Enzo: The Witch, The Werewolf, and The War {Part II}

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        Echo stared at Vlad fearfully and mumbled a few words under her breath. It sounded like she was praying to God and trying to keep us away from the evil. Vlad smirked towards her but his neck snapped towards someone behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Corianne staring back at him with a weird look on her face. Then she started to cry silently while hugging herself. "Oh God, no..."

        "Oh God, yes! This makes everything better!" Vlad said happily and started to laugh randomly. I scrunched my face, confused about what was going on right now. "It looks like little Corianne is my mate. The little Omega is my mate!"

        Corianne cried harder and she kept mumbling the same words over and over. I hugged her and she placed her head on my chest, crying louder and harder. Vlad only smirked and clapped his hands together. "I heard about the Blood Horizon Pack. I also heard that you killed Kurt, the other leader. I could give two shits about injustice and whatnot but I'm here to get Luka back."

        "Bullshit!" Zev snapped. "You're here for someone else."

        "Of course I am! I'm here for that twink that everyone is talking about. There's something...alluring about him." I gritted my teeth and held Corianne closer to me. Ivan's business was nobody but mine. Maybe he was different from Humans but that didn't make him a fucking chew toy or a hot topic to the other Werewolves.

        "He's just Human, that's it," I said blankly.

        Vlad red eyes went to mine and he smiled creepily. "You don't know what he is, do you?"

        I didn't answer back. Vlad hummed and walked to Echo's potion stock. He picked up a random potion and stared at it. "Ivan can see us. What do I mean? I mean, he can tell the difference between an Omega, a Beta, an Alpha, and a Rogue. That's why Ivan didn't scream when he saw you, that's why Ivan isn't calling the cops since he found about Werewolves, that's why he's not afraid of us."

        "What's your fucking point?" I snapped. He was frustrating me talking about Ivan. Maybe I didn't know about Ivan super power or some shit. Why did he need Ivan either way? Ivan didn't do anything to Vlad.

        "My point is, Ivan is something more, something different. Same goes for Jayden. You picked the right mates. Now, if you kindly let them into the Savage Pack, we won't kill anyone, right boys?" Vlad asked. His pack members nodded but didn't say a word.

        "No," I answered. Vlad sighed and pushed down the stock of potions onto the ground. Everyone jumped. In a flash, Vlad had Corianne by her throat. I looked at my hands and growled at Vlad. Vlad had a twisted smirk on his face as he squeezed Corianne's throat.

        "Let her go!" I roared.

        "If you take one fucking step, her neck will be a pretzel!" He bellowed and squeezed harder. Corianne tried clawing her way out of Vlad's grip but he didn't let the pain get to him. I stood still as I saw Corianne skin color turn pale. I stared hard at Vlad. He smirked at us and finally let go of Corianne. Corianne dropped on the floor and she coughed and wheezed, breathing in as much air as she could. I gritted my teeth when he placed his boot on her neck. He didn't add pressure though.

        "You either say yes or she and Luka dies," Vlad threatened. I grabbed Echo's hand and looked at her. Her green eyes were big, fear showing through her eyes. But she slowly calmed down and her eyes narrowed on mine. I winked and she nodded.

        "Yes..." I trailed. I looked back at Vlad and he had the twisted smirk when he was squeezing Corianne's neck. Vlad took his boot off of Corianne's neck and took a step closer to us.

        "Echo!" I screamed. Echo let go of my hand and she moved her arms near the wall. Vlad and his two man slammed on the wall and groaned. I quickly grabbed Corianne and ran out of the Echo's house. I looked behind me to see a running Zev holding a sleeping Jayden and Luka running behind him.

        Luka looked over his shoulder to see Echo not running with us. He stopped and screamed, "Come with us!"

        "Take Corianne and Jayden up the hill. I got Luka," I said quickly to Zev. He nodded and Corianne followed close behind him. Luka started running back to Echo but I quickly caught his upper arm.

        Echo smiled sadly at us. "I am sorry, darlings, but I cannot go with you."

        "What why?" I questioned. She could somehow join our pack. She could be a maid or something but at least she's with us.

        "My work has ended when Vlad came. I do not understand what is going on but my protection will for Luka and now for you and your friends. You must protect Ivan and Jayden. Do not let them out of your sight." Her green eyes landed on Luka. "Remember what I told you about Alexander. Keep him away."

        Luka was going to speak when Echo locked the door on our faces and there were growls and howls. I grabbed Luka's arm and pulled him up the hill. He shut his eyes to block out bone chillings screams. Echo didn't scream for help but for mercy and leaving us alone. I covered Luka's ears when I heard skin tearing, bones crushing and cracking, and two howls. 

        As I was running up the hill, I looked over my shoulder to see Vlad staring at me with his red eyes and Echo's blood dripping down his chin. 


        Corianne fell asleep from the walk back to the pack house. Zev was a bit pissed at Luka and Corianne for "kidnapping" his mate but he still cared for them. I was carrying Corianne as Luka was walking next to me. He was emotionally tired from crying so much. I was a bit curious about what Echo said to Luka. I knew Alexander was a Beta and an asshole but was there more to him? What else could he be hiding?

        "Luka, what's actually wrong with Alexander?" I asked.

        Luka looked up and frowned. "He has problems finding his mate. My dad knows who his mate is but he wants Alexander to find him by himself. Apparently, Alexander's mate is dead so he's kind of mate less. One day, I followed him in the woods and saw him talking to Echo. He didn't really care about the effects that would happen because he desperately wanted a mate."

        "What did Echo give him?"

        "A love spell. Alexander only used it on people he really likes. One simple touch and you'll a goner."

        My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Alexander using a love spell to find his own mate? That was against the Goddess who put you and your mate together. I was happy that Luka was telling me this so I had another reason for Ivan to hate Alexander. Not only was Alexander pulling Ivan away from me, he was using a cruel way to make someone like him for not who he is but for what he's doing.

        "Between you and me, I really hope Ivan ends up with you before Alexander does," Luka said randomly.

        "I hope so too," I mumbled. "I'm sorry about Echo."

        "When I find that bastard, he's going to wish he was never born," Luka growled.


        HOLAAA!! The banner on the side is made by a great person. I forgot who but I love it and yeah. LOOK AT THIS LOVELY COVER. I AM IN LOVE. SERIOUSLY. More of Vlad and his scary ways with Corianne and sorry about Echo. 

        What do you think about Alexander and the love spell?

        Corianne and Vlad's sudden interaction? 

        Opinion about Ivan's power?

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