Enzo: Dear Friend

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"I forbid you from leaving."

"I have to go, Alpha. I'm sorry but in order for me to keep Vlad from hurting anyone, I must with him at all times."

"He should be dead by now."

"If he dies, I die with him."

I stared at her, deep and long, searching for a lie for her statement. But there was none. Her chin was up, her hair out of her face, and her lips in a straight line, telling me she was dead serious. I shook my head, not believing what was happening. Vlad was supposed to be dead, not cuddled up with Corianne by her side and his wounds cleaned. I was outraged, completely disagreeing with Corianne decision. I wouldn't let her near a monster. My arms were crossed over my chest, my glare burning through Vlad's skull.

"He should be dead, Corianne. He caused too much war between his and our pack. I don't want us mingling," I said.

"You didn't want Omegas mingling with anyone, Enzo," she snapped. I sighed. That was true. I had no idea Omegas could have a mate since they were low statues in the Werewolf clan but with Luka and Corianne, they found their mates and they were willing to do anything for them.

"I can't accept this relationship, Corianne. What happens you get hurt? How would Zev and I know your not dying in an alley because of this fool?" I asked, disgusted by everything. I wasn't disgusted by her but I was disgusted by the way she was protecting his acts.

Corianne sighed and her eyes went to her left. Ivan was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed and his bloody hands on his lap. He was resting after the scene that happened. I didn't stop him because I wanted Vlad dead.

"I find it stupid, Corianne," he mumbled.

"Wouldn't you do anything for Enzo? Wouldn't you change for him if someone threatened him?" Corianne asked.

I grimaced when Ivan opened his eyes. His eyes weren't the beautiful blue that I usually see. It was black and red, mostly black, and that meant his True Alpha was coming out.

"Of course, not because of the bonding, but because I don't want anyone I love to get hurt. I had enough people leave or die because of me, and if you think you're leaving, think again," he confessed.

"You are not my Alpha, Ivan-"

"Damn right he's not but you're not leaving everything just for him! He killed people, Corianne, and no one gets away with that!" I roared. Corianne bowed her head in submission and she let out a few whimpers. I growled in frustration and walked towards Corianne.

I placed my finger her chin and tilt her head up. "Chin up, friend," I said softly.

She gave me a lopsided grin and proceed to caress Vlad's bruised face. I hated seeing her unhappy. She did nothing but clean, cook, and take care of the pack house. Now, she has her mate and I forbid her from leaving because of her horrible mate. But the way she stared at him was the same way I stared at Ivan. It was almost as if he was her whole world, he was precious, a treasure that she cherished.

My brain was telling me that she was a foolish woman, but my heart was telling me she could change him, like how I changed because of Ivan. I felt my heart squeeze, my stomach sinking, and my brain screaming at me.

"Okay," I said.

Corianne looked up, her eyes shining with hope. "Alpha?"

"I said, okay," I snapped. Corianne nodded, a big smile on her face. She slowly moved away from Vlad and gave me a bone crushing hug. I let my arms hang down on my sides but I couldn't help but wrap them around her. This wasn't going to be the last time I would see her. She wasn't going to die, she can't because she is so damn strong.

"I'm going to miss you," I whispered.

"I'm going to miss you, Alphas," she whispered back.

I let go of her and watched her grab an unconscious Vlad, pulling his arm over her shoulder and lifting him up. I sighed, tired and annoyed that I had to help the killer. I grabbed his arm and out his arm over my shoulders, dragging his lazy ass out of the office. As we walked out, a few of Vlad's men glared at us, mostly at Corianne because she was an Omega that was near an Alpha.

"Get that bitch off our Alpha," one of them growled. I sighed through my nose, trying to calm myself down, but that word bitch sent that word to my heart. Not only that, it was towards Corianne. I gently let go of Vlad and grabbed the man's collar, growling at his ugly face.

"If you ever call your Luna a bitch, I will put my foot so far down your throat, you'll taste my leather boot. Respect her or we will find you," I barked and pushed him away from my face. The look on his face was priceless though.

"That all goes for the Savage Pack and the Blood Horizon. You will never ever disrespect Luna Corianne or so help me God, I'll let Ivan tear your apart," I threatened, gritting my teeth for more effect. They all nodded like the wusses they are. I looked back at Corianne and watched her eyes shimmer with happiness and astonishment.

"Make us proud, young Luna," I said calmly. Inside, I was breaking. I couldn't stand Corianne leaving because she was the main maid that kept everyone organized and now she was gone. I wished I had listened to her earlier, or at least had a conversation to get to know her more.

She nodded and walked out of the house with Vlad's men behind her. She stopped in the middle of the house and turned around, gently pushing Vlad to one of his men, and rushing back inside the house.

She crashed into Ivan, nuzzling her face on the crook of his neck. He stumbled back, shock written on his face. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her scent. The moment didn't last long. She pulled away and stared in his eyes for a few seconds before kissing his cheek softly. I wasn't jealous of the small contact because they were only friends.

"Thank you for everything, Ivan," she thanked him and bowed. Before he could utter a word, she speed off into the woods.

The door slammed closed.

CI blinked back the tears, a hole in my chest that was empty and hollow. I looked at Ivan and he was stiff as a board.

"I never told her how proud I am..." He trailed.

I put an arm around his shoulders and kissed his forehead. "She knows, she knows."

"Hey," I looked over my shoulder and saw Luka with a puzzled look. "Where's Corianne? I can't find her."

"Luka, she left."

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