Ivan: Darling, You'll Be Okay {Part I}

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        My brain wouldn't shut up. It kept talking about how I might be a True Alpha, the way Enzo's lips felt on mine, the way he touched me so gently but he held on to me like I might disappear forever. It sent butterflies in my stomach but after he fell asleep next to me, the butterflies died and I was left with a nagging brain and my heart aching. I don't know what was wrong with me. I let two guys kiss me and I liked it, maybe even loved it.

        I was supposed to push them away, I was supposed to show them that I'm not an object to be messed with, and they still treated me like I was theirs. I was not going to be a submissive person just because they are Werewolves. I had to control myself. I had to tell them they can't randomly kiss and touch me. Shit, it felt like I was under their spell.

        I sighed and looked at a sleeping Enzo. His black hair fell over his closed eyes and his lips were parted, softly breathing, his chest rising and falling. He had his arm protectively over my waist and he was leaning his head on a pillow. His body heat was like a blanket to me. I touched his cheek with my fingertips and saw him relaxed. He moved closer to me and mumbled something under his breath.

        A part of me was telling me this was wrong, what about Alexander? He would be mad about this. The other part of me was telling me to stay here in his arms and never let him go. They weren't my boyfriends but I was a mate to him and I kind of like him but I did like Alexander and he likes me back. I groaned mentally and drag my thumb over Enzo's lips. I was debating if I should call Alexander or not. He did almost mark me without telling me and he knew I was someone's mate. It's not like I wanted to be with Alexander or Enzo for the rest of my life, right?

        All I wanted was for Jayden to recover from his accident and that was it. That's why I came to the pack house. I didn't want to cause any conflict in the house or find out I may be a True Alpha. Hell, I didn't want to find out my parents and sister were Warriors. I sighed again and leaned my head on the pillow, trying to fall asleep.

        When I couldn't fall asleep, it was useless to me now, I just watched a sleeping Enzo. It was a bit weird but I had nothing else to look at. I shifted a bit to grab my phone from the dresser when someone grabbed my shoulder and pushed me down. I looked into dark red eyes.

        "Where are you going?" He growled. Startled, I let out a piercing scream and shoved him away. He landed on the floor on his back and I sat up, clutching my heart.

        "Jesus Christ, Enzo! Don't fucking do that!" I yelled. Enzo was laughing his ass off and he wiped an imaginary tear on his cheek. I clenched my jaw and waited for him to finish. I was a bit upset he was laughing at me for being scared but then let my jaw relaxed when I saw him calm. He hardly had a time to laugh or joke around and I couldn't ruin his mood with me being a bit mad. But I don't mind playing along. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face. He stopped laughing and I sent him a playful glare. He stood up and tried hugging me but I turned the other way. He sighed dramatically and got on his knees, trying to get me to look at him. I averted my eyes and waited for him to speak.

        "Ivan I am so sorry I upset you. What can I do to make you smile again?" He asked. I shrugged and smirked mentally. He grabbed my hands and I looked in his eyes, seeing his dark red eyes soften a bit. I felt my heart thump. "If anyone does growl at you like that, run. I do not want them to hurt you. I want you to be safe and alive. I want to see your blue eyes glow and your smile to shine. I want to see your face blush when you're laughing too hard. I want to see your hair fall over your eyes so I could brush them back. I want you, Ivan, Human or not."

I let out a shaky sigh at his words. I never knew I meant so much to him. The ache in my heart was growing bigger because he sounded like he was in love with me and I didn't know jack shit about what I was feeling for him.

        "All you had to say was, I'm sorry for scaring you," I whispered.

        "I'm sorry for scaring you," he said and got up. I saw him wearing a smirk on his face because he knew I would give in.

        "What are we doing today?" I asked, getting up and cracking my bones.

        "We can stay inside and make out for an hour," he answered and his smirk got bigger.

        I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "You can't even last five minutes without taking my shirt off."

        "So? You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

        I rolled my eyes again and went inside the bathroom to do my business.


        I was staring at a sleeping Jayden. He was the same but he had color and he was smiling while he slept. Zev stayed with him and held his hand as he slept. Zev was me when I found out Jayden was hospitalized. He wasn't eating, moving, or sleeping. He rubbed his tired eyes and yawned, leaning his head back on the chair and squeezed Jayden's hand. I rubbed Zev's back and placed a plate of breakfast in front of him.

        "He's going to wake up soon, Zev. I know it," I said softly.

        "I hope. I want him to see me," Zev said tiredly. I kissed Jayden's cold forehead and stepped out of the room. I closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen. A few of the pack members glanced at me or growled lowly. They were still irked about Alpha Norixx's death. But I knew some of them were thinking about killing a Human and Warrior and the one who killed their Alpha. They should be glad that they got two new Alphas or their pack would have been to Hell.

        Luka and Corianne were in the kitchen cleaning my mess and I smiled. I was happy that they were here or I would have lost my damn mind. They were truly the only people I could talk to, besides Nicki, my mom, Jayden, and they would still get me. Luka wiped his wet hands on his jeans and he turned around. He smiled and grabbed his book bag.

        "Let's go to school!" He said happily.

        I raised an eyebrow and grabbed my jacket. "You're only going to school to see your mate, dude. I put you in school to get an education."

        Luka rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. "Her name is Sindy but her name will be Mine soon. I can't wait to see her gorgous smile and hear her wonderful laugh."

        "Does she knows you're a Werewolf?"

        He shook his head. "No, not yet. I hope she still likes me."

        "I think she'll like you even if you were an Elf." He punched my shoulder and I chuckled, slugging my arm around his shoulders.

        "Have fun in school!" Corianne yelled.


        I stopped and turned around to see Enzo in front of me. He had a small smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile back. He hugged me tightly, his hands on my waist and my arms around his neck. His chest vibrated when he laughed and I almost blush. He kissed my forehead and pulled back.

        "Can't wait to see you," he said.

        "You too," I said and turned around. I opened the door and my heart dropped to my stomach. Standing in front of me was Alexander.

        He stormed inside the house and screamed, "Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how worried I was when I didn't find you in my room or I couldn't track a scent of you? You really fucked up this time, Ivan!"

        I winced as his voice echoed in the house. Enzo's eyes turned to slits and sneered at a fuming Alexander. I sighed and closed the door. I might as well stay for the fight that was going to explode.

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