Enzo: All Choked Up

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I could see a bruise and a few teeth marks on Ivan's neck. His blue eyes showed pain and fear, something that caused my heart to break. The only time I've seen Ivan like this was when he saw Nicki, Alexander, and Sindy being captured by Vlad and Sindy being killed in front of him. What did they do to him? Why was he afraid? 

I couldn't question him right now since Vlad sprinted out the room, leaving Jayden behind. It looked like Jayden didn't care since he was holding a bloody knife and growling at us. I held him tighter, not wanting Jayden to hurt Ivan anymore he should have. Jayden was going to rush towards us, when he landed on the ground, dropping the knife. Corianne groaned and rubbed her knuckles on the wall. 

"Wow, that really hurt! Why do people punch others if it hurts?" Corianne exclaimed. 

"So they can feel your pain when you punch them," I blurted. Her eyes flashed with understanding. I looked back at Ivan who was staring at me with disbelief. I cleared my throat and looked at Ivan's mother. She was being carried by Luka who had blood on his forehead and mouth. 

"Why are you here, Luka?" Ivan asked. Luka sighed tiredly and walked out of the room. I frowned when Luka didn't answer Ivan's question. I knew Ivan was hurting inside when Luka wasn't talking to him but it was their issue that they had to fix. 

"The Savage Pack had left the building. They went South but we smell them East. We will be following and strike midnight, Alpha Enzo," Rico announced. I nodded and walked out of the room with my team behind me. 

"Will my mom be all right?" Ivan said once we got outside. I placed my hand on Ivan's head and placed it on my shoulder. I didn't want him to see the massacre around us. There was so much blood, I was surprised the building wasn't painted red. 

I caressed Ivan's cheek as he went rigid on me. He looked so tired, drained out from everything that happened to him. I was so glad to have him alive. I knew he was strong enough to stay alive. I would kill Vlad because he was going to transform Ivan into a Werewolf due to his dying mother. But then I was a bit frightened that Ivan agreed to Vlad's deal. 

I heard his soft breathing become slower and his grip loosen a bit. I looked down at him to see him sleeping peacefully and that his lips were parted. His hair covered his closed eyes and his cheeks rosy from the cold. 

"I got you, darling," I whispered. 

His only response was snuggling up closer to me. 


The walk to the pack house was miserable. The cold got colder, making Ivan shiver more than usual, and his mother turning pale. She was already healed but she needed to rest or she will disrupt the process of her waking up. 

Zev was carrying Jayden and it seemed like Jayden was calm. He woke up a few hours ago but he was silent and blank. I heard a few words pass between them but nothing important, unless it was Zev asking Jayden if he was okay or did he know anything about Ivan. I heard Jayden say that Ivan was his best friend and he only remembers that. I knew he was lying but Zev and I didn't say anything. 

Corianne was hugging herself and kept close to us. I knew she was in her own thoughts about Vlad. I was a bit bored so I walked slower to talk to Corianne. 

"Hey, how are you?" I said. Her red eyes bore into mine and she bit her bottom lip. 

"I'm fine, thank you for asking, Alpha Enzo," she said. I hated how she was an Omega. Alpha's are supposed to treat them like shit but I was done with treating Omegas like shit. 

"Treat me like a friend, Corianne. I'm sorry about everything but I want you to be okay." 

Her footsteps got slower and her breathing hitched. Her red eyes became glassy and she dropped her arms to her side. "I'm so glad Ivan is your mate. He changed you...for the better." 

A smile slipped and I looked down to see Ivan sleeping still. 

"I'm glad he did..." I looked up to see Corianne staring profoundly at us. "Once you love someone, you'll change so they can be happy. I want him to know that I will do anything for him. My father can go to hell, because I'm not letting Ivan go." 

Corianne stared shockingly at me and a big smile was planted on her face. She hugged me carefully so she wouldn't crush Ivan. When she pulled back, Ivan jolted up and coughed harshly. He started coughing and wheezing, blood on his small lips. I thought he needed water but kept coughing out blood. I stopped walking and placed him on the snowy ground, patting his back and rocking back and forth. I turned his head to see a large bruise on his neck. It was almost hickey but it was turning black. 

"W—what is going on? What is happening?" Corianne panicked, her worried eyes on Ivan. 

"I think he's choking, Enzo. We need to get him back to the pack house or he'll choke to death," Zev said quickly and started to run. I picked up Ivan and wiped my thumb across his trembling bottom lip. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," I assured. 

His eyes flashed with fear but he nodded and held onto me tightly. 


I kicked the front door open and rushed to the kitchen table. I placed Ivan gently on the table and he was clutching his throat, his blue eyes turning red from the tears, his face was turning red, and body twitching and twisting. He spat out blood and cried out in pain. 

"What the hell is going?" Luka screamed. Corianne tabbed a wet cloth on Ivan's sweaty forehead but that didn't calm him down. I wiped the blood off his lips but it was no use because he would be spitting back blood. 

"The spell," 

I swirled around to see Alexander with a sad look on his face. I gave him a confused but then remembered he put the love spell on Ivan. I growled and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling his face close to mine. 

"You son of a bitch! My mate is dying because of your stupid spell! If he dies, I swear to god, I will shove my hand down your throat and rip your tongue out," I threatened and growled loudly. 

Alexander let out a shaky sigh and placed his hands on mine. "In order to break the spell, you need to mark him." 

Time stopped. My heart stopped, actually. Ivan already said yes to accepting me but that didn't count, it couldn't. I wanted to mark him when he fell in love with me, not when stupid consequences tried to get me to mark him. I let go of Alexander and shook my head, a headache forming and my heart aching. 

"No, I can't...I won't do this to him!" I shouted. I looked at the coughing Ivan, blood pouring out his mouth. I had to protect him, I had to keep him alive. 

"If you want him alive, you have to save him with his biggest fear," Luka mumbled and looked up at me. 

I felt my heart squeeze when I saw Ivan eyes scream for help, his hands gripping his own throat. I closed my eyes and sighed out, my teeth and tongue growing longer, and my earring sharpening. I opened my eyes and Ivan's head was turned to the side. I leaned down and kissed his neck. Here goes nothing. I opened my mouth and bit into his neck.

Ivan stopped choking.

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