Ivan: Darling, You'll Be Okay {Part II}

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        Before I could utter a word, Alexander and Enzo were throwing themselves at each other. Throwing punches, sneering and growling, blood on their faces, claws ripping through their flesh, bones cracking and popping. I'm surprised they were surviving the horrible attack. Then Enzo threw Alexander on the ground and grabbed his throat, squeezing as hard as he could. 

        I finally broke out of my frozen state and yelled, "Let go!"

        Enzo looked up and growled. "Why would I let him live? He almost marked you, he almost marked my mate!"

        "If you kill him, I will never forgive you!" I yelled, a bit louder. "I would hate you too!"

        Enzo's eyes softened and he gazed at a blue Alexander. Enzo's hands were still on Alexander's throat, squeezing his pipe hole, and when Alexander's eyes were going on to roll back, he let go. Alexander took a deep breath and coughed, clutching his throat with his hand, wheezing and gasping for air. Luka took a step closer to Alexander and I could see in his eyes that he was confused but in pain. He felt sorry for his brother.

        "Are you okay?" Luka whispered.

        Alexander looked up and glared, his blue eyes were on fire. "Do I look like I'm fucking okay? I could have died you piece of-"

        "I saved your fucking life asshole! Don't treat him like shit!" I screamed.

        Luka flinched at the harsh words but he shook his head and mumbled, "Whatever. I don't even know why I asked."

        He dropped his book bag and walked upstairs. I jumped when I heard a door slam. Alexander sighed and dropped his head. "I didn't mean to sound like an asshole. I was just mad and..."

        I scoffed. I was not in the mood for his bi-polar mood. I saved his life and he treated Luka like shit. I wanted to hear a thank you but I rather have his ass kicked out of the for hurting Luka's feelings.

        "What the absolute fuck do you want? You ruined my mood by being a dick so what else do you want to ruin?" I snapped. Alexander got up and his wounds healed. So did Enzo's. Some of the pack members were eavesdropping or watched the little show that happened in the living room. I was surprised Zev didn't come down to control his pack.

        "I'm here to get you back. My parents were worried about you. You suddenly packed up and left. Why?" Alexander asked, puzzled.

        I raised an eyebrow and chuckled darkly. "Why? Maybe because I was almost marked by you when I told you and Enzo that I did not want to be marked. I thought I made it very clear."

        Alexander nodded. "You did but we were in the moment and you looked so damn hot and-"

        "Don't call my mate hot," Enzo growled. Corianne glanced at me and bit her bottom lip. I could feel them wanting to fight each other again and if they fought, we were going nowhere.

        "Everyone leave expect for Corianne," Enzo ordered. He didn't have to tell them twice. They scurried out of the house like mouses and some even whimpered when they saw the dark glare in Enzo's eyes. Shit, he was seriously pissed. When the door closed behind me, it was silent. A pin dropped was heard upstairs. Corianne shifted nervously and awkwardly in the kitchen. I wanted to give her an assuring smile but I wasn't so calm myself. Having two Werewolves your crushing isn't exactly your biggest dream, more like a nightmare.

        "Ivan, I like you. A lot," Alexander blurted. The butterflies started to appear in my stomach. I fought to keep the blush on my cheeks. I sighed and fidgeted my hands.

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