The Wolf Rejected the Twink

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I stood a few steps away from him. His pale blonde hair hanging a bit, and his blue eyes searching around his locker looked just a regular human. His tall and lean figure would make a great Warrior, and his long neck could look around quickly without trying. I felt like a creep, standing behind a wall so he won't see me. Two voices in my head were telling me different things.

One voice said, go over there and tell him everything about me.

The other was telling me, leave him alone. You don't want a mate.

My dad told me mates make you weak. They will make you forget the world you live in and try to make you something you're not. I understand why he said that because someone killed his mate, and he wants revenge. I want revenge for my mother. The last time I saw her was when I was eighteen.

The boy closed his locker and turned but didn't move. He was fixing his book bag that was caught on his jacket. I guess it was time to show myself. I walked out of the shadows and showed my face to him. He looked up quickly, and his blue eyes stared into my brown ones. My heart jumped. I ignored the silly feeling and kept my posture.

"I, Enzo Olivieri, reject you as a mate," I said coldly. I stared at the boy if he had any reaction. He did but not the one I expected. He snorted, his childish feature turned into a young man with a cocky attitude, and smirked. I felt my heart jump again, and I was getting sick of it.

"Okay, Enzo. I, Ivan Coen, accept your rejection. Are we done here?" He mocked and zipped up his jacket. He walked away without my response, and I growled. No one should walk away from me. No one should speak to me like that. 

But I was a bit interested. 

He didn't break down like most mates would. I saw my friends break their mates' heart by rejecting them, and they cried, guys too, and it wasn't pretty. But this boy, this Ivan, he didn't give a damn.

I jammed my hands in my pockets and watched him walk away. He was interesting, but something about his attitude told me he was hiding his true self.

"So, how did it go?" I turned my head and saw my best friend. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. His arms were over his chest, and he had a smirk on his face. His blue eyes reminded me of Ivan. I shook my head. Shit, I rejected the young man, and now I'm thinking about him? He's just a guy.

"It went...smoothly. He accepted my rejection, and that all it matters," I said and walked out of the school. Footsteps followed me.

"What? He accepted it like it was nothing? Something is seriously wrong, Enzo," Zev whispered as we walked away from the school.

"What are you talking about? He doesn't want to be with me, and I don't want to be with him. Don't make this into a case when it's already closed."

Zev appeared in front of me, and he glared. I sighed in annoyance and felt the aching in my heart.

Zev glanced at my chest, and a smirk was slowly forming on his face. "You feel the pain, don't you? That's what you get for rejecting your mate. You'll be like that until you go back inside and accept each other."

I groaned when my heart started pounding painfully. "How the hell am I going to do that? He's smarter than any human. He won't take me back."

Do I want him in my life? I don't know. I learned mates make you weak, and I don't have time for that. I need to focus on my pack and my duties as a Beta.

"Then make him want you. Don't add jealously and shit like that. Just be there for him and show him how much you care."

I glanced at Zev. He had a smirk on his face, but I could tell he was telling the truth. Zev doesn't become soft like this. He was gentle when it was his family but soft for some guy? He either likes him or wants to get in his pants. Zev touching Ivan passionately made me blush in anger.

"Whoa there, buddy. I don't want to fuck him if you're thinking that. I want you to be happy," Zev assured.

"I am happy. I'm happy with my pack. Not some guy," I replied and walked towards the woods.

"Are you sure? What if Rogues goes after him?"

I let out a big sigh. "We'll worry about that when the time comes. For now, we go back to our lives."

Now that I faced my mate, I knew somewhere I would be around him more than I anticipated.

For a second, I felt true happiness. 


Yeah I dropped out another Werewolf story and I'm hoping it goes great! Hopefully you guys comment and vote and stuff because I really like this story and how the characters are going to be awesome. On the side is Enzo Olivieri. This is going to be a back and forth POV between Enzo and Ivan. If you want to see an example, check out my other book name The Human Boy. There are three POV's. Anywho, more chapters will be posted soon and Merry Christimas and Happy New Years! Oh, I deleted The Fallout and I might delete Im So Screwed and He Wears a Leather Jacket. I don't know. :D

1/3/2020 update: I changed the ending of this chapter because some of you guys were confused when Enzo said "they won't because he's mine." he said that out of anger and resentment for rouges and protection for Ivan. I think this dialogue fits more because Enzo is still coming to terms with his mate. 

The Wolf Rejected the Twink {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now