Enzo: Beta's Dirty Little Secret

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        I gripped the sides of the counter, my claws digging inside and causing the counter to crack. I was shaking. My veins exposed my arms, neck, and the sides of my forehead. Zev wanted to touch me, but he knew that I would end up hurting him if he did that. Of course, I was trying to keep myself calm, but the thought of Ivan and that—Beta smiling and touching Ivan before I could seriously piss me off.

"Alpha, I don't know how to calm him down," Zev said worriedly.

Norixx's eyes narrowed, and his attention went to Zev instead of me.

"When has anyone hurting you affected you? You are becoming an Alpha, Zev. So what Enzo hurts you? Hurt. Him. Back," Norixx growled at the end.

Zev glanced at me and shook his head. "I will not hurt my best friend and pack member, Alpha."

Norixx got close to his face, nose to nose. "He won't be needing you when he gets his mate back. You need to stop worrying about him and make him into a fucking man!"

Zev's eyes turned red, but he didn't dare touch Norixx. Norixx backed up, and Zev turned his head towards me. Zev's red eyes stared into my blue ones, and I almost felt frightened by the way he was staring at me. A small growl erupted from Zev's mouth, his teeth growing out of his gums and turning them into spikes. I felt the whimper coming up, but I held it down. I will not show Norixx or the others I'm scared

"I will not hurt my best friend," Zev repeated, a bit forceful.

        His teeth grew back, but his eyes stayed on mine. He hesitantly touched my back, and I relaxed when I felt his warm hand. Zev would never hurt me, and I would do the same. Norixx was glaring at us, mostly at me, but there was shame behind his red eyes. Alpha Norixx never abused his members, but he wanted us to be disciplined and strong. He never understood kindness in a pack. That's why many members respected Zev because he wanted to turn the pack around. Norixx shook his head and walked away to his office. Zev flinched when the door slammed so hard that some of the Wolves howled.

Zev sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's alright, man. He's just a grumpy, old dude."

I nodded but felt a bit uneasy. I was still shaking, so Zev gave me a glass of water and told me I should lay down. I couldn't because watching Alexander smile at Ivan and have Ivan on his chest was making the ache bigger. I clenched the glass tightly, the glass breaking and sinking into my skin. I gritted my teeth and rolled my eyes to Zev.

"Tell me about Alexander," I growled.

Zev nervously licked his lips. "Alexander, Beta, 21, no mate, professional boxer, his father is an Alpha, the mother is a Luna, and uncle is an Alpha. He has a lot of...yeah. "

That didn't make me any better. The little fucker basically had a SWAT team with him and taught him everything he needs to know about the world. But I was glad he didn't have a mate, and he wasn't going to take Ivan. Ivan was off-limits.

"But he does have someone interesting in his bloodline..." Zev trailed. That caught my interest. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for Zev to finish. "Alexander has a little brother name, Luka. They don't put his last name with theirs because he's an Omega. Luka is living with the Black Blood Pack along with his two best friends, Kye and Rush. He sometimes goes "home" whenever there's a big pack meeting, parties, etc. Other than that, he's an untouchable, just like the rest of the Omegas."

    Alexander has a little Omega brother? Huh, I never thought the Golden Beta would have a dirty little secret. An eerie smirk started to form on my lips, my blue eyes glowing, and the ache in my heart turning numb. I couldn't feel the pain or the sadness whenever I thought of Ivan. All I felt was pride and confidence. I looked at my hand that was filled with tiny little glasses inside. I turned my hand around and let the glasses drop on the floor by themselves.

I felt my hand heal, and my smirk got bigger. "Find Luka and bring him to the packhouse. We're going to have a little talk with him."

Zev matched the smirk I had and walked away to do his job. Once Ivan finds about the Beta's little secret, he wouldn't want to be near him.

Nobody likes a liar.  


        YELLOW! Half of the chapter got deleted (still MAD) and now it's less than what I had. Anywho, the banners will be coming out! :D virtuously made this BEAUTIFUL Banner for me! Thank you! Song: Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects

        Thoughts about Zev's friendship with Enzo?

        Predictions why Luka is an Omega?

        Comment and vote! 

1/27/2021: changed a few things of course. i wanted to make enzo less of a douche and not a complete narcissist. if you're still confused, it'll make more sense later and why alexander hid his brother and why enzo didn't tell ivan in the beginning. yes, it's selfish and enzo thinks it's worth it, but in the end, it didn't matter that much. 

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