Ivan: Live My Life

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        I shook my head in amusement, chuckling a bit. Vanessa was twirling her shoulder-length brown hair with her hip out. Her elbow was leaning on the wall, and her eyes were sparkling with delight. But I wasn't chuckling about that. I was chuckling that she had toilet paper on the bottom of her shoe, and the guy looked like he wanted to laugh but didn't say anything. Then the guy pointed down to her shoe, and Vanessa looked down, gasping in shock and blushing in embarrassment.

       "Alex Dix out," I mumbled and smiled when Vanessa rushed towards me.

"Oh God, I feel so embarrassed. He was so nice," Vanessa said and slammed her head on the table. I chuckled and looked over my shoulder to see him laughing like an idiot.

"I think he likes you. It's rare for a guy to like you," I said, chuckling and looking back at Vanessa, who had her head down still. She groaned, and I patted her hair.

Vanessa raised her head and wiped a fake tear on her cheek. "It's rare because guys don't know I'm a guy, dumbo."

Vanessa wants to get a sex change, but her parents are unsure how to handle their daughter coming out as transgender. She also said they don't have the money right now, so all she can do is dress whatever makes her comfortable. Sometimes she thinks she's nonbinary, but I don't question who she is because I don't care as long we stay friends.

"Ugh, this sucks. I'm having a real identity crisis again," she whined and pouted. 

I chuckled and grabbed her hand. "Whatever makes you comfortable is the real you. I wish I can help, but I don't know either." 

She smiled sadly at me. "I know. I think it's best if I figure out who I want to be before I get into a relationship." 

I nodded, but I knew once she saw another hot guy, she'll start drooling and forget what she said. Vanessa placed her head on the table, and I sighed. I did feel bad for the girl. Nobody wanted to be her friend because she was different from the rest of us. Jayden, her real and boy name, dressed like a girl, and people thought it was a bit weird. She doesn't mind people calling her Jayden, but she prefers to be called by the name she made for herself. She thought about putting Jayden as a middle name because she still liked the name, and it sometimes fit for her.

"There's a guy out there that wants your sour ass," I said softly. Vanessa flashed me her middle finger, and I chuckled, grabbing her arm and pulling her close to my side. She placed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, sighing slowly. I felt my heartache a bit. It was a bit hard for Vanessa with everything and trying to find her identity.

"Want to get ice cream?" I whispered. She opened one eye and smiled softly. I won't lie and say that I had a bit of a crush on Vanessa. I knew she was my best friend, but she looked pretty. 


      I licked my ice cream as I stared out the window. I saw a couple holding a baby together, and the baby was making their adorable noise. To others, it was annoying and ridiculous, but I loved it.

The man pinched his baby's cheek and looked around. His eyes were glowing. In happiness, yes, but the color. His eyes were blue while the woman had gold. The baby had brown eyes. The man's eyes landed on mine, and I lifted my lips upward, showing him a closed-mouth smile. He blinked a few times before smiling back and waving a bit. The couple started walking somewhere, and that's the last time I saw them ever again.

"Hey, whatcha lookin' at? I hope it isn't some chick you met at the club last night,"

I turned my attention back to Vanessa, who had strawberry ice cream on her bottom lip and her eyes glowing with happiness.

I quirked my eyebrows. "When the hell you've ever seen me in a sex club?"

"I didn't say sex club. I said club."       

 "Well, same shit. I hate clubs, alcohol, drugs, and other of those YOLO shit."

Vanessa snorted. "You're going to die in this lonely world, Ivan."

I smirked. "I won't die alone if I have you."

Vanessa chuckled and continued licking her ice cream. It was nice having Vanessa as a friend. She wasn't like other people that I wanted to slam their heads on the desk. Vanessa wasn't a party animal, but she likes parties, she enjoys video games but still plays with dolls and teddy bears, and she likes boys that any girl would go crazy for. She was the typical girl who falls for the popular guy in our school, but that didn't stop her from flirting with other guys that caught her eyes.

I turned my head back to the window and saw nothing but people walking around and minding their own business. My thoughts went to that guy in my school, Enzo. He waited all day to tell me he rejects me? Hell, like I care. I knew what he was, but I could give a rat's ass about him and his creature. My heart didn't sing or ache for him. No tears fell from my eyes because of the rejection. I'm not on my knees, asking for him to take me back when I didn't know him in the first place.

I glanced at Vanessa, who was texting away with her pen pals in Canada or Paris or someplace that I don't remember. I sighed, the cold air showing my breath in the small ice cream shop. I felt happy. No Werewolf was going to stop me from living my life.


        Yellow! Sorry for the late chapter! On the side is Colin Ford and he's playing Ivan Coen! A bit of Ivan's thoughts and his life. More about Enzo and Werewolves in the next chapter. Thanks to those who vote, comment, and say awesome shit. Thanks! :D Merry Christmas!

1/4/2020 - Okay so I added some dialogue and reevaluated Vanessa's character. I was still unsure how to write her and decided to make her relatable in a way others may feel. we don't really know ourselves sometimes and Vanessa is having a hard time figuring out who she is really is at the moment. she wants to be a girl, but then other times she feels comfortable staying as a guy. she has thoughts of being nonbinary but still felt unsure. her pronouns are her/they/them. 

before, I made Ivan a HUGE dick by using Vanessa's dead name whenever he was angry and realized that we gotta love Ivan for being a strong, feisty, leader. NOT a dickhead so he will be changing in this story as well. 

dead name means the birth name of a transgender person who has changed their name as part of their gender transition.

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