Enzo: Soon

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Punch, kick, dodge, stab. 

Stab, punch, move, kick. 

Pull back, pull forward, knife in heart. 

Knife to back, gun to head. 

Aim and shoot. 


I leaned my shoulder as Ivan concentrated on his target, Nicki. He was learning how to use sword since his sister was a professional at her skill, Swords. She was great with swords, machetes, ninja stars, butterfly knives, you name it and she was great at it. 

Couple of days later, Ivan's been working hard at training. His sister hated the fact that her brother was going to be like her but I knew someday it was bond to happen. She told me she tried her best to keep him away from Werewolves, weapons, and any acknowledge about the Warriors. But of course, she wanted for him to know about the Warriors and he wasn't too freaked out about them. I finally got to meet his parents and they told me if he dies, my blood would been on their hands. I wasn't scared about their threat but it made me more cautious about Ivan and his safety. He was going to battle an Alpha Rogue and he only used guns as his safety, not his fists or brain. 

"I don't like this," I mumbled. In fact, I hated this more than Nicki. She couldn't say no to Ivan because he wouldn't listen to her or he would get someone to do it for him. Nicki didn't want any from the Warriors to meet her little brother and didn't want him dead, so she trained him. 

"Nobody likes this. I don't understand why he won't listen to us when we said we'll help him kill Vlad," Zev said and frowned. 

I told Ivan that were going to help him kill Vlad but that pissed him more. I knew why he wanted to do it by himself but he cared. He cared more than anything in the world for us to be safe. 

Ivan wiped his sweaty forehead and sighed, drawing back his sword and giving it to Nicki. He flipped his wet hair out of his eyes and walked past me, without saying hello or acknowledge my existent. Ivan became a bit distant and cold around us but we let it slide because he was hurting inside. Luka wouldn't talk to him, actually, he wouldn't talk to anyone and kept himself to the world. Corianne tried getting them to talk but Luka would run away or Ivan would tell her not to. We all needed space. 

I sighed through my nose and followed Ivan upstairs and into his room. I closed the door behind me and watched Ivan pack a few things. He decided to go back to his family so his mom and dad could train him. I found it horrible that they were willing to train their son and encouraged him to become a Warrior when they didn't want him to be. I guessed they thought Ivan wouldn't have a Werewolf as his love partner, let alone a man. 

Ivan was particularly shoving random clothes inside his book bag and huffing and sighing. I caught his wrist and laced our fingers together. He looked up and snatched his hand back. 

"Don't touch me," he sneered. I grabbed his hand and he sighed, his eyes back to the bed. 

"I'll miss you," I whispered. It wasn't the last time I would be seeing Ivan but I didn't want him to go. It felt like home with him being inside the pack house. 

He looked up again and nodded. "Same." 

I rolled my eyes, growling at his short word response. It's been going for days and I was seriously getting pissed off. 

Ivan arched an eyebrow, surprised at my growl. "What's wrong?" 

I scoffed. Oh, now he wanted to know what's wrong or what the big deal was. 

"What's wrong? What's wrong is you, Ivan! You're not the same anymore. You're always training because you want to kill Vlad. You don't want to comfort Luka when he needs your help. And...you don't look at me anymore," I whispered the last part. 

I could careless if I was being soft. I wanted Ivan to look at me with his blue eyes or have him show his beautiful smile or have him blush whenever I scared him. Because he was home, he was the one that I will worried for the most. Ivan reached up and grabbed my cheeks in his hands. His blue eyes were concentrated on me and they softened when I placed my hands on top of his. 

"I'm looking clear at you and I will be fine," he said softly. "I'll try to come back, okay?" 

I stared at him before taking a step back. Ivan took a deep breath before letting it out, continuing to back his clothes. He zipped his book bag and slung it over his shoulder. The training were working out for him. He gained muscles and I could see a small four pack forming under his tight shirt. The shirts he used to wear couldn't fit them anymore so he gave them to Luka. I would walk around and see Luka wearing one of Ivan's old of shirts. He still wore them. 

I was somewhat proud of Ivan for his bravery. He was putting his life on the line to save his best friend and kill the man who killed his friend's mate. A few of the pack members envied his bravery and even wanted to train with him. Some of them had the hots for Nicki. 

Ivan got in front of me and kissed me. Taken back, I froze. I watched Ivan's eyes slowly closed and he held the back of my neck. Why did this feel like a goodbye kiss? I wanted to pull back and tell him this isn't our final goodbye and we will never have one. I held his waist and kissed him back, passion fill the air. I wasn't going to let go of him because he was safe in my arms. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I pulled him closer, our bodies squeezed together. 

I didn't rush the kiss, I didn't deepen it, nor did I push him down the bed and kissed him senselessly. It was slow, passionate, molding our lips in a sync. I lifted him up a bit as he stood on his tiptoes and I wrapped my arm around his waist. He pulled suddenly and his blue eyes were filled with lust. I wanted nothing more to mark him and make him mine. I knew my eyes were burning red but I didn't care. My mate was in front of me, begging me to kiss him again. 

Then a thought struck me. He still had feelings for Alexander. He was under his control and the mark on his neck hasn't disappeared. How could I mark someone who had feelings for someone else? Ivan saw the change of mood and he touched my cheek with his fingertips. He had the same look when I was "sleeping" with him. He was a bit sleepy but something in his eyes were holding an emotion I couldn't comprehend. I grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles and kissed his cheek before stepping back. 

"Don't wait up, okay?" He said, a bit happy. He kissed my cheek before leaving the room. 

"I'll always wait for you, Ivan," I said to myself and walked downstairs.


Standing next to Ivan was Nicki and she was blushing madly. A couple of the men were flirting and chatting with her but she couldn't stutter a word because of all the guys around her. 

I rolled my eyes and snapped, "Hey! Get the hell away from her or I'll have you head on a stick!"

They jumped and flashed Nicki a smile before glaring at me and running back to the pack house. Nicki let out a sigh in relief and fanned herself. 

"Too many hot men. I might faint, Ivan. Catch me," Nicki said dramatically. 

Ivan rolled and smiled, moving his eyes to mine. I kept a firm posture but it was slowly cracking under his gaze. Zev nudged my elbow and nodded his hand towards the pack house. Ivan flashed me a smile before turning around and walking away with Nicki by him side. 

Something inside me told me to go to him and kiss him one last time. 

I did. 

I caught Ivan's wrist and spin him around, silencing him before he say anything. I held his chin with my index finger and kissed him quickly and gently. Ivan tried following me but I was now pecking his lips before pulling away and giving him a smirk. There was a faint red on his cheeks and he bit his bottom lip, shyly turning around and walking quick to catch up with Nicki. Nicki was squealing and jumping up and down. 

"That was so cute!" Nicki cooed. 

"Shut up!" Ivan said embarrassingly. The faint red got darker. I chuckled as they disappeared in the woods and my happy mood drained. 

"When will you do it?" Zev asked. 

I frowned but smiled at the thought of Ivan blushing. "Soon...soon..."

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