Thank You

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First of all, thank you for reading my book. I am so happy that you chose to give my book a try. Kiara Tennyson is a character that I created from my fantasies. She lived a life that I wanted to live. But with a different ending.

I had another ending planned, a happy one. But this quarantine taught me a lot of things. People will promise a lot of things but they are just words. People will come into our life; some will make us happy and some will make us strong by breaking us. I learned the hard way that life is not a fairytale. I woke up to reality each day. The only place I could escape was writing this book.

I laughed along with the characters. I cried with them. I wanted to throw my phone from second-hand embarrassment, but I would not have been able to write the story if I broke it so I refrained from doing that.

I wanted to tell my readers the same thing that I learned so I made Kiara go through all that pain of losing her brother and her first love. Love sucks.

Anyway, let me know if you have any questions regarding this story and anyone's POV that you would like to read. If the ending was too painful let me know so that to soothe your hearts I can post an alternative ending where she lives a happy life.

 I also want to know how you would have ended the story or how you think it was going to end. Thanks again for listening to my rambling. I just now finished the last chapter so I had to share my pain with someone. Hehe, I am evil. Sorry for that. Thanks again for reading my book. I love you all. Remember God loves you.

Let me know what you think about this book in the comments. Reading your comments makes me so happy.

Until next time. Goodbye. Sayonara.

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