Enzo: Echoed the Walls

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I knew he was trouble. I knew he shouldn't have gotten near him. I knew that Ivan used his emotions, blocked away that Jayden wasn't Human anymore, but a fucking Werewolf. But, of course, Ivan was fucking stubborn. My heart stopped when I heard Ivan scream. He hurt my ears, it was like a bullet to my heart. I placed my ear on the door and heard nothing but Ivan heavy breaths and Jayden's growls. 

We had to act fast. I quickly took a step back and slammed my foot on the door. I did it a few times, kicking and growling, and searching the door. I growled loudly because I was wasting time and I knew my mate was in trouble. I pushed the door, leaving a hole through the door. I kicked the door one more until I saw the worst thing in my life. Ivan aiming a gun at Jayden's head. 

"Ivan!" Corianne yelled. Ivan didn't move but his eyes were watery and his hand was shaking. 

"Where the hell is he getting these guns?" Luka murmured. I wondered that too. It was almost like the same guns, silver, but they each had different designs. Zev stood there, frozen in shock. His eyes changed back to regular eye color, blue. I felt bad for my best friend because he had to watch his mate go through a horrible nightmare. So has my mate. I took a step closer to the duo. Jayden's eyes were staring into Ivan's before he closed his eyes and relaxed. 

"Shoot me," he said. 

Ivan shook his head and whispered, "No." 

"Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me--" 

"No, no, I can't Jayden. Just let us help you, that's what we do. We help people and you never ever let them down." 

"Help me by shooting me," he said monotonously. Watching my mate's face expression from fear turn to sadness was the worst experience in my life. But it also made me sad too. Jayden was a great teenager, he was filled with life, and trusted us but now, he was like me. 

"Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me, shoot me-" 

"No, shut up! I'm not shooting you!" Ivan cried. 

"I said fucking SHOOT ME!" Jayden roared and placed his forehead on the hole. Ivan's hand on the fun was violently shaking. We stood there, frozen and watched the scene unfold. I walked towards Ivan and placed my hand in Ivan's hand that was on the gun. I pushed the gun down and Ivan dropped it, tears streaming down on his face. He turned around and wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his forehead to calm down but he cried and clawed on the back of my shirt. Jayden sighed and looked at the window. 

"They're coming," he said. I looked out of the window and saw the last person I wanted to see. Vlad was marching his way towards the house with his two men besides him. It wasn't close to midnight (thank God) so it meant Ivan was somewhat safe. But I knew why Vlad was here. I caressed Ivan's soft cheeks and tilted his head up. His baby blue eyes stares into my red eyes as the waterfalls continued to fall. 

"You have to stay with Luka and Corianne for a little while. We have things to take care of. Can you do that for me?" I said softly, running my hand through his hair. 

"What about Jayden? We can't leave him here," Ivan said and looked at him. 

Jayden stared at the window with his red, blank eyes and placed his hand on the window. He looked like he wasn't going to move or hurt anyone. He was memorized by the dark blue sky and how the sun was dropping. I grabbed Ivan's hand pulled him out of the room. Corianne closed the door when everyone left but I knew Jayden was going to come out. 

I placed Ivan's hand on Corianne and said, "Take Ivan upstairs and keep him safe." 

Corianne shook her head vigorously and hiccuped. I was putting pressure on her because I remembered what Ivan said about her. 

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