Ivan: We Have Work To Do

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A/N {PLEASE READ}: Before you read this chapter, it may be dark and have suicidal thoughts. Now, suicidal isn't a joke and I kind of never made a note about how killing yourself is the worst thing ever. It fucking is. I don't want you guys killing yourself and I'm not going to do the whole, "you're perfect, you're beautiful," etc speech because nobody is perfect. If people treat you like shit, you have the energy to snap at them and say, "hey, you little fucking twat (I hate that word, seriously I do) how about you treat someone nice before Karma bites you in the ass. We rather have you bald and not have kids because they wouldn't want to see an grateful little shit head treat someone like dirt." If you do put someone down 24/7, I lost all respect for you. And if you're feeling suicidal, and I don't know how it feels and I can't understand how it feels until I feel it myself, seriously get yourself help. A father, mother, grandma, a freaking dog, for Christ sake. Shit call the suicidal hotline if you have to but do NOT kill yourself.

Number US: 1 (800) 273-8255

Website: www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org


Rushing downstairs, tears were ready to fall. I was going to grab Nicki when I was pulled back. I struggled and kicked, and cried out for Nicki. Nicki's eyes were watery too and she gave me a weak smile. I hated when she gave me weak smiles. It always meant something bad was going to happen. I stopped struggling when I saw Luka choking with tears. He was crying because his mate was in the arms of a dangerous animal. My eyes landed on Alexander and my heart broke instantly. 

"Alexander..." I whispered. His face was bloody and bruised. He tried smiling but he winced because of his lip. I wanted all of them to be safe, I wanted them to never come to the pack house or anywhere near me. 

"It's great to finally meet you, True Alpha. I have been telling these two fine young Alphas that we need to meet you. I am Vlad and we honor you to our pack, Savage pack," Vlad said and bowed his head. I was slightly disgusted by his manners. If he thought I was stupid, he had to think again. 

"I don't give a flying fuck if you're the president. I heard you from upstairs and you disgust me. What do you want with me?" I spat. 

Vlad eyes glowed and his grin grew bigger. He thought I was joking around but I was deadly serious. "I want you because you're the True Alpha that everyone has been talking about. Ever since my men told me about how a Human man-a Warrior killed their leader, Kurt, I had to see myself and was sightly surprised about your age. How could someone so young be a True Alpha?" 

I shook my head and gritted my teeth. "Look, I'm not a True Alpha and I will never be. I'm not going with you so let them go." 

Vlad chuckled and pointed a finger at me. "I don't think you understand me, True Alpha, and I'm being patient here, I need you to come with us. You are the only True Alpha we know." 

I balled my hands and clenched my jaw. "No, I don't think you understand me. I said I'm not going so let them go." 

Vlad chuckled before patting Nicki's head. He grabbed her upper arm roughly and kicked the back of her knees. She groaned and dropped on her knees, her hair moving wildly to her face. Sindy and Alexander were forced to get on their knees too. Then Vlad grabbed Nicki's chin and her head, twisting it slightly to the side. Nicki breath hitched and her chest was rising and falling quickly. Vlad's men did the same to Sindy and Alexander and Sindy let out a loud cry. Alexander grunted and tried clawing the man but it didn't do anything. 

"We're going to play a game, Ivan. It's called one lives, two dies. You either join us or two people will die. If you don't join at all, they all die, but I won't be that much of an asshole so you keep one person alive." 

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