Ivan: Believe Part: I

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I placed the glass on my mom's lips and tilted it, watching her drink the water and not letting her choke. I placed the glass of water on the desk and placed my hand on her forehead to check if she had a fever. Thankfully, she didn't and needed more rest than me. Zev told me since I healed myself when I had a scar on my throat, I healed myself faster when I had the bruises on my body, leaving Enzo's mark on my neck. My mom smiled warmly at me and placed her hand on top of mine. I sat next to her and she pushed herself up, her back leaning on the board of the bed, and having our hands locked together.

"I'm very angry at you for accepting Vlad's deal," she stated. I nodded, rubbing my thumb over her bruised knuckles. She put up a fight for me. "But I'm happy you're alive. Zev told me what happened and why Enzo marked you. Your father is going to be pissed, Ivan."

I nodded again, the ache in my heart appearing and increasing. I was still worried about Nicki and dad's safety because I haven't heard anything from them ever since I woke up. They were probably looking for us and I should tell them we are safe, for now.

"I really like him, mom. Not because of the bond, but because he never stopped trying," I said and let a smile slip through my lips.

My mom patted my hand and I looked at her to see her smiling. "I had the same smile when I met your father. He was an asshole, always wanted to be right about everything, played around with girl's hearts, and treated his parents like crap, but you know what he told me?"

I waited for her to finish her story, placing my head on her shoulder and felt her relax.

"He said he wanted to be better than his own father, he wanted to be normal because your life as a Warrior isn't a fairy tale, you know? He said I was his fairy tale. I couldn't keep running from the past, we wanted to leave our old lives, and as much as we wanted to push it away or hide it from you, we couldn't because I knew you would have a mate. And when we found out you could see Werewolves, your father went...ape shit."

I chuckled and leaned up to place my head on the board. I forgave my mother about her knowing my...whatever you called it. I didn't want to hold a grudge on her because she had more important things to worry about. If she died, I would have never told her thank you for trying to keep me safe for eighteen years of my life. That's the least I could do for her.

I shrugged. "It's not so bad now. It's not like I could hurt someone with it."

My mom hummed. "I suppose. I was frightened when you started crying about your teacher being a Werewolf, and your teacher was afraid of us for being Warriors. I had to beg your father not to kill the teacher because she didn't do any harm."

"Why is dad like this? Why isn't dad like you?"

My mom laughed. "Your father is hard headed, I have a problem with my anger, Nicki is sweet yet sour, we're a ticking time bomb, Ivan."

I laughed along with her and wiped fake tears on my eyes. "Don't worry mom. I think all your problems came to me when I was born," I joked.

That earned me a punch on the shoulder and I laughed louder. After the laughter died down, I was fully under the covers with my mom next to me. I left a gap between us because I knew my mom liked space and she could roll over a few times.

"Enzo told me he loves me," I blurted.

My mom gasped, shock written on her face, her cheeks starting to red because of the wide smile on her face.

"What did you say?" She asked.

I bit my bottom lip. "I said what and told him I had to check on you."

My mom's happiness turned into annoyance and she started to shove me out of the bed. "You go over there and tell him you love him too. I didn't raise you to leave a good looking boy hanging when he told you he loves you."

I shook my head. "Mom, I like him, not love him or in love with him. He did a lot of shit to me," she glared, "and I can't accept him with open arms."

My mom sighed dramatically and said, "I always wanted someone to fall in love me and I found him. It took me three years to say I love you and he was excited. I didn't regret it one bit."

I scoffed. "What makes you think Enzo will wait?"

"Because, honey," she stared in my eyes, "if he saved your life more than once, cried for you, protected you from evil, and at least changed a tiny bit of himself for you, Enzo will wait for you to love him or say I love you to him. He's an idiot in love because of you."

I wanted to disagree with my mom about everything she said but it was true. Enzo did save me, cried, protected me from Alpha Norixx, and turned into an Alpha and changed a bit, but he was still Enzo. He was an idiot but he was my idiot. Not only did he wait, he did everything in his power to try to keep Jayden and my family save, even though they were attacked. But I couldn't say I love you because I wanted to be in love with him, I didn't want to have a stupid crush on him when I fully know that I was Enzo's forever.

As much I was afraid to fall in love with him and stay with him until I die, I shouldn't think of all the negatives. We had a few laughs, smiles, and kisses, and holding hands, so the least I could is keep things a bit normal with each other. Who thought a Werewolf would love me?

I rolled my eyes and got on my knees and held my mom's hands. I was happy that she didn't push me anymore to go and get Enzo because she knew I wasn't ready. We were silent, me helping her drink water, holding her hands in mine, listening to the wind blow and her tickling the palm on my hands, a few chuckles leaving my lips. I haven't had mother and son time in a long time and I was glad I had this moment with her.

"Can you keep a secret, Ivan?" She whispered.

"I don't know. Did dad tell you he broke your favorite diamond ring a few months ago?" I joked and my eyes widen when I saw the shock my mom's face.

"He did what?" My mom shouted.

I coughed awkwardly. "Yes, I can keep a secret, mom."

"Oh, when we go home, I'm going to hide his favorite gun and tell him I threw it away," my mom said angrily and sighed. "I met a Witch a few years ago and she told me a spell on how to torture someone forever. I never used it because I had no one to us it on, not even on Werewolves, but when I saw Vlad, that son of bitch deserves to die. After what he did to those people, he needed to see how much it hurts to have a knife in your stomach."

My mom turned my hand over and I looked around the room to see if I could find a pen. I found one under the bed and gave it to her. She started to write on my hand and I would look at it to see if I could read the words. When she was done, I read the spell and nodded, reading it a few times to remember it.

"You think it will really works?" I said and got up.

She nodded and smiled. "I hope it does because if you want to end Vlad, you have to stare at him and believe."


After I left the room, I walked to the room that Jayden was in and opened the door to find him sleeping on the bed. Zev was towering over him as he watched Jayden sleep. Zev looked away for a few seconds, staring at me, before looking back at Jayden.

"What can we do?" Zev asked. I shrugged and sighed, rolling my hand, the one my mom wrote on, in fist and close the door in front of me, leaving Zev with Jayden. I opened my hand and read the spell again.

Believe in what?


I want to thank Bella_kore for helping me get out of writer's block because this story would have been stupid and confusing and yeah. Also, I've been very busy with school and I'm just losing motivation with school, failing and most likely going to fail my regents but I need to believe (see what I did there?) in myself and try to make things better by taking baby steps. Anyways, this is part one of Believe and part two will be next. I realized that I should have made this whole book on Ivan's POV but what's the fun in that?

Words: 1,492

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