Ivan: The New Guy

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       Having a best friend love struck by the new guy was annoying and petrifying. Vanessa was falling head over heels the new guy. He had the "bad boy" attitude and "I'm going to fuck you up if you touch me" look. It wasn't appealing one bit. It was tiring to go through the same situtation with her. Vanessa likes the bad boys, me trying to push her confidence and self-esteem back up, and me trying not to bash some guy's head who hurts Vanessa's feelings all the damn time. It was only protecting, but I was getting her hurt at the same time.

Okay, maybe I was a bit protective (and jealous) that Vanessa was staring at other guys and not liking me, but I rather have her as a friend. I didn't want to ruin a friendship. At least my confidence told me. Vanessa's brown hair covered her right eye, and she had pink lip gloss on her lips, something she rarely wears, and her blue dress flowing beautifully on her lean figure. She never got up to get her lunch or tried to talk to me. I sighed miserably and felt the appetite drop. I moved the food away from me and tried again.

       "Tell me about this guy," I said dully.

"Which guy?" She answered quickly.

"The new guy, obviously. You keep staring at him like he's a piece of meat,"

"Oh!" She looked away and blushed. I mentally rolled my eyes. Reaction one; blushing. "His name is Alexander Reed. I heard he's a boxer and his favorite animal is a tiger. He has a little sister, a father, and an aunt living with him. He doesn't look too happy being here."

I chuckled and felt my appetite rushing again. I took a cookie off my lunch tray. "Who likes being here? It's a prison, Van. I sometimes want to kill myself."

Vanessa smacked my arm. "Don't say that, Ivan. I can't be in this world by myself with these idiots."

"I didn't know you wanted to be with me forever," I joked. "Always and forever, baby."

I ignored the fuzzy feeling when she called me baby and put the cookie in front of her. She took it and ate it as we looked around the cafeteria. Vanessa leaned her head on my shoulder and moved over to my side. Whenever she was near me I wouldn't care or think of her as nothing more than a friend. I couldn't stop my heart from beating quickly. My feelings for Vanessa can't get any stronger. I won't let it happen.

Vanessa pulled away and it took me everything not to pull her back. Her brown eyes were glowing under the cafeteria's light and instead of her head touching my shoulder, she grabbed my hand and giggled. 

"You're my idiot," she said and continued to giggle. 

I was screwed.        


      I ignored Vanessa a bit. Vanessa didn't mind because she was ranting about that guy, Alexander, and how gorgeous he was and how his eyes change whenever he was in a bad mood. As long as Vanessa was happily talking about a guy, I could be happy by encouraging her to get her girly ass over there and show who he's messing with her. That got her blushing ten times more. I was happy I could make her blush easily.

After Vanessa went home, I stayed after school to get some work done. I got up when I hit something hard. I almost fell when the person grabbed my wrist and pulled me to their chest. I gasped and looked up quickly to see dark brown eyes and a frown. My heart went to my throat. 

Oh no. 

His dark chocolate brown eyes made you want to melt into his arms, his dark brown hair made him have the boy-ish looks that every boy wants to have, and his curl up, a charming smile could make anyone else smile, puffing up his cheeks too. He looked like he didn't smile much, but when he does, it will shock the world, along with you. Then he had a beauty mark on the right side of his face, on top of his thin lips. His jawline isn't that sharp to cut someone, but it looked fucking beautiful on him.

"Whoa there, are you alright? I hope I didn't hurt you," he said smoothly. I narrowed my eyes and pushed him off me, dusting off my shirt and pants. I grabbed my bookbag on my chair and walked out of the classroom without saying anything to him or looking back. I walked out of the school and made my way home.

Now, guys could be handsome, good looking, charming, blah, blah, blah, but no way in hell could I call him gorgeous. I don't have a problem calling guys handsome and good looking but calling them gorgeous was crossing the line especially if he's a Werewolf.

I shook my head and kept walking. Should I tell Vanessa that Alexander was dangerous for her, her family, and her life? She shouldn't deal with the other Werewolf bullshit because she's human, like me. But I knew Vanessa wasn't going to stop herself from having Alexander (in a non-stalker way). Hopefully, he doesn't come near me. I guess I had to take care of Vanessa from assholes and Werewolves.

I sighed and finally got home, throwing my bookbag on the floor and jumping on the couch. My mom and dad were watching TV. I said a quick hi to them and closed my eyes. I needed to rest my head before I started overthinking again.        


        Sorry for the long wait guys! Anyways, Alexander Reed is played as Sean Faris! He's in the movie Never Back Down. I like the movie because not only is Sean Faris is there, Evan Peters is! About the banners, they will be posted up in the next chapters because I want to show my characters first and then the awesome and beautiful artwork by the desingers. The song on the right is Skinny Love (Vanic Remix) by Birdy. 

        Thoughts about Alexander?

        Thoughts about Ivan's crush on Vanessa and his sudden behavior (and feelings) towards Alexander?

        Opinions on the characters? 

        Comment and vote! 

1/21/2021: now that i look back, i envisioned the name alexander with blonde hair and brown eyes. i don't why but i guess movies and tv shows showed me that a guy with that name, he's white. anywho, that was a little rant. I'm still keeping the cute guy with the beauty mark for obvious reasons (he's very good looking). i guess i was in a dubstep mood when i wrote this chapter so i will be keeping the song.  

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