Ivan: The Bite

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        I shouldn't feel this way. I shouldn't start liking someone else because it wasn't the time for that. I needed to see if Jayden was okay. I needed to hear his voice again, smile when he sees me, hug me when I needed it, tell me that I'm his best friend to the world. He's the only one who made me see the world differently. But so has my family and Enzo, Zev, Luka, Corianne, and Alexander. They didn't ruin my life but only made me see things clearer. I was grateful but angry. If Alexander didn't come into my life, if Enzo only ignored a "bond", if only I didn't scream and found out about my parents, I would have a normal life still. But was I ever supposed to have a normal life? Does anyone have a normal life due to Werewolves running around the world and (probably) forcing Humans become Werewolves?

        I sighed and ran a hand through my brown hair. I turned my head to see Alexander stretching his bones, groaning when he felt a pop on his shoulder and back. He looked over his shoulder and gave me a wolf like grin. My heart somehow fluttered when I saw his blue eyes roam over my clothed body.

        For the past three days, Alexander was like a baby sitter and friend to me. He lent me some clothes of his, gave me food that his parents made for me, and sleep. The catch was, I had to sleep on his bed with him, At first, I declined the deal when I woke up on the first day after me fainting. He declined my decline and told me that I had to sleep on his bed. I tried to give him an excuse like, it was his bed or it wasn't comfortable but he didn't listen. He actually grabbed my wrist and pulled me down on his bed. As soon as my head it the pillow, I was out like a light. I never felt something comfortable in my life. It was a bit weird on the third day sleeping on Alexander's bed.

        I wouldn't sleep on the pillows, I would sleep on his chest, my arms wrapped around his waist and our legs dangled with each other. I was blushing like a tomato when I found Alexander smirking at me. The bastard had the nerve to let me stay like that because he thought it was "cute". Cute my ass. I was embarrassed but slightly happy.

        "Would you stop staring at me? I feel like you're raping me with your eyes. It isn't healthy," I said, a bit annoyed. Alexander chuckled and threw a random shirt at me. I got out of his bed and stalked my way towards the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like nothing bad happened to me.

        No blood, no dirt, but I did have a small bruise on my cheek where the Werewolf slapped me. I looked at my hands and saw them trembling. I was ashamed of myself for killing two Werewolves but something in my snapped. I don't know what it was but I sure as hell wasn't liking it.

        If Jayden found out about this, he would seriously put me in a coma. He didn't need a freak killing Werewolves like it was a job, because it wasn't. I didn't ask to kill to them but they were just fucking pissing me off! I sighed and took off my clothes and got in the shower, washing away my angrry thoughts. 


        Alexander was staring at me...again. I glared at him as I ate my pancakes that his mother made for me. I wasn't too happy that they kicked out their son, Luka, for being a Omega. Plus, his mother was a fucking Beta and she could snap my neck into two. She was a nice lady but she was wouldn't take shit from no one since Alexander's uncle is an Alpha and Alexander's father is a Warrior. They didn't look uncomfortable about a Warrior being in the house because he had some Werewolf genes in him. I don't know how could they let a Warrior inside the house but couldn't let an Omega stay. Pure bullshit.

        "Boy, stop staring at him. You're freaking him out," Alexander's father said.

        Alexander rolled his eyes and smirked. "I can't. He's so cute."

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