Enzo: Jayden's Here!

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        Ivan's face was blank. He didn't blink, didn't smile. Just stared. His hand was on the door knob but his eyes were trained in the door. I slowly placed my hand on top of his and he jumped, turning his head towards me. I gave him a small smile and nodded. Ivan blinked rapidly and sighed deeply. I was happy he didn't snatch his hand back when I touched his. I was only comforting him. Zev stood behind us and I could feel every emotion running through his veins. He was nervous, determined, and impatient. Ivan started to turn the knob and I followed him, opening the door and walking inside the guest room.

        We stood in front of Jayden's unmoved body. He lifted his head and brown eyes sparked with fear and confusion.

        "Are...are you going to hurt me?" Jayden whispered, whimpered and moved back. Shock and hurt flashed in Ivan's eyes.

        "I would never hurt you, Jayden," Ivan croaked. He was painfully to see Ivan almost cry again.

        "T-then who are you guys? Where am I?" Jayden asked and rubbed his arms.

        "I'm Enzo," I said quickly. I wanted to ease some of the tense in the room. We had to act somewhat normal towards Jayden because he didn't know shit about Werewolves. His eyes flickered to me and he gave me a soft smile.

        "I'm Ivan," Ivan said next.

        "And I'm Zev," Zev said lastly.

        "Okay, not including last names is odd. Who are you guys? Are you like my three boyfriends because you guys are really hot," Jayden said cheekily.

        I chuckled and Ivan flushed while Zev glared at me. I could see that Jayden wasn't too serious or too afraid of us. Jayden shifted a bit before smiling widely. I was a hit confused about his emotions. Wasn't he supposed to be cold towards us? And why wasn't he scared of us? It was like Jayden read my mind.

        "I feel like I should trust you guys. I don't know why but...thank you," he said softly. Ivan's eyes watered a bit but he blinked back the tears. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

        "I...I don't know what to say," Ivan croaked. "I'm just happy to see you awake."

        Jayden tilted his head, his smile vanishing, and his eyes still confused. "A-are we, like dating?"

        Ivan chuckled. "No but I had a crush on you. We're best friends."

        Jayden nodded and his eyes went over to Zev. Zev took a step closer to him and grabbed his hand. Jayden flinched back and Zev's eyes flashed with red. Jayden's eyes widen and he screamed, crawling back and his ass landing on the floor. He hugged himself and pointed a shaky finger at Zev.

        "What the fuck are you? Are you going to kill me? Help!" Jayden cried. Ivan rushed towards him and tried calming him down. Jayden started tearing up and clutched Ivan for dear life. Zev's eyes flashed red again and that sent Jayden screaming more.

        "Get out!" Ivan yelled over Jayden's screams. 

        "I'm not leaving him," Zev growled.

        "Don't you see that you're scaring him? He's screaming for God sake's!"

        Zev eyes went to a shaking Jayden his eyes softened. Zev gritted his teeth and walked out of the room, slamming the door hard behind him. Jayden flinched but Ivan rubbed his back and tried soothing him down. I understood where Zev was coming from. I didn't like anyone touching Ivan. I wanted no one near Ivan because he was mine.

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