Ivan: Going Through Motions

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        He was pale. Deadly pale.

        He was breathing and that made me a bit calm.

        But I couldn't be happy because I knew that a Werewolf did this to him. How could I be so stupid and to let him be by himself when Werewolves are coming after me? Enzo was right. Alpha Norixx was coming after me and the people I love, but this couldn't be him. Why? Enzo told me a Rogue did this. I don't know who I pissed off the wrong Werewolf but I sure as hell knew they would pay for this. Nobody is going to hurt Jayden ever again.

               I didn't have the energy to go outside and find the bastard who almost killed my best friend.

        Everything in me was telling me to stay here and hold my best friend's hand tight, tight enough that it would break. My parents and Nicki doesn't know about Jayden's accident. Hopefully they don't find out. I wanted to be the one to find the Rogue. I wanted to be the one to see him die in my eyes. That stupid Rogue will fucking pay.

        "Ivan..." I snapped my head up to see Enzo watching me with worried and sad eyes. "A few of my members cooked food, do you want some?"

        I shook my head. "No thank you."

        Enzo sighed. "Ivan, it's been three hours. You should eat something."

        "I should stay here. I need to stay here,"


        "Please?" I begged.

        Enzo's eyes softened at my voice and he sighed deeply. He nodded and closed the door behind him. I turned my attention back to Jayden and heard the sound of his heart beat.

        I leaned my head on the side of the bed and closed my eyes, taking in a shaky breath and hold it, swallowing the big lump that was forming in my throat. I squeezed his hand and I heard his heart beat a bit faster. That almost made me smile. I knew Jayden was alive. He's not going to die in front of me.

        He cannot die. 


        The door slammed opened and Enzo and another guy came in with their arms crossed over their shoulders and their eyes hard as a rock. I sighed tiredly, not fond of their tough act. If they were trying to make me smile or laugh, they have to try harder than that.

        "Ivan, we understand your best friend is under a serious condition, but you need sleep, eat, and a shower," Enzo told me.

        "And we need to find the person who did this? Do you want to find the Werewolf?" The guy asked. I raised my head with curiosity burning in my eyes but Enzo looked a bit angry and shocked.

        "Yeah...yeah, I do," I mumbled.

        "Then take a shower, eat, and we will talk about the Rogue. Take your time," the man said softly but his eyes were still hard. I nodded, not really listening that much, and got up, walking out of the room. My mind was set on finding the Rogue who did this. I heard foosteps behind me and looked over my shoulder to see Enzo walking behind me.

        "Well, I can't let you go by yourself. You don't know this place," he said teasingly.

        I didn't crack a smile.

        We made it upstairs and to a small room that had one window, a Queen size bed with pale blue blankets, clean desk, and another door near the front door.

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