Ivan: Favorite Weapon

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My cheeks were flaming when I got home. The whole time I was walking, my mind kept thinking about Enzo. I was caught by surprised when he kissed me in front of Zev, heck, even Nicki. But I was glad she didn't think I was disgusting for liking a boy and that he was a Werewolf. She was more comforting than my parents.

There was an awkward tense in the kitchen now, I shifted a bit in my seat and continued eating dinner. My parents kept glancing at me and I knew they wanted to throw questions at me. I was debating if I should tell them everything about what was happening. They were my family, they were going to be judgmental, but they were my family after all. I placed my fork on the table and sighed, staring at them. They placed their forks on their plates and they stared back. I could feel Nicki's mood shift when the atmosphere turned thick.

"Mom, dad, I have some things to tell you," I said. My mom nodded and my dad only blinked. I cleared my throat.

"I killed an Alpha Rogue, his name was Kurt. I killed another Werewolf and I'm not proud. I'm only doing this for Jayden. Jayden was turned into a Werewolf because his throat was slashed by Enzo's Alpha, Alpha Norixx. Alpha Norixx is dead and an Alpha Rogue name Vlad is coming after me because I may be a True Alpha. I know I kept everything from you guys but I'm sorry. I just...want to help people but everyone keeps dying around me," I said and my gaze didn't waver.

My mom leaned her back on the chair and my dad was rubbing his temples. Everyone forgot about their food. Nicki was fully biting her bottom lip and she was rubbing her hands together. I kept a blank expression but my heart was pounding on my rib cage. Were they going to kick me out? I needed to train to stop Vlad. My dad's blue eyes raging, his fists were shaking on the table and his posture straight. My mom placed a comforting hand on his fist but he didn't relax one bit.

I narrowed my eyes and said softly, "I'm still your son, dad. I don't like this either but if I do become a Werewolf, don't hate me. I love you." I looked at Nicki and my mom. "I love all of you."

My dad let out a shaky sigh and his eyes were watery but no tears fell. "I tried Ivan. We all did but...the day has come."

He jumped and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back and exposing my neck. He placed the knife on my jugular, my Adam's apple bobbing nervously.

"Shawn, put the god damn knife down!" My mom yelled. My dad shook his head and pressed the knife. It didn't make a cut...yet. Nicki was behind him, punching his back and screaming swear words. Her punches were effortless but her curse cut him deep.

"Shawn, if you kill Ivan, I will runaway, you hear me, old man? You will no longer be my dad!" Nicki yelled, tears running down her cheeks.

"So what? He's a Werewolf, he's no longer like us!" My dad snapped.

"He was never like us! He accepted that we were Warriors so we can accept that he may become a True Alpha," my mom shouted.

My dad ignored the two shouting women and kept his eyes on mine. I kept a strong face, showed no fear, like my dad told me. He was trying to keep a brave face but with each passing moment, it would crack and his eyes would show sadness. He shut his eyes and a struggling sob came out. He opened his eyes and I held his hand that was on the knife. My dad shrugged me off and let go of me, taking a few steps back and tightly holding the knife. His hand was shaking violently and he was panting and stumbling a bit. 

I swallowed down the fear that was creeping up and attacked my dad with a hug. He cried out, hugging me back and running a hand through my pale blonde hair. 

"I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." He sobbed. I nodded and patted his back, my bottom lip shaking and my eyes watering a bit. I was trying to keep myself strong but the last thing I wanted was to make my dad cry. He was a lot stronger than me. I didn't care if he was saying sorry. All I cared about was him hugging me and treating me like I'm his own son and not a damn Werewolf. 

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