Enzo: He's The One Person I Will Ever Love

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Alexander shrugged us off after Ivan left. He was going to pounce on Luka when Ivan was holding him but Zev and I caught him on time. The thought of Alexander attacking Ivan would be a knife to my heart. No one should be near Ivan but me and his best friend, Jayden. But the more I try to be nice and try to get close to Ivan, the more he's pushing me away. He wasn't lying when he said he didn't want me. Now he thinks I'm in a relationship with my best friend and becoming Alpha, Zev. That would never happen. Not because Zev is ugly or anything but because Ivan is the only one I want.

I opened the door slightly to see Ivan staring at the window with his big, blue eyes. He looked calm, no hurt in the world, but behind those eyes shows an emotion that other Humans don't have everyday. His eyes shows death. He seen what normal Humans aren't supposed to see. Was I cause of this? Did I cause him pain? I didn't almost murder his best friend but I was there. If I wasn't there, they wouldn't have attacked him. Was it my fault?

Ivan turned his head and his ocean eyes landed on me. He got up and walked out of the room, leaving Luka sleeping awkwardly on the bed. He closed the door behind him and we walked down together and into the kitchen. Zev wasn't with us.

"How's Jayden? Did he get better?" Ivan asked, sitting on the table counter.

My heart swell a bit because of what I was going to say. "No, he's getting weaker, Ivan. He's not on life support but he will soon."

Ivan stopped swinging his legs and his eyes landed on mine.

"What?" He whispered. I bowed my head a bit, my heart breaking when I heard the sadness in his voice. He jumped off the counter and his fists started hitting my chest repeatedly.

"If you knew he was going to die, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't I take him to a real doctor who can keep people alive?!" Ivan screamed and punched my stomach. I hissed in pain and grabbed Ivan's wrists.

I looked him in the eyes and said calmly, "We found out this morning. We are trying our best. Go to school and come back when we have him better okay? We don't want you missing class."

Ivan pushed me away roughly. "Fuck school. I'm fine here with Jayden."

"Zev and I will stay here for Jayden. Please go to school."

Ivan narrowed his eyes. "Why do you want me to school to so badly? What are you planning?"

I sighed. "I didn't get the education that Humans got. I want you to have one. We will watch Jayden just for you."

I wasn't lying. Werewolves doesn't get the same treatment that Humans do. I always wanted to go to school and become a Paramedic, just like my great-grand dad, but he was forced to be an Alpha. It wasn't his true calling but he did it for the sake of the family. My dad thought it was pure bullshit and that Humans are weak as him. My father thought I was weak for having a Human mate. I didn't give a damn if he was trying to get me back to be in his pack. I couldn't stand being in that house as a reject. I wanted to be known as a Beta and Ivan's mate.

Ivan's eyes softened and he wiped his eyes, trying not to cry. He leaned his shoulder on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was struck by the sudden touch by him. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He shifted a bit and then relaxed in my arms. He was warm; he was gentle. His skin made me have goosebumps. I wanted him closer, so close, no space would be between us. Then the moment disappeared.

Ivan pulled away and walked upstairs solemnly. When I heard the door closed, I let out a shaky breath and tried controlling my breathing and heart. Was I too weak for Ivan? How could one little touch cause my heart to thump quicker? Why couldn't Ivan see that I was falling for him?

My thoughts were brushed aside when I heard a noise upstairs. I quickly went upstairs, passing Ivan's and Zev's room, and opened the door to Alpha Norixx's office. Alexander jumped out of his seat like it was hot and threw some documents on the floor. I glared at him. I wasn't surprised he was in Alpha Norixx's office since he's a sneaky bastard.

"This is Alpha Norixx's office. Why are you here?" I asked.

Alexander rolled his eyes and sat back in Alpha Norixx's black chair, smirking at my angry expression. "I actually thought it was the boss but found out it was a low life piece of shit who doesn't know how to control his twink. I'm here to find out what my favorite mate is hiding," Alexander said and picked up the documents on the floor.

I growled when he said my. "You mean Enzo's favorite mate. Get your own. He's not yours."

"And he's not yours. He will be mine soon. He doesn't know what he's missing. And once he finds out that you bought Luka to your pack house to destroy me for your selfish obsession of him, he will never want to be your mate."

I gritted my teeth to cover the ache in my heart. What if Alexander was right? The hug we embraced was the next to step to something else, something bigger. What if Ivan finds out that I bought Alexander's brother just so he could be with me? Ivan is smarter than he looks.

Alexander got up and pat my shoulder, his smirk growing bigger. "There, there, Enzo. I will take good care with Ivan."

I grabbed Alexander's throat and slammed him on a random wall. I snarled and threw him on the door. His head landed on the door and he whimpered in pain. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the eye. Alexander howled in pain but he quickly got up and grabbed my fist, twisting it. I howled loudly and kicked his stomach, his body breaking the Alpha Norixx's door. He landed on the floor and growled.

I pounced on him and we rolled down the stairs. My head landed on the cold floor and I hissed in pain. Alexander got on top of me and roared on my face, slamming my head harder on the floor and squeezing my throat. I grabbed his arm and bit it hard, very hard that I bit his bone. He put his head back and howled, pushing me away and clutching his bitten arm. I stood up with my broken wrist and we snarled at each other, asking each other for a fight.

"What the hell is going on?" Zev roared. A few pack members were behind him and they had a dumbfounded face. I wasn't focusing on them. I wanted to kill Alexander for talking about Ivan like that. No one could talk about him.

"He's mine," I growled. I was going to attack when I saw Ivan standing with Luka by his side. His eyes focused on mine and he looked a bit worried.

"Is anyone going to answer me?" Zev asked. Ivan pushed Luka to his side and Luka had a satisfied smirk on his face. He looked like he enjoyed the fight. I felt the adrenaline wash away and only felt pain from my wrist.

"Alexander and I got in a fight about a misunderstanding. I'm sorry Alpha," I said softly. Zev eyes flashed with red when he looked at Alexander.

"Alpha I-" Alexander was cut off.

"Why the hell are you still here? You do not attack my pack members unless we settle this like real man. Do not come in my territory and attack my men! If I see you around here, I will have a talk with your Alpha, do you understand me?" Zev growled, venom dripping with each word.

Alexander nodded quickly, almost let a whimper out. I was used to Zev's outburst but this was bad. I never heard so much hate, anger, and threatening tone in his voice. Alexander eyes landed on Ivan before he turned around and walked out of the pack house.

"What a wuss. The one thing that my brother doesn't have is braveness. I'm surprised I didn't become a Beta," Luka said and looked at Ivan.

Ivan rolled his eyes and flicked his ear, earning a small growl from Luka. "I think you're better off being just a Werewolf. Betas are a pain in the ass."

"Hey! No we're not!" I whined.

Ivan lips tugged upwards and looked down, some of his hair falling over his eyes. "I know. I just wanted you to forget about the pain."

I blinked a few times when I realized that I haven't noticed the pain that much. I smiled, small, but it was a smile. I was happy that Ivan cared about my well being and wanted me to be save. But Alexander's words haunt me. What if he takes Ivan away from me? What if he claims Ivan forever? I would never get the chance to be with my mate if another Wolf is chasing after him. I had to do this for Ivan.

After all, he's the one person that I will ever love.

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