Breaking his walls

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School is finally over

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School is finally over. The last few days have been hectic with exams and all. Today is the last day of me being a junior. I am currently waiting for my friends at the parking lot.

"Hey, Kiara," Luke greets me.

"Hey, Luke," I greet him back, and soon Ava, Kate, and Noah join us.

"So, guys, what are you doing this summer," Ava asks everyone.

"I forgot to tell you guys. I am going back to India," I tell them excited.

"What? But, we were all going to go to my beach house and spend the summer vacation," Noah tells me with a pout.

"When are you leaving?" Luke asks me

"Tomorrow," I tell him.

"I planned a whole week of shopping for three of us for swimsuits and beach items," Kate tells me.

My eyes widen. Me and shopping. Oh please. I am not a girl who likes shopping. For six months I went shopping twice, and that was last year for Christmas.

Ava chuckles, looking at my expression.

"Kiara, how can you do this to me. You are leaving me with the shopping devil," Ava cries out, and I play along.

"I am so sorry, Ava, that I cannot be there for you. I will pray that you come back to me in one piece," I cry, hugging Ava.

Kate huffs and jumps on my back, and we all start laughing.

"But seriously, we are going to miss you," Luke sulks.

"I will miss you guys too," I tell him and go for a hug.

"Bye, guys," I wave them goodbye.

"Bye, Kiara, and stay in contact," Kate warns me.

"Love You,"

"Love you guys," I wave one last time and head to the park.

The park looks so calm. The leaves are all shaking due to the wind, and kids are playing. A boy falls, and his mother rushes to him and soothes the crying boy. She gives him chocolate, and he stops crying and hugs his mom.

I feel hands touch my cheek and I jump, startled. I look at the pair of brown eyes that I have come to love. His eyes are full of concern, and he holds my face with both of his hands and wipes my tears.

"You have me and Ryder and mom and dad and your brother, your best friends sparkle. I will never leave you, and that is a promise," he tells me with a small smile. He puts his arm around my waist and hugs me. I hug him back. The same boy who hated me six months ago has become a crucial person in my life.

We head home, and I go straight to my room and start packing for my flight tomorrow since my idiot of a brother did not tell me until yesterday that I was going back to India. Yesterday he called me and told me. Imagine my shock. Keith also told raven not to inform me.

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