Enzo: The Return

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        Corianne angrily washed the dishes and Luka angrily placed the glass plates in the cabinets. I watched the two Omegas do their chores but I was annoyed that they wouldn't talk to me after Ivan's dismissal. Zev wasn't in the mood for any of the silent treatment but he was annoyed like me. I knew Ivan helped Luka and Corianne and gave them some sort of confidence but if Alpha Norixx found them like this, I would be in big trouble. At least they were doing their chores and Luka didn't argue with me.

        I sighed and walked away from the two hot headed Omegas and went upstairs. Zev was in Alpha Norixx's office going through some paper work of the Rogues territory.

        "Still mad huh?" Zev asked.

        I closed the door behind me and sighed. "More than mad, pretty pissed off. Not as pissed as Ivan though."

        "I don't think Ivan is mad, he's hurt."

        I let out a longer sigh. It's been two days since Ivan came over and I was anxious about him. Of course, the little stubborn man wouldn't call me or anyone due to the little beat down between him and one of my men. I shouldn't have let it happen. I was angry that Alexander was near Ivan after what I told him to stay away from my mate. But what hurt me the most was that Ivan kissed him back. I didn't see a sign of struggle or hatred towards him.

        "If you don't stop thinking about your twink, I'll send your ass back to your room," Zev joked. Despite calling Ivan a twink, I snickered and sat down on the small couch near the window.

        "What makes you think I'm thinking about him?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

        "Well I know you don't have a bunch of crushes that makes your little problem into a big problem."

        I looked down at my pants to see that my lower self got bigger. I cleared my throat and placed a pillow to cover myself. Zev was laughing his off and I glared at him. Even when Zev was in his Alpha mode, he could still be a dick. Zev stopped laughing and went through the paper work again.

        "Hey, you know those Rogues that we found a few days ago?" Zev asked randomly.

        I shrugged. "Yeah, so what? What, they want to join our pack or some shit?"

        "Not exactly. They found themselves a new leader name Vlad. He's 28, no parents, no siblings. He's like a fucking no one but became a someone after Kurt died. Not only is he a Rogue, he's an Alpha Rogue."

        That sparked my interest. "An Alpha Rogue? I thought those were extinct."

        Zev rolled his eyes. "We're not pandas, Enzo. Anyone could be an Alpha Rogue."

        "And anyone could be a True Alpha but I never heard anyone being that," I said sarcastically.

        "Because True Alphas are either killed first or borned dead,"

        I turned my head to see Alpha Norixx was a casual look on his face. His hair was cut shorter and slick back and the big bread he had was long gone and he had an five o'clock after shave. He was wearing a black suit without a tie and a white shirt that showed some of his skin. I choked on my spit and my eyes widen. I don't know if I was scared that Alpha Norixx returned and finds out what happened or the man I was looking at was a freaking God. I didn't really pay attention to people's features because it never concerned me but after looking at Ivan, I find myself looking at other people differently.

        "Holy shit...Alpha Norixx?" Zev choked. Alpha Norixx pulled down his sleeves and let out a small smirk. "Hello boys. I see you found yourself another Omega without my permission," he said and walked over to his desk. Zev quickly grabbed the paper work and walked around Alpha Norixx's desk.

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