Ivan: In A Flash

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        Just like that...the moment was gone in a flash. I didn't know why I was nervous to answer Enzo question. It's not like I did something horrible or it was my fault. It wasn't because I didn't do anything bad. Enzo's gaze were waiting impatiently for my answer and by each minute my nervous feeling was turning into anger. He didn't have to know what I was doing or what I did. It's not like he owned me or something.

        But why did I felt sick to the stomach when I was replying the scene where Alexander and I kissed in school, in front of everyone, in front of Luka? And the fact that there are Werewolves in my school who saw me kissed another Werewolf doesn't make the situation any easier.

        I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to forget about the sick feeling that was growing in the pit of my stomach. Here goes nothing.

        "You smell Alexander on me because...he kissed me," I said and watched his reaction. His eyes flashed with shock and he opened his mouth but closed it. An uncomfortable silence came. I shifted my feet and bit my bottom lip, raising my eyebrows and waiting for him to do or say anything. He gasped and lifted his finger, pointing at me with a angry glint in his eyes.

        "I swear to fucking God Ivan, if you tell me he kissed you on the lips, I will rip his throat with my teeth," he sneered.

        I bit my bottom lip harder. "Okay, I won't tell you he kissed me on the lips then."

        His blue eyes were glowing brighter. "He fucking did, did he? That motherfucker! I thought I told him to stay away from you and get his own god damn mate!"

        "I'm not a fucking toy, Enzo!" I yelled. "I don't want you or him! It just suddenly happened and—"

        "And you jumped the fucking gun. You fucking kissed him because you felt like it. What else did you do? Fucked him in the boys bathroom, or did some freak watch you kissed and fucked at the same time?"

        I let out a shaky breath as I took a few steps back. I tried not to let what Enzo said hurt me but it felt like my heart was cracking a bit. I knew he would upset about the kiss but not this upset. I wanted to tell him it wasn't my fault. I didn't mean to kiss him. Its not like I liked it...right? I put on a blank mask and narrowed my eyes at him. Enzo's fiery glare was on me.

        "Don't make me sound like a fucking whore or a twink. We're not dating. We will never date because I don't like you and I don't care if we're mates. I want this bond we have to stop growing. I want nothing but Jayden to be in good shape," I said coldly.

        I was surprised I saw sadness flashed through Enzo's eyes. He finally understood that I didn't want or need him in life. After the shit I did for him. I get treated like some fucking whore. "I protected you from my god damn family. You saw me cry, you saw me vulnerable and all you care about is some fucking kiss from a Werewolf?"

        Enzo shook his head, his anger faltering a bit. "You don't understand, Ivan. We're mates, claim or not, you can't kiss random fucking Werewolves! Especially from a different pack! It causes trouble and we don't need that right now."

        "What we don't need right now is a fight about me kissing someone else."

        Enzo groaned in annoyance and gripped his hair, pulling it a bit. I saw a few of the pack members watch and listen profoundly at us. I knew I was testing Enzo's patient and anger but he had to understand that I do not like him.

        "Hey Enzo, do we need to teach a lesson to this twink?" One of the pack members asked, almost growling. Enzo stopped gripping his hair and his eyes looked ready to kill. He licked his bottom lip and nodded a bit. My eyes widen when I felt hands grip on my arms. I thrashed around, pulling and tugging away to get away from them. Was Enzo really going to let them hurt me? I will not show fear. I will show how much Enzo was hurting me. But that small of fear was growing and growing when I saw Enzo walk away from me. My heart sink to my stomach and that sudden hope went away in a flash.

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