Christmas Eve

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Andrew in the picture

Finally, it's Christmas Eve

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Finally, it's Christmas Eve. This past week I spent time with the family learning more about them. Reed is not acting cold to me anymore. He makes small talk here and there. I would not call us friends yet but, it is progress. I also spend a lot of time with Ryder. We watch horror movies, I play sports with him, and sometimes Reed joins us.

I will meet Andrew again today when I go to church. I can't wait to give him the presents I got for him. But I am also scared. What if he doesn't accept? What if he thinks that I am doing it out of pity? I am doing it because I have been through what he is going through. But, I at least had Keith, but he has a stepfather who hates him.

I take a shower and straighten my hair. I wear a hoodie and legging.

I go downstairs, and a beautiful aroma fills my senses pancakes. Yum. I greet everyone and take a seat beside Ryder. I ruffle his hair a bit, he swats my hands and glares at me. I put my hands up in surrender while he fixes his hair. I really don't know what's up with boys and hair. Raven sets a plate full of pancakes. I shower it with syrup and start digging in.

I finish breakfast, and help Raven with the dishes and go to my room to wrap the rest of the present, including Andrew's. Soon it's time for church, and I wear a pink full-sleeved top with black jeans and pair it up with brown boots. I also take a jacket with me just in case it gets too cold.

I take my present for Andrew. I bought him a proper set of winter clothes with gloves and a beanie. Also, a pair of good sneakers. I also got him a cool backpack for school.

I go downstairs and find Raven waiting for me with hands full of food. We both head to the church, and before I get down, Raven stops me.

"Give this to Andrew Kia. It's just food and some sweets." She tells me with a smile.

I take it with a nod and ask Raven to meet me here after an hour. I go inside, and it's filled, as parents or relatives are here to see their children sing, as a choir is placed in the front that is currently singing Silent Night.

I look around for Andrew and find him in his usual place I go and sit near his, and his body stiffens. I let out a quiet sigh. I see John, and we lock eyes. He sees me sitting with Andrew and shakes his head, giving me a disapproving look. I simply smile at him and look away. After some time, the choir finishes with their last song, 'We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year' and people start leaving. I do a small prayer for my family and also for Andrew.

I look at Andrew, and he is silent with his eyes closed. I take my present for him and place it in his lap. His eyes fly open, and he looks at the present and then finally looks at me. This is the first time I am looking at him properly. He has black hair with black eyes and a scar that runs from his left eye to his lips.

"Hey Andrew, Merry Christmas." I greet him with a smile. When he doesn't say anything, I continue.

"My name is Kiara Tennyson. It's nice to meet you." he doesn't say anything. Instead, he takes the present from his lap and hands it back to me and gets up to leave. I instantly catch his wrists to stop him from leaving. He looks taken back, and I let go of his hand.

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