Enzo: Bonds

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I was staring at the wall that was next to me. My other Alpha was pacing back and forth with his muscles exploding through his skin and his small growls increasing in the room that I could hardly breathe. If I moved or talked, he would break every bone in my body, and I don't have time to heal them right now. I have other things to do. Now he was cracking his knuckles as he paced the room. I grew annoyed by his reaction and didn't see why rejecting my mate was a huge problem. Okay, I understood why but the other pack members left theirs, and they were fine. There's still hope for me.

"Jesus, Norixx, can you at least say something? We don't have all day," Zev muttered as he stood next to me. I was sitting down with my hands on my lap, trying to stop myself from growing out my claws. Norixx turned around with his red eyes glowing at us, his hands into fists, and his teeth gritting.

"I don't think that was a good idea," I whispered.

"It's never a good idea to talk," Zev whispered back.

"Enough! I'm done holding back now. Enzo, what the hell were you thinking of rejecting your mate? I thought I told you to never, ever reject your mate! It causes more damage to the pack and yourself!"

"I'm sorry, but my dad–"

Norixx scoffed and returned to cracking his knuckles again. "Your father has nothing to do with this. Whatever he told you, don't listen."

"And I should listen to you?" I snapped.

"Aw shit," Zev groaned. It looked like Norixx was debating if he should strangle me or punch me in the face. It was highly disrespectful to snap at your Alpha because it shows that you have a backbone and a backbone means you're turning into a Rogue. The word gives shivers down my spine.

"Did this little shit snap at me? Tell me he did not snap at me, Zev," Norixx growled and stalked his way towards me.

Before Zev could answer, Norixx grabbed my neck and slammed my back on the desk. The air left my lungs, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest. Norixx's eyes were bloody red, and if looks could kill, I would be dead right now.

"Listen to your Alpha and listen closely because if I find out you did some idiotic shit, I'm sending your ass to the Rogue territory."

I gulped when I felt a claw on my jugular.

"You are not to reject your mate ever again, you can not be near the family dinner if I do not see a mate next to you, and if I find out you have not mated with your mate, I will do it for you."

"Norixx, you can't do that!" Zev exclaimed.

"Who said? I'm the one who makes the rules!"

"That's his mate! If you push a Human to the core, they would never accept us!"

Norixx eyes flashed with shock. "Human?"

I let them talk because Norixx would never listen to me, or he would snap at me. Plus, a claw was near my throat. If I made sudden movements, I would get myself killed. Norixx moved his hand and pulled me up by the collar. Norixx was a bit mad, but his eyes softened when he heard the news.

"Why didn't you say your mate is a Human?" He asked.

I coughed and clutched my neck. "You wouldn't listen, Alpha. Look, I'm sorry I rejected him, but my father told me mates us weak, and maybe I am becoming weak because of him."

Norixx raised an eyebrow. "Him? Your mate is a boy."

"Yes, Alpha. Hopefully, that doesn't make me any less than a Rogue."

Norixx sighed and ran a hand through his black hair. His eyes went to Zev, and Zev was staring at me. Humans were a big thing for us. Not only did they become Omegas first, but they could also either skip Beta and become an Alpha. It was too risky. Humans could tell other Humans, and we would have to kill them, which never looked good in any pack. Sexuality didn't affect us because most Wolves would accept their mates no matter what. However, it was different from having two male Alphas, whereas packs usually have one male alpha and one female Alpha. 

Norixx sighed tiredly and rubbed his forehead. "We will do something about this, but you're on your own for now. Zev, you will be giving information about Enzo and his mate. Don't leave any detail behind."

Zev nodded. "Yes, Alpha."

Norixx nodded, and I jumped off of his desk. We made our way towards the door when Norixx's voice stopped us. "Boys, is there anything else you need to tell me?"

I glanced at Zev, who stared at the door.

"No, Alpha," Zev answered.

"You may go now."

I opened the door and left the room with my head held high, but my heart was pounding still.

"You can stop playing the tough boy act. You're lucky I saved your ass back there," Zev snapped and glared at me.

I sighed and kept walking to my room. The other Wolves heard our conversation, and they were trying to show their sympathy. Nobody liked getting yelled at by the Alpha. It shows how badly you've done, and getting screamed at by the one person who cares for you sucks.

"Whatever, Zev. I don't need this shit right now," I said and sat on my bed.

Zev slammed the door behind him, and his red eyes were glowing. His Alpha was coming out. "If I told Norixx that your mate accepts your rejection, he would give you a black eye for being an idiot."

"How the hell is it my fault that my mate doesn't want me? By now, he's riding on someone's dick," I snapped and closed my eyes when I felt myself get angry. "Zev, I didn't mean-"

"I know," Zev said and placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt myself calm down a bit, but I was still pissed. I wasn't upset at Zev or Norixx. Hell, not even at Ivan. I was mad that I let my father get in my head again.

"We'll get him, Enzo. The bond isn't broken...yet. If you show him how much you care, he'll be riding your dick," Zev told me.

I growled, but Zev laughed and sat next to me. My heart pounded regularly, but it had that small ache I felt earlier. How could I bond with a Human if that Human doesn't want me in the first place? 


        Hey guys! School is coming back and that's super bad. Anyways, on the side is Hugh Jackman who plays Alpha Norixx. I got many people to do banners for me and I freaking love them. I will be posting them in the next chapter. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! :D

1/21/2021 update: hello! i hope this chapter makes sense. I know enzo threw a lamp for no reason, but that was for an extra dramatic scene. it made no sense and i deleted it. onto the next chapter. :) 

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