle.

"But I am glad that you are okay. I don't know what I would have done if you left me too," I say, trying not to cry.

"Hey, I am not leaving anytime soon. I still need to say embarrassing stories about your childhood to your future husband and children," He says, wiggling his eyebrows. I chuckle, feeling happy that my brother is alright.

"Don't worry, Kiara. I am not going anywhere,"

"Did you inform Anna?" he questions.

"Yeah, I told her that you are doing good," I answer.

"Don't tell her about my right side being paralyzed. She will be worried,"

"Don't worry. It's not as if you are going to be paralyzed for your whole life," I say, cheerfully trying to make him feel better. He chuckles.

"Plus, I need my partner in a prank with me," I wink. We speak like that for five more minutes, and a couple of nurses come in to check his vitals, and they shift him from the emergency room to a normal ward. I stay with him till he falls asleep. I come outside the room and meet with Raven, who is crying.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I question.

"K- Kiara, it's Andrew. H.. he fainted, and is admitted here,"


The author hides behind a chair.

Sorry. I know I am cruel. Forgive me. Let me know what you think. Remember Jesus loves you.

The author comes out and runs away from her readers.

Author 😍

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