Ivan: Shaky Hands & Sudden Deaths

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I spat out blood, glaring at Vlad and his men. They had similar smirks, evil but it looked stupid on them. Vlad wasn't lying when he said he was going to take my mother. She wasn't bruised badly like me. She had a cut on her lip, her cheek puffy, and her knuckles wounded. My mom would fight the men, kicking and punching, throwing insults at them. 

I, however, was only glaring at them and keeping my mouth shut because my weapons were useless right now. The only weapon I had with me was gone due to Vlad and my mind was trained on Ethan. Why did he knock me out? Was he helping Vlad and his pack? Why didn't he say something or at least tried to help me? What was his plan? I would love to go find him if I wasn't kidnapped. No doubt in my mind was Nicki and my dad dead. I knew they were kicking ass with Vlad's men and they were searching for us right now. 

"Do you like it, young Alpha? Pretty suitable for your age," Vlad said and his smirk widen. I looked around the small room. It was more of a jail cell but without the dull shades of black and white. It was a bright blue with dried blood and fresh blood on the floor by me, instead of a gate, a metal door was in front of me, a mattress was near a small window, and another door leading to the bathroom and shower. I felt trapped and Vlad hasn't locked me in yet. 

My glare harden and I pressed my lips together. Vlad's got darker and he grabbed my neck, pulling me up to his face. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me. If I pushed his buttons enough, he could realize that I'm not the True Alpha he was looking for. 

"I'm losing my patience with you. If won't cooperative, we will kill your mother. We already killed Echo and Sindy, your mother will be the next but not the last," he growled and let go of my neck. They threw my mom near me. She quickly got on her knees and pulled me close to her. 

"He doesn't have to do anything, shit face. I rather be dead than let him be a monster like you," she said angrily. Vlad clenched his jaw but didn't say anything. Then his angry demeanor dropped when the door opened and someone entered. 

That someone was Jayden. 

His eyes were dull but something about him was more different, more dangerous. His hair was neatly parted and combed on one side and the other side was curly. He was wearing a black and white shirt that had red splattered, his knuckles were wrapped around a black lace, black jeans and combat boots, and a small smirk on his lips. I leaned away from him, pulling my mother with me. I don't know why but Jayden got more...scary. 

I tried to think that was Jayden, my old best friend, the one with the annoying laugh and the nice smile, but all I saw was a nasty smirk and his horrifying laugh inside my head. How could someone so nice become so cold? 

"Bring them in," Vlad ordered. Vlad's men started to bring in people. Their wrists were tied up and tape covered their lips. They shouting and crying, pleading to leave or for help. I raised an eyebrow and forgot about Nicki and dad saving us. I had to save them because that's what Warriors do. 

"Why are they here?" I asked. 

Vlad's eyes sparked. "Ah, the True Alpha finally speaks! After the presentation, you have to answer one question, Ivan. Now, we shall start. Men you can leave." Vlad's men did leave but some of them stepped or kick the people. After they left, I started counting them. Six people. Six people were inside the jail cell and they were going to watch this presentation. 

"This what happens if you say no to being a True Alpha again. Jayden, pass me her," Vlad said and pointed to a young girl that had black hair and brown eyes. 

Jayden grabbed her arm and threw her in Vlad's arm. Vlad pulled her head back and kissed her cheek. She cringed and struggled to get out of his grip."Corianne won't live long, her death is quick and easy," 

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