Ivan: "Welcome" Home

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        Blue and brown eyes were glaring at me. I felt Nicki's hand squeezed mine and she bit her lip. My mom stood next to my father as they stared at me, saying nothing. The emotions on their face were enough to tell me that I was in a big trouble and I was going to get an ass whooping. I felt a bit frightened by their new attitude and how different they felt. They were different people; they weren't the same people I saw as a little boy. My mom crossed her arms over her chest and sighed deeply.

        "You know you're in big trouble mister," she said. I was tempted to roll my eyes but my mom was one powerful woman. Nicki bit her lip harder and I thought she was going to rip her own skin off.

        "And you know that we know where you've been, right?" My dad asked.

        Now I was a bit nervous. I glanced at Nicki and she was full out chewing the shit out of her bottom lip. I mentally sighed. Nicki bites her lip when she's nervous. I relaxed a bit and I knew I had to face the consequences.

        "Yes...I was in a pack house," I announced. They stood there for a few seconds before exploding.

        "What the hell were you doing in a pack house?" My mother screamed.

        "Was it that man? Did he force you to follow him?" My father said. Before I could answer, he chuckled darkly and a ran a hand through his hair. "I knew I should have killed him. He was a danger to you, Ivan!"

        "What is the pack name? We might have to send this message to our leader. I can't have these damn wolves near you," my mother said, almost to herself.

        "And you," my father yelled, pointing a finger to Nicki, "how dare you lie to us about this? Your brother could have gotten hurt!"

        "Dad, he can take of himself!" Nicki yelled and rolled her eyes.

        My dad snorted and his eyes flickered to me again. "Oh yeah! Your brother has a bite mark on his neck and he doesn't look like shit! He looks fucking fine!"

        "Why are you blaming me for this? If Ivan wanted to stay in the house, then he can!"

        "Why are you siding with him? He was near Werewolves."

        "And why is that such a bad thing?" I whispered.

        My mom's eyes flashed with shock and she got in front of me, kneeling down and grabbing my hands. "Werewolves had killed many Humans. It was time to fight back, especially for us. Honey...when you were younger, we found out about your special power. It was nothing harmful to you or others, it was just...special. I'm not saying it is a gift or a cursed but don't blame yourself for what you see."

        She patted my hands and I felt sick to the stomach. How was I going to tell my parents that I was someone's mate and the person was a he? Should I keep the experiences I had with them to myself or tell them? They were my parents after all but right now, they were thinking like Warriors, not parents.

        "Do you kill the innocent ones or the Rouges?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them. When they didn't answer, I scoffed and stood up, letting go of Nicki's hand. She shot up quickly and stood next to me.

        "The man in my room was Enzo. I'm his mate," I said. My mother gasped and my father's eyes widen. "And since you want to kill every fucking Werewolf in this god damn city, you might as well kill me too."

        I sprinted out of the living room and into my room. I sat on my bed and let out a shaky sigh. Nicki came in afterwards and closed the door. She sat next to me and a few tears fell.

        "Oh...Ivan," she cooed. She pulled me close to her and I just let it all out again. I guess crying in front of Corianne wasn't good enough. After I left, it took me hours to make myself look like no one put a scratch on me, make sure my eyes weren't red, and at least put a smile on my face when my parents opened the door for me. It didn't work out since my dad found the mark on my neck.

        "I didn't know they were killing the innocent ones. They always told me to kill the bad guys, never ever the Omegas," Nicki told me.

        I finally found my voice from crying my soul out. "It's not that! It's just...why did they keep all these secrets from me? They knew that I could see Werewolves, they knew I wasn't normal, they knew that they weren't normal but they kept it to themselves, pushing it away like it was nothing? I freaked the fuck out when I saw my kindergarten teacher have red eyes. Do you know how fucked up is that? I told mom and dad but they did nothing!" I screamed.

        Nicki's eyes filled with tears and wiped them with her hand. "I'm so sorry, Ivan. They wanted you to be the Golden child. The one who goes to college, the one to find you a girlfriend and have kids. No Werewolves around you."

        I shook my head and wiped my eyes. It was awful when I found out what I could see when others couldn't. I always kept it to myself from Jayden because I didn't need him thinking I was a weirdo. I told my parents what I was seeing but they wouldn't listen at all. I felt like I was going insane. A few years laters, I noticed that the Werewolves didn't hurt me because they didn't know I could see them. Some knew but I told them I wasn't going to hurt them. And I haven't. Jayden didn't know a thing or two about Werewolves and I kept it a secret because he was the first person who stayed.

        "How's Jayden?" Nicki said. I frowned. I was happy he was going to be okay but he really wasn't when he woke up.

        "He got hurt but he's fine. He may become a Werewolf or he would forget about everything," I said.

        Nicki raised an eyebrow. "Forget about everything? What happened to him?"

        "An Alpha scratched his throat because..." I bit my lip, "because Jayden was bait. The Alpha wanted me all along and if he turned me into a Werewolf...I would have been a True Alpha."

        Nicki's jaw dropped. "A-are you saying-?"

        I nodded.

        "But they are either killed or born dead!"

        I sighed. "I know. Do you think I am one?"

        Nicki closed her mouth and she stared me. Then she attacked me with a hug and we fell on the ground. I grunted when I felt her breasts knock the air out of me. "You can be anyone you want to be and I will still love you, brother. Just don't be like Justin Bieber."

        I laughed and hugged her back. She got up and raised her hand. I held her hand and she pulled me up, dusting off dirt on my sweater and she smiled, her brown eyes shining brightly.

        "Thank you," I said softly.

        Nicki beamed and shrugged. "Anything for my little bro."

        My phone ring in my pocket. I took it out saw it was an unknown number. I answered it anyways. "Hello?"

        "Ivan?" My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't deny that Enzo's voice made my heart beat twenty times faster. But I was mad at him. I wanted to fucking punch him on the face but instead I kissed him.

        "What the hell do you want?" I snapped. I almost felt bad for snapping at him but he pissed me off and fucked up real bad.

        "Jayden's awake." 

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