Enzo: Dream

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"What?" I whispered. 

I was sitting on the couch, my legs weakening as I tried to stand up. My heart stopped as I heard the news. My finger nails dog inside the couch, heat rising in my neck to my ears. My stomach twisted and turned, my lungs begging for air. 

Zev gave me a sadden look, his hand squeezing my shoulder. 

"Vlad has kidnapped Ivan and his mother," he repeated. 

How could this happen? 

I crouched down and ran my hands through my hair, softly pulling them. Forgetting about my heart stopping, it was pounding quickly, my right leg shaking rapidly, and low growls escaping my lips. I was more than pissed. 

How could this happen?

I saw yesterday, healthy and smiling. His flushed cheeks, his swollen lips, his blue eyes shining with happiness, his charming smile that could make anyone smile with him. How in the world was he gone? How did he slip under my fingers? 

"Hey, hey, we'll get him, we always do," Zev assured. 

"I need him to be safe, zen. He needs to be safe," I said, almost pleading. I looked up into Zev's blue eyes and he nodded. His eyes reminded me of Ivan. I felt a burning ache on my cheek and a dug on my collar. 

"Snap out of it, Enzo! Do you want Ivan to die? No! So get your god damn head out of your ass and start finding him!" Zev shouted and slapped me. 

I growled and pushed him away, positioning myself to attack him. Zev shook his head and left the room. I gritted my teeth but started to calm myself. I wouldn't attack my best friend and he wasn't trying to hurt me. I had to control myself before I hurt anyone, even though that's what I wanted to do the most. 

I followed Zev and saw him staring at a nervous Corianne. She paced back and forth, chewing on her thumb nail and wiping her small eyes. Luka was snuggled in Ivan's old shirt, rubbing hands together and staring at Corianne was a blank look. 

"I'm so sorry Alpha Enzo. If only I could do something to stop Vlad," Corianne said and stared at me with her big eyes. 

I sighed and grabbed her wrist, pulling her in a hug. She tensed up. I placed my hand on her head and pushed her down on my shoulder, rubbing her back up and down. Corianne sighed shakily and wrapped her arms around me. It was a lot harder finding out that your mate was a serial killer and kidnap your friend. I pulled away and gave her a small smile. It wasn't much but it was something. I was telling her that everything was going to be okay and Vlad won't hurt Ivan. She smiled back and nodded, ready to work. 

"So, how are we going to save the twink?" Luka asked. 

"You want to help us? I thought you wanted him dead," Zev said sarcastically. 

Luka rolled his eyes and got up from the couch, walking towards us. "I said he was dead to me, not wanting him dead. Actually, leave him for dead. Payback is a bitch, isn't it?" 

"Luka!" Corianne exclaimed. "How could you say that? He's your friend!" 

"Was my best friend," Luka growled. "He killed my mate!" 

"No, Jayden did, but he didn't either. In some twisted, sick way, Alpha Norixx killed your mate because he turned Jayden into a Werewolf and he wasn't thinking straight. Jayden didn't mean to kill your mate. When he wakes up, he will tell you how deeply sorry for what he did. But, for now, we need to save your friend, a friend who is probably thinking about you," I said softly. 

I watched as Luka's cold demeanor start to fall and his eyes turned watery. "D-do y-you..." 

"Yes, I mean everything I said. I'm sorry about Sindy." 

He let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Okay, let's go find him."


It wasn't long finding Vlad and his gang. I could care less about his pack name because Ivan was right, it was an idiotic Werewolf name. But I felt like it was a trap. Why would we find Vlad so quickly? It was almost as if he wanted us to find him. 

"Let's storm in, tear Vlad's head off and take Ivan, what's the problem?" Luka said confusingly. 

"We can't simply attack and start killing. What if they kill Ivan?" Zev said and glanced at me. 

I was quivering inside. I didn't want a scratch on my pretty blonde mate. I didn't want to see fear in his eyes when we stepped in and rescued him. I clenched my jaw and looked away, digging my nails inside my arms. What if they did kill Ivan? 

They couldn't possibly kill him because Vlad needed him to stay alive. Vlad only cared if Ivan was alive to rule their pack, nothing more. He cared about Jayden because Jayden became a bit ruthless, not because Ivan and him were best friends. I, on the other hand, cared about both because they showed me ways I couldn't show other people. They showed me what Humans were really like and how much they mean to me more than anything. I wouldn't be like this without them. 

"Ivan is strong. He'll find a way out. He didn't do training for nothing, he will fight this," I said, more to myself.


I stared up at the blank ceiling, my dreams haunting me again. It was always the same thing over and over, looking down to see Ivan snuggled up next to me, telling me he loves me, and then a red eyed Wolf would scare him away. Zev thought I needed help but the fact that Ivan is kidnapped made things worse. I didn't dream, I didn't shut my eyes once. I stared up, waiting for something good to happen once in my life. I wanted to see Ivan smile or curse me out. I wanted to see his blue eyes because they hypothesized me. 

I hoped to dream, because I would see Ivan in them.

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