Enzo: A Beta's Stubbornness

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"Beta, I don't think you should watch this..."

I was already watching the news. Ivan wrapped up in a big blanket and blood on the side of his house. The woman talked about another animal attack that happened, but I knew damn well that Werewolves did that to him.

Zev tried to hide this from me and tell me to get some sleep, but I told him something was off, something odd. Of course, he looked nervous and broke into a sweat. Then one of the pack members told me to check the news.

I watched Ivan with a blank expression on his face and his mother hugging the daylights out of him. Why was no one home with him? I could have saved him myself and kept him here, safe in the pack. I shook my head when Ivan wasn't talking. He looked so lifeless, empty, closed from the world. He saw something that scared him, and he doesn't want to talk about it. The TV shut off. I snapped my head up to see Norixx holding the TV remote in his hands.

"What the hell was that for? I was watching him," I growled a bit.

Norixx threw the remote on the couch and sighed, rubbing his temple. "I do not care if you were watching him, Enzo. I need you to claim before I get someone else to do it!" He screamed and shoved a lamp on the floor.

"Alpha, I know you want me to claim him, but I can't. At least not right now. He was attacked, and the last thing he needs is me biting his neck. I will, soon."

Norixx calmed down a bit, but his veins burst through his skin. Norixx walked away. "You're lucky he's Human," he said over his shoulder.

I heard a door slammed. My eyes roamed around the place, and I spotted a picture near the window. I grabbed it and saw Zev, Norixx, the other pack members, and I smiling like there was nothing wrong with the world. That was when I was twelve. I didn't know much about the Werewolf lifestyle. I changed when I was thirteen, my first full moon. I don't regret it one bit. I placed the picture back and saw how happy Zev was holding me. Zev changed when he was ten, his father passing away and giving him up for a Rogue pack. Thankfully, Norixx found him.

I had it worst.

I was thrown, literally, out of my father's pack because he didn't want me befriending a Rogue, which was Zev. He would know that Zev would be an Alpha if he listened to me, but he didn't care. All he saw was Zev's scar on his neck and believed that he was Rogue. Rogues have unique scars to indicate that they are Rogues. I hated that I wanted my father's validation and kept him updated about my life. 

After I turned twenty-one and told my dad I was rejecting my mate, he was beyond happy. He welcomed me back to the pack, everyone smiled and hugged me, but I felt rejected like an Omega. I told him I'm staying in Norixx's pack because he was the one who raised me. My dad wasn't pleased with my answer, but we both know how packs work. I still despised him for throwing me out, but I still let him know I exist for the sake of everybody, I always let him know I exist. I even told him I don't want to be Alpha and give it to my little brother. Zev thought I was nuts for giving up a higher position, but I'm comfortable being a Beta. 

"Why? Look, I know you're here because Norixx helped you, but don't you miss your family? They need you," Zev said. 

I rolled my eyes. "They need an Alpha, not a son. I don't want to be in a pack where I feel excluded. I'm fine being a Beta." 

Zev shook his head. "You'll be an Alpha. You can have your own Beta, your own pack. Don't you want that?" 

I sighed and smiled. "You're an idiot." 

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "How? I was—" 

"I know I'm going to be an Alpha if I went back, but I'm staying for the one idiot who needs me the most, and when you're done being Alpha, I'll pick you as my Beta." 

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