Enzo: The Human's Help

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It was risky to do this, but she was seriously the only person I knew who would let a stranger in her house and eat her food. I stared at the brown door with a small bell and decided if I should knock or not. I sighed and knocked on the door harshly. I fixed my shirt and shook my hair a bit, plastering a small, closed-mouth smile to show I was somewhat Human. Hopefully, my eyes don't randomly turn blue around him.

Footsteps quickly made their way towards the door, and the door burst open to show a boy with her hair in a high ponytail, small studs on her ears, blush on her cheeks, a small smile on her face, but his eyes showed that he was puzzled, a loose white shirt, baggy pajama pants, and rubber bracelets on her wrist. I wanted to raise an eyebrow and question her looks and clothes but kept the slight smile on my face.

"Can I help you, sir?" She asked politely. I chuckled and licked my lips. Her eyes flashed to my lips and then back to my face. I wanted to let a smirk slip through my lips, but I needed to convince her to let me in her house.

"Hey, um, Ivan told me about you, and he told me I could stay at your place for a while?" I asked awkwardly. I scratched the back of my neck to show how nervous I was and let a small, crooked smile.

Her brown eyes stared at me for a moment. She was either staring at my good looks or why his best friend sent a random guy to his place. Surprisingly, he opened the door wider and waved his hand inside the house. I walked inside and looked around a bit before staring back at him. He rolled his eyes and waved his hand again for me to follow.

"I can't believe Ivan is doing this again. He knows I can't keep bringing random people to my house. What if he finds a random person, and that person is a serial killer, huh?" He asked and looked over his shoulder. I chuckled, but I was slightly mad and curious why Ivan would do that. What else was he hiding?

We settled on a room with band posters, photos of people, art, and posters, and other teenage stuff. I almost envied his room. I didn't have time for silly games, "boring" music, and meeting friends. I rolled my eyes as if I had any friends.

"So, I guess Ivan sent you here because you did some bad shit, huh?" The boy asked and sat on his bed. I shifted my feet awkwardly and bit my bottom lip. It was against the rule to tell a Human about Werewolves unless it's your mate. Anything was kept private.

"Yeah. I was an asshole to some guy I worked with, and he kicked me out for the night."

The boy nodded. "Okay. I'll get some blankets. You can sleep on the couch. Do you want anything to eat, or you're good?"

My stomach rumbled when I heard the word food. The boy cracked a smile, and we made our way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door and looked around in it. He shut the fridge door and frowned. I guess there was no food inside.

"I'll call the pizza. Any toppings?" He asked.

"I'm fine with anything, thanks," I answered.

He took out his phone, and he dialed the pizza. As he waited, he let his eyes roam around my body. Again, I wanted to let a smirk through my lips. He couldn't keep his eyes off of me. Why hasn't he asked my name? Does he already know my name? Did Ivan actually tell him? Does he know anything about Werewolves? How could he quickly let me inside without any information about me other than Ivan "telling" me to go to his friend's house? I might as well ask him.

"Hey, how come you haven't asked my name?"

Her eyes shot up to mine. "Oh, Ivan usually tells me, but he hasn't yet. Maybe he's sleeping; I don't know. What is your name?"

Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't have asked her. "Um, Erick. Erick Can, yours?"

"I'm Jayden, but call me Vanessa."

I pretend to be surprised and raised an eyebrow. "Vanessa?"
I knew I shouldn't have, but I may have stalked Ivan a couple of times to learn about Vanessa. I heard Ivan call his best friend she and her although she was a guy. I was confused, but if Ivan called Vanessa by her name and her pronouns, she/her, sometimes they, then I have to respect it. It wouldn't hurt to ask her, though. 

Vanessa nodded, and he looked hesitant to speak. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?"

"I don't get it. Why Vanessa?"

"Because that's the name I picked for myself."

I was still confused about what she meant by Jayden and Vanessa but I respected her. She did let me inside and she was my mate's best friend. "I know it's none of my business but if you want people to call you Vanessa, why do you say Jayden?" 

Vanessa made a humming sound. "It is none of your business," she smiled, "I'm joking by the way. I guess I'm afraid of how people react so I say Jayden first." 

"You should be proud of who you are. It can be confusing but at least you're figuring it out and the people around you can help if you ask," I said and watched her smile widened. 

"Thank you," she said softly. We turned our heads when we heard a knock on the front door. 

"Pizza's here!" Vanessa cheered happily. 


"How long have you and Ivan been friends?"

Vanessa chewed on his pizza thoughtfully. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her lips. She placed the pizza down on her plate and wiped his hands. "I think last summer. I didn't have many friends because of my "problem," but he, and the others, seemed fine until they left for the popular idiots."

"And Ivan stayed with you," I concluded.

Vanessa nodded and smiled small. "Ivan doesn't like people judgmental assholes. He likes to help a lot of people. People don't see it because of his personality, but he's the sweetest guy in the universe," she sighed. "If people sat with him and listened to him."

I nodded and continued eating my pizza. Vanessa doesn't know about Werewolves, which was good because not many would want to kill her. But does she know about Warriors? Does she know her best friend has a family filled with Warriors, and I'm a mate with a Warrior? Ivan looked shocked that his family was Warriors. Hell, he looked like a Warrior, but he didn't have to be one. What if he turns into a Warrior? My heart softened a bit. Vanessa wasn't kidding when Ivan likes to help people. He would go through great danger just to help anyone—even Werewolves.

"What about your life? Who's your best friend?" Vanessa asked.

I ignored the first question and went for the second. "His name is Ze-Zeke."

"Is he hot?" Vanessa joked.

I blinked and thought of his blue eyes, brown hair, five o'clock aftershave, and the small smile that created wrinkles on the cheeks.

"I guess? I don't really look at his looks," I half lied.

I wouldn't call my best friend hot. I don't see him in that way. Just a best friend and my becoming Alpha. He might as well become just my Alpha.

"Ivan is hot. He knows he's hot, too. Damn. I wish the other guys were like him. Sucks he's straight."

Of course, Ivan is straight. He would be the type to date girls—not guys. I found girls beautiful, hot, gorgeous, but guys? They are the same sex as me. I wouldn't know what to say to the same sex if it was about their appearances. I bit my bottom lip when a flash of blue eyes came to my head. Damn Ivan for being perfect and damn, his friend for being near him most of the time.

"You know, I like you, Erick. You're the first person to ask about me. The others eat and go to sleep. I'm glad Ivan is helping you," Vanessa said softly. She got up and grabbed the plate from me, and place it in the sink. Then she turned around, patted my shoulder, and went to her room.

I stayed sitting down and thought about what Vanessa said. She was giving me the information that I needed. I'm glad Ivan found Vanessa because he needed someone like her. Someone who was different and actually gave a damn about others other than themselves. I leaned back in the chair and stared at nothing. If only Ivan knew how much I was willing to give up almost everything just to be near him. 

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