Enzo: Eyes Wide Open

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I was eating with Ivan by my side. He was eating chicken and rice, something Corianne made because we were all hungry. I was still tired from the small fight I had with Ivan but I felt in content. Ivan was psychically mine but not emotionally. I was surprised when he called me babe because let's face it, Ivan would only all me asshole, jackass, and other insults that didn't really hurt me. I was glad to see Ivan eating happily and slowly, having small talk with Corianne. Luka looked uncomfortable and bored, playing with his food with a fork. I knew Luka loved food but he was still sad about his dead mate, Sindy. I nudged my elbow on his rib cage and he looked up with his red eyes.

"Ivan is very sorry about everything. He misses you and I think you should talk to him," I whispered. Luka rolled his eyes, going back to playing his food. I nudged him again but he ignored me. I sighed and got up, grabbing Luka's untouched food and placing it on the kitchen counter. I turned around and saw Luka playing with his fingers nervously.

"Ivan..." he said.

Ivan turned his head and looked at Luka. Ivan glanced at me before placing his fork on his plate. "Yes Luka?" He asked.

Luka took a deep breath and looked in Ivan's eyes. "I'm very sorry for saying you are dead to me. I...I should be thanking you for saving me and Sindy wouldn't want me like this."

Before Ivan could say anything, I bet him to it. "Sindy would have been a great Luna. She would be telling you let her go and enjoy your youth life, Luka," I said sincerely and smiled warmly.

His eyes got big. "W—wait, that means...that means...I'll be an—"

"Alpha, just like me and Zev."

"But—but why?"

I shrugged, smiling happily to see Luka happy and how shocked he is. I wanted Luka to become Alpha because I want to see him grow up and lead a pack on his own. I want to show others that Omegas can be Alphas if that they wanted to. It would be hard for an Omega to move up in a more powerful status but I would make it happen, for Luka and Ivan.

Ivan had a small smile on his face. When we locked eyes, his cheeks turned pink and he looked away, trying to have a conversation with Corianne. I walked towards Luka and ruffled his messy black hair. I watched Ivan and he glanced at me as he talked to Corianne.


"Ivan, we have to talk," I ordered. Ivan raised an eyebrow, almost telling me you did not tell me what to do. I didn't want to beg him to talk to him but it was really important. Ivan saw the impatient and nervous look on my face and he got up, walking his way towards me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in my office. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to Ivan who was sitting on the small couch.

Ivan looked around and gave me a small grin. "I see you're the boss of the house, huh? How does it feel to be powerful?"

I shrugged, smiling back. "I could show you how powerful I am but you won't be able to walk for a while," I said seductively and winked.

Ivan chuckled, looking away, but I saw his cheek turn red. "Is that why you pulled me away from my friends? flirt so you can kiss me?"

"Oh darling, I don't have to flirt with you to have you because you're already mine."

Ivan groaned. "Stop messing with me, Enzo!"

I laughed and kissed his red cheeks, pulling him close to me and kissing his forehead. Ivan relaxed in my arms and I heard his heart beat slow down. I could get used to this. I could have him in my arms forever, safe and sound.

"I pulled you away because I wanted to tell you the mating process isn't done," I said in all seriousness.

Ivan slowly pulled away and rolled his eyes. "I know, Enzo. I'm not an idiot."

I chuckled. "I never said you were but now you bought it up..."

Ivan punched my shoulder and I chuckled louder. Then I let stopped laughing and Ivan got serious too. I was a bit nervous to tell him what the other step was. It wasn't us mating and me having to bite him while we're mating because that would cause a lot of pain for him and I. Most Werewolves would do that to get it over with but Ivan was different, he wanted a slow relationship, or at least that's what I think. Ivan rubbed the side of his neck, rubbing the mark I gave him, and I smiled small. I was somewhat happy that Ivan was marked but I felt like shit that I had to do it without his permission.

As much I wanted to do it and I couldn't wait much longer, I felt like I was crossing the line with him. He had limits and I couldn't simply go over them because I wouldn't do that to him. He was the one I wanted to be with. He was the one I wanted to be safe because he was my mate, and mates needed to stick together.

"Since you're a True Alpha, you have to mark your mate. Alphas has to show who their mate are or they would lose their power. You don't have to do it now but it would be best to do it soon," I explained. Ivan nodded but it looked like something else was on his mind.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

Ivan gaze me with his blue eyes and I instantly drowned in his eyes ocean-like eyes and tried to reach the surface. "Luka...that was nice of you, Enzo. It could really show how strong and helpful Omegas are and they could change the rules. Omegas wouldn't have to be treated like shit anymore!" Ivan said happily and smiled.

I smiled back and squeezed Ivan's hand. Ivan's smile dimmed down as he stared into my eyes. I loved this feeling, the feeling of us being alone and watching the world disappear, his lips leaning to mine. I've been waiting for this. I leaned forward and captured his lips into mine. I didn't want the moment to end. I pulled away and he groaned slightly, his eyes closed.

"Why did you pull away?" He asked. I held his cheeks in the palm of my hands.

"I love you," I whispered.

His eyes snapped opened and he said hoarsely, "What?"

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