Oh No

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I look at the clock and see there are five more minutes before school

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I look at the clock and see there are five more minutes before school. I am fidgeting in my seat right now because Andrew is home alone. I woke up this morning, and he was running a high fever. Thank God Raven will not be home today, but still, I have a bad feeling about this.

Bell rings, and I dash out of the door only to be stopped by someone. I see Luke and all my friends looking at me, and Luke is holding my wrist.

"Woah, slow down, buddy," Noah teases, and I roll my eyes.

"Guys, I don't have time for this. Andrew is home alone, and he is sick. I want to check on him and also make sure he is not roaming around the house,"

"Do you want us to come?" Ava offers.

"It's okay, guys. I will see you tomorrow," I decline and run to the parking lot. People still gossip about me. Girls always give me a death glare, and I have had nearly ten boys ask me out on a date, juniors too. They don't gossip to my face because Reed used his bad-boy powers on them.

I drive as fast as I can. I see Reed coming out of his car. I also park and get out, and we go in together. I enter the living room and see Andrew is sitting on the couch and he is drinking soup. I sigh in relief. He is fine.


Reed is frozen, beside me and I freeze when Raven comes in carrying another bowl of soup. Can someone teach me how to breathe? I suddenly cannot remember.

"Hello, Kiara, we were patiently awaiting your arrival," Raven says sweetly. I gulp. I was so worried about Andrew I didn't even see Raven's car beside Reed's.

"You know, something really weird happened today. I finished work early today, and I came home to see someone going through the pantry. I had a bat in my hand, ready to knock down the intruder, and I find, dear Andrew here," She does not seem angry that is good, right?

"I was waiting for you to come and explain what Andrew is doing here,"

"Raven, I am sorry I didn't me-" I start to explain, but Raven interrupts me.

"Are you guys secretly lovers or something?" she gasps.

"EW, Andrew is like a brother to me,"

"EW, Kiara is like a sister to me,"

We both reply at the same time. I hear Reed sigh in relief. I completely forgot he was here. Why did he sigh?

"I am glad we came to that understanding," I say sarcastically, and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, you guys are not lovers, so explain now," I look at Andrew, and he nods his head telling me it is fine.

So, Andrew starts explaining everything to Raven. His abuse, how I saved him, and how I refused to leave him in a hotel. He didn't leave any detail. He also showed his bruises to her.

By the end, Raven starts crying, and she hugs Andrew. Andrew smiles. He is getting a motherly hug from Raven. I look at Reed, his face full of guilt. He could have stopped the bullying. I understand how he feels. I place my hand on his face and give him a small smile. He smiles back and leans into my hand.

"So, Kiara, you thought it would be a great idea to hide him in your room?" Raven asks me. I chuckle nervously.

"Andrew, I already prepared the guest room. You can move in there. I don't appreciate you staying in her room even though you are like siblings," she tells him with a warm smile.

My face lights up. I squeal and run to hug Raven. I say thank you a thousand times, and she laughs. This time Andrew starts crying, telling thank you to Raven, and she apologizes to him for not doing anything sooner.

"Well, I still have some work pending in your room," Raven informs Andrew and goes upstairs.

"Andrew, you idiot, what made you think it was a good idea to roam the house?" I scold him.

"I was hungry, okay. You will murder me if I touch your candy. I was feeling a bit fine since my temperature went down," I sigh in relief.

"Ow ow woman, no violence," Andrew tells me when I hit him continuously on his arm. I am very relieved that Andrew is fine and he has a home now. We hear a chuckle and look at Reed, who is laughing. We soon start laughing, along with him.

"Welcome home, man," Reed greets Andrew. Andrew smiles. Ha, looks like Andrew is not afraid of the bad boy. The rest of the day, I help Andrew move into his new room. Ryder was happy when he saw Andrew. Looks like they share a lot of the same interests. Aerial and Blake were very welcoming too.

After dinner, we all play, in the pool, and Andrew seemed like he had so much fun. Finally, things are falling in place.


Hello everyone. Hope you are doing good. Remember Jesus loves you.

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