Ivan: Helping the Omega

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        Luka wouldn't talk. I don't blame him. I clearly head shot his Alpha in front of him and his buddies but I didn't have time for Werewolves to bitch at each other about Luka, calling me a twink, and me being someone's bitch. All we wanted Luka and that's it. I glanced at the boy who was dragging his dirty and long nails on the kitchen table, leaving scratch marks. His eyes were on the table and he didn't move an inch. Zev and Enzo were glaring at him and trying to get him to talk but they don't understand that the boy wanted privacy. 

        "We should leave him alone a bit," I said. They looked at me with dumbfound looks. "What do you mean? He's a Omega," Enzo said.

        "I'm a Rogue!" Luka screamed. Those were the first words that Luka said since we got back to the pack house.

        "You will not scream in this house, Omega!" Zev roared and slammed his fists on the table.

        "Bite me," Luka sneered and resumed dragging his nails on the table.

        "I know who can talk to him," I said quickly.

        "Who? If he can't talk to Werewolves and a Human, who would?" Zev asked.

        "The only person who's the same kind as him."


        Corianne was a sweetheart to Luka. He answered her back with one word answers but, at least, he was answering her questions. I bit my bottom lip when I saw Corianne reached out to touch Luka's hand. He flinched and moved away, glaring at her for almost touching her. She smiled sadly, understanding quickly. Luka's eyes softened and moved back to his place.

        "How can she be so...gentle to an Omega? It's odd," Zev mumbled. I looked at him. He was watching them with a disgusted look.

        "It's called being nice to one another. You should try it sometime," I snapped.

        Zev gritted his teeth, turned around, and walked away. "Whatever. They disgust me."

        "And I disgust you," I whispered. I heard his footsteps stopped moving. I didn't turn around to see his expression. I knew about the Omegas being the lowest of low but I didn't know they were treated bad. How would Enzo feel if I was a Rogue or an Omega? Would he still want me as a mate? Would he reject me still? I frowned about the thought. It's not like Enzo cared about me. He only cared if I was his and that's it. Corianne got up and started walking in my direction.

        "He said that Ivan killed his father and that he wants him dead, Corianne announced. I wasn't surprised about him wanting me dead but I was a bit surprised that I killed his father. I would be angry if someone killed my father, even though my father was close to killing me with a single bullet to the head.

        "What's the plan, Enzo?" Zev asked. I looked at Enzo who had a thinking face. His teeth was chewing on his bottom lip and his head was tilted. If the boy wasn't going to answer to Corianne, then he could answer to me. I walked towards Luka and he leaned his back on the chair, his eyes ready to kill.

        I sat across from him and blurted out, "My father tried to kill me." 

        His eyes widen from my confession. He didn't say anything as I continued. "I was protecting Enzo because I didn't want anyone to get hurt. Finding about your family's secret won't be the same anymore. I killed your father because he pissed me off. He was going to give up anyways. I would like to say sorry but I'm not sorry."

        Luka's eyes went to the table and he stopped dragging his nails on the table.

        "He's not really my father. I thought of him as my father but not anymore since he tried to trade us. He wasn't a good leader either," Luka said and chuckled darkly.

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