Ivan: Fate Calls

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Luka was saddened by Corianne's department. I felt like complete shit when I saw Luka with unhappy eyes because I saw him jumping with joy a few days ago. Now, Corianne was gone and he was left with a bunch of Alphas that kind of scared him. Corianne was the only one who understood him in the Werewolf life, and now she was gone.

I tried making Luka smile and eat but he only gave me closed smiles and took small bites of his food. I didn't want him force feed him but my patience was running thin. I sighed when I saw Luka taking a small bite of his meaty taco.

Enzo squeezed my hand, trying to keep me happy, but I was less than happy, I was mopping around because of Luka. I was surprised that I didn't break down crying when Corianne had to leave too because of her mate. Maybe I understood why she was doing it, or maybe she wanted to be free from this hell hole. I wouldn't leave everything for one person because, let's face it, it's them or the world.

But when I look at Enzo...he pulled me into his world, his atmosphere filled with judgmental and dangerous dogs.

And now I'm a True Alpha.

"I hope he finds another mate," I mumbled, staring up at Enzo.

Enzo sighed through his nose, frowning a bit. "It will take exactly four years for him to find another mate. It all depends if how long his heart will heal."

I blinked in surprise. "You mean his heart is literally healing from the lost of his mate?"

Enzo nodded. "We call it the Broken Half, if someone's mate dies, it will take four or more years for the heart to heal and find their other mate. It's a myth for one person to have two mates because it will cause serious damage," he winked, "but you don't have to worry about that."

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Luka who was staring at his plate blankly.

"That's it," I growled. I stood up and walked towards Luka. He slightly looked up and his eyes flashed with sorrow before flashing a fake smile.

"Hey Ivan," he whispered. My eyes softened and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it. Luka's back relaxed, closing his eyes slowly and sighing with content. I raised an eyebrow at his weird reaction to my hand holding his.

"True Alphas can calm anybody, Human, Werewolf, Witch, animals, too," Enzo explained.

"As long as he's okay, I will be too," I said and smiled. I turned around when I heard someone clear their throat, nothing like a man, but a woman that looked like me. My smile widen and I let go of Luka's hand, hugging the day lights out of my mom.

"Honey, you saw me a few hours ago," she said and chuckled, patting my head. I chuckled and let go. "I know but I'm happy to see you."

"Aw, thanks."

Her eyes stared at me for too long but I tried not to think of it. I knew what she was looking at and it was my eyes. I found it I had black and red eyes, mostly black, and my mom freaked out completely. It took her a few hours to finally realize that I was the same old Ivan that she gave birth too.

She cried.

I held her and told her I will be okay but her sobs got louder and louder, crushing my heart.

"Honey...there's something I have to tell you, and you won't like it," she said, biting her bottom lip. "Your father and I had decided to put you in a program for Warriors."

It was like a smack to the face, my mind couldn't figure out if I wanted to be angry that my mom and dad put me in a program that I didn't want and didn't ask for my permission or how much sadness I felt in the pit of my stomach.

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