Ivan: Kind Of Perfect Moment

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        I stood in front of the pack house, blowing inside my hands to keep them warm. I pulled the collar of my coat close to my face to keep my cheeks and ears were but the cold were biting them either way. I hugged myself as I waited for Enzo and Zev. I tried going inside the pack house but the pack members weren't to fond of me after killing their pack members. I simply rolled my eyes and told them I would be waiting for them.

        I rubbed the side of my neck that had the bite mark that Alexander left. I didn't tell him where I was going. I figured he would know that I'm in the pack house. He would probably get mad that I didn't tell him. To kill the boredom, I decided to call Nicki. It's been a while since I talked to her and my family.

        "Mom and dad are seriously pissed and so am I," Nicki said, almost growling. I sighed and rubbed my forehead, forgetting about the cold. I held so much in me that I needed to tell someone. I wished Jayden would just wake up so I could tell him everything that's been going on and what I've been thinking.

        "Nicki, I'm someone's mate," I said, biting my bottom lip.

        Nicki squealed and I heard something crash. My mom barked at her for being dramatic and breaking something. Nicki didn't listen and a door slammed closed. "What's her name? How old is she? Is she religious? Does she know about us?"

        "Whoa, whoa. You're fine with this? I thought you would be mad at me."

        "Mad at you? For what? You found yourself a girlfriend!"

        I shook my head and smiled. I was glad she didn't scream at me for being near Werewolves, even though we didn't like them like that. Nicki was still rambling about her meeting us, how much she could embarrass me, and how much she can't wait to meet her. I let Nicki ramble on because it's been a while since I talked to Nicki and I would love to hear her voice again. I sighed in content and hummed when she asked me a question. Then she stopped.

        "Ivan?" She said softly.

        I sat down on the floor in front of the pack house and listened to my heart beat and the wind. "Yeah?"

        "What am I going to tell mom and dad? You know how they feel about Werewolves."

        I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. They hunt Werewolves for God sake. If they found out their son has a Werewolf mate, they would surely kill him, especially my father. I would have to tell them one day and I was going to do that when everything was fixed. "I'll tell them. They'll have to understand someday. How are you?"

        "I'm great. I just miss you, Ivan. It feels like years since I haven't seen you!"

        I chuckled and leaned my elbow on my thigh. "It's been a few weeks. Everything is going crazy right now. If you see Jayden's parents, tell him he's on a road trip with me."

        "Road trip? You're only eighteen!"

        "Eighteen years old do stupid shit, Nicki."

        "You're not like other eighteen year olds, Ivan. We both know this." 

        I looked up to see Enzo holding a sleeping Corianne and Luka walking next to him. Then I saw Zev holding a sleeping Jayden.

        "I'll call you back," I said quickly and hang up. I stood up and rushed towards them. When I got close to them, they looked like shit.

        "What the hell happened? Are you okay? Why do you have Jayden with you?" I asked, panic rising on my chest. Luka shook his head and mumbled a few things under his breath.

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