Enzo: Hidden Thoughts

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        I could hear Ivan's sobs outside the pack house. I almost whimpered because my mate was crying. I wanted to tell him that everything's going to be okay. Don't cry. He shouldn't be crying about anything; he should be smiling. What I said to him was true. I was trying to control myself because I didn't want to hurt him physically but I guess I was hurting him emotionally. I wanted to tell Ivan about Alexander's idiotic plan but I was waiting for Alexander to come so I could spill out his dirty little secret. I was waiting for this day to come. I was waiting for everything to fall into plan. But who knew Ivan had a soft spot for the Beta? The way Ivan screamed at Alexander to leave hit my hurt. Betrayal was in his eyes. Hurt. Sadness. Anger.

        "Darling, you'll be okay," Corianne whispered again. Ivan only cried harder. 

        I turned around and went upstairs to my room. I was going to let Ivan have some space. He's been going through a lot. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My fingers itched to touch Ivan, to hold Ivan, to run my fingers through his soft and brown hair. I looked down to see Ivan sleeping peacefully next to me. His arms on my waist and his head on my chest, breathing softly. His legs twitched a few times and he mumbled a few things under his breath. He was...breathtaking. He held me tighter and snuggled closer to me. I brushed my finger tips over his cheeks and he shivered under my touch. He fluttered his eyes opened and covered his mouth as he yawned. His blue eyes flicked to mine and he gave me a sleepy smile.

        "Hey you..." He whispered.

        My heart fluttered. "Hey to you too..."

        He ran his fingernails on my skin and I smiled. His smile widen and he leaned forward to kiss my forehead. My smile widen when he pulled back and gave me a cheeky smile. He was fully awake now. I pulled him closer to me and we laid down together, our soft breathing the only noise.

        "I love you Enzo," Ivan said. He lifted up his head and stared straight in my eyes. I was beyond shocked. This was the first time Ivan said I love you to me. This was the second time he told his feelings and how they were expressed towards me.

        Before I could say anything, Ivan screamed and jumped out of the bed. I turned to the window and saw a Rogue scratching his nails on the glass. He glared and growled at Ivan. His red eyes rolled towards me and his growled got louder. When I looked back to Ivan, he was gone and so was the Rogue.

        I looked around confusingly and Zev appeared. "Are you okay, Enzo?" He asked worriedly.

        I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. Was this a dream or the real deal? It was probably dream. Ivan wouldn't cuddle with me, he wouldn't show his affection towards me, and he mostly certainly won't say I love you to me. Maybe I was going crazy due to Ivan's random emotions. I sat down on the edge of my bed, defeated and tired, and stared at a worried Zev. Zev frowned when he noticed my dark mood and sat next to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and I found myself leaning on him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he squeezed my shoulder for comfort.

        "He'll come back, Enzo. He always do," Zev said.

        "But he's not coming back for me, only for Jayden. What the hell am I going to do? I already hurt him enough," I said weakly. I was on the brick of crying--not for Ivan's safety but for him never coming back the same. I knew this was hard for Ivan to deal with being (maybe) a true alpha and his best friend's life on the line. Everything I do for him, it's not enough of the results always come back negative.

        "Hey, you don't think Ivan wants to be with you? He basically saved your life twice! He rather have a bullet in his head and make you mark him than having you get hurt. If you think he was doing that for his own safety, then you're wrong. I never told you this but...I like Ivan," Zev told me. I growled jealously and Zev rolled his eyes. "I like him like a brother, dumb ass. He has more courage than all of us combined. No other Human would think twice to put a bullet in a rogue's head, say what's on his mind, and even break the Lycan rules."

        Ivan was a piece of work, for sure. He wouldn't listen to me unless something bad happened, his stubbornness was annoying as fuck, and his mood swings were off the charts. But he was caring, sarcastic, bright, and he had the one thing that many people didn't have. Courage. I almost envied his courage and how well he didn't give two shits if someone was an Omega, Alpha, Beta, and etc. For fuck sake's, how could I let my anger and jealously take over the one thing that I wanted the most in the world? I had Ivan. I kissed Ivan. I comforted Ivan. I protected Ivan. But I was eager to start a riot with the people around him than be with him.

        An ache pounded in my heart and I winced.

        "He's sad," Zev said matter of factly. "Just like you. If you let your Alpha side take over the real you, you won't ever have Ivan's heart."

        Zev got up and left the room. I remembered when Ivan actually talked to me when I felt like myself, when the Alpha wasn't inside me. He showed his emotions, he talked to me like I wasn't just a Werewolf he hated. Could I ever go back to being that same person?

        My eyes gazed on the window and I saw the same rogue in my dream stare at me with a deep emotion in his eyes. He turned his head and a howled was heard. I don't know why but I didn't attack the Rogue. Something about him was different. I simply sighed and stared at the ceiling like nothing happened. Ivan was worth my time. All I had to do was try to win his trust again.

        And his love. 

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