Ivan: All About Eyes

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Enzo was an annoying little piece of shit that I didn't need or want. How the hell can he barge into my room and think he can ask me questions? If he wasn't going to leave, then I was going to ignore him. I already rejected him twice; he should get the hint by now. Whatever symptoms he has doesn't concern me because I haven't felt anything since I met him. The only person I have feelings for is Vanessa, which was tiring. Today was tiring. I can't believe I saw a person die in front of me for the first time, and by a Werewolf. What the hell was I thinking? I wasn't strong or smart enough to save him. His family and friends would never know the truth, and I don't think I can handle telling them what happened. My parents and sister were devasted to see me sitting in front of the house with a blanket around my body. They didn't question what happened to the house. 

The police took everybody's statements and left me with numbers for counseling and other things to forget what happened. I could never forget those red eyes. It felt like he was suffocating me with a single glare. There was so much hate and greed that it sent shivers down my spine. He looked at me like I was a toy. Most people would assume boredom and carelessness, but he enjoyed the fear and defeat when I couldn't save Ethan. The amount of blood that was trailing towards the woods...

I shut my eyes to forget Ethan's bloody body and the red eyes. I covered my ears to lower our screams, but none of this helped. I relaxed when everything stopped. I stopped thinking for a second and laid on my back to stare at the ceiling. I turned my attention to the sleeping Werewolf on my small couch. I never thought I would get a mate. I distanced myself from them because I wouldn't know how they would react when I knew their true form. I don't know what to call whatever I had, but I can tell if somebody's a werewolf or not. It's all about their eyes. I was used to black, blue, red, and sometimes the rare ones, which are golden. I told my parents and Nicki about it, but they brushed it aside and thought I was joking. I kept it to myself because I wasn't harming anybody, and I didn't tell the Werewolves that I can see their real eye color. I searched about this condition about couldn't find anything. One post said I had an eye infection, and I was dying, but Google was a bitch sometimes. 

I opened my eyes and moved to the other side of my bed. Oh great, he's still here. I put a blanket on Enzo because he was near the window and didn't want him to freeze. Although he was somewhat a dick, he unexpectedly checked on me. I knew it was his instincts telling him to do so, so I'm not excited. I sighed and sat up from my bed and ran a hand through my hair, staring at the sleeping Werewolf. How did he know about Alexander? Was he watching me, or did he have people watching me? He rejected me, and I accepted it; the bond broke, right?

Now I was a little curious. Why did he reject me in the first place? I never thought of having a mate. I never thought that far out in my life because I was okay with where I was at. Maybe go to college and travel the world with my family and Vanessa, but that was about it. Enzo had to come into my life and make it...weird. No, not weird, just unfortunate. Thinking about it wasn't going to get me anywhere, and I can't sleep. I got up from my bed and walked towards Enzo. He snuggled more in the blanket and scrunched up his nose.

He was kinda cute...

When he got close to me earlier, I felt a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach, but it quickly vanished. I was surprised when he pulled me close to him, but when his blue eyes stared into mine for a few minutes, I almost choked. The only way to show him that I wasn't affected by him was to act cool and not care. It shouldn't matter anyway because we both rejected each other, and I felt nothing for him. The person I want to be with is Vanessa. I wonder how she is doing...My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a small groan. Enzo fluttered his eyes opened and stared at me. 

"Wow, I didn't expect to see the sun at this time," he muttered. I rolled my eyes at his corny statement and ignored the thump in my heart. I must be dying. 

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