Ivan: The Twink Rejected the Wolf

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Everything felt...good, almost too good. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Enzo sleeping next to me, his arms on my waist and his mouth opening, drooling like a bear. I chuckled and pushed his hair away from his closed eyes. I was happy he and my friends saved my mom and I.

I hoped Nicki and my dad were okay. I wanted to wake Enzo up so he could tell me if my mother was okay but he needed to rest. The shit we've been through was ticking us off. I still haven't killed Vlad and he was becoming more ruthless. I had already said yes to the Devil himself but if Enzo didn't come in time, I would have been a monster, something I never wanted to become. Enzo slowly opened his eyes and a sleepy smile was on his face.

He ran a hand through my hair and whispered, "Morning."

I smiled. "Morning."

"How are you feeling? By the way, your mother is fine. She already healed but she must rest, same goes for you."

I really wanted to see my mother but I felt a bit sleepy. I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds before my mind told me to use the bathroom. I sat up slowly and placed my hand on Enzo's.

"I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom," I said and got out of the bed.

"Okay, love," he answered. A blushed creep on my cheeks. When did he start calling me names? Corianne called me darling and now he was calling me darling and love. I wasn't complaining. It felt...nice, like I was only his. I went inside the bathroom and looked at myself to see my blue eyes glowing with happiness and my body healthy than before.

Was I only Enzo's? I still had feelings for Enzo and Alexander but I wasn't sure who to pick. It wasn't the time to look for a boyfriend but these guys were always around me. I felt...different when I was with them. They gave me headaches and they were Werewolves but I still like them.

For Alexander, he made me like him less after what he did. I couldn't believe he put a spell on me. What a shitty move. But I still had feelings. Maybe it was the spell that was taking half of my brain. Then I have Enzo. He had the urge to kill everyone but it looked like he was holding himself back, not to mention he's an Alpha now. He doesn't scare me because why would I be scared of him?

Sure, I dislike Werewolves, but I wasn't going to be afraid of them, not even Enzo. I sighed and turned on the faucet, not feeling like to use the toilet anymore. I slapped water on my face and sighed, grabbing a wash cloth and wiping my face. I turned off the faucet and stretched my bones, staring at myself as I do that. When I tilted my head to the side to crack my neck, I saw teeth marks. As I got closer to the mirror, I noticed that it was different teeth marks, smaller and it healed.

The door busted opened and Enzo came in with fear and panic in his eyes. He put his hands up, almost like in surrender, and took cautious towards me.

"Ivan, I have to tell you something but please don't get mad," he said slowly. I stood up straight and felt cold inside. What was he going to tell me? Nicki and my dad were dead? Was Jayden okay? Last time I saw him was getting knocked out by Corianne. Did they kill him? They couldn't because he was Zev's mate. Hopefully, he can go back to normal. Enzo stood in front of me and his finger tips dragged on my skin. I shivered under his touch and stared in his red eyes.

"What is going on, Enzo? Is everything okay? Who's hurt?" I threw questions at him, worried that someone else got hurt. I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me. My mother was the last straw.

I had a feeling Vlad and his crew were coming here tonight, and we needed all the help we could get. I didn't want Nicki and my dad joining but they were Warriors. I know they can handle themselves.

The Wolf Rejected the Twink {BoyxBoy}Where stories live. Discover now