Ivan: Believe Part: II

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For a few days, I kept my distance away from Enzo. He knew I was ignoring him, dodging away from him whenever he got close, or when he called me, I pretended not to hear him. I knew he was getting angry, controlling his Wolf, but it seemed like whenever he saw me, his eyes would turn soft and he would walk away. I had to think about a few things. I couldn't completely tell Enzo I love him because I wasn't in love with him, I just had a crush on him. A simple crush and I highly doubt it would go away.

My mom was up and healthy, walking around, cooking with Corianne, and talking to Luka. Of course, they were highly comfortable that a Warrior was talking to them instead of hunting them but I told them to relax and that my mom was different from other Warriors. My mom had tears in her eyes.

I finally called Nicki and my dad and found out that they knew we were rescued because Enzo told them and took a picture of a sleeping mom and I. It was slightly creepy but I was thankful for Enzo. I told them they could come over whenever they want but Nicki asked me a big question.

"Do you want to stay there...forever, I mean," Nicki whispered. Dad was probably in the same room with her. I froze and bit my bottom lip. I spent almost...one month of my life in Enzo's and Zev's pack house. I didn't considered it a home because it wasn't the house I was born in. My family wasn't dead, so why would she ask me that?

"Of course not. I want to go home and you know this," I said. Nicki hummed and we went back to our conversation.

Now I had a conflict with myself.

The thought of staying here means nothing but nasty memories due to Alpha Norixx being a dick, Theo dying because of Jayden, Jayden going on a killing rampage, and Sindy's death all because of me. Why would I wanted to stay in a murder house?

I looked up from the phone, twisting and nervously rubbing my thumb on the screen, and saw Corianne and Luka laughing with my mom as she told them an embarrassing story when I was younger. I could tell Enzo wanted to laugh but he held it inside because he didn't want me to get angry. I wanted him to laugh, maybe even smile, because he was a sulking child ever since he told me he loves me. I sighed and sat next to him, purposely brushing our arms together.

Enzo turned his head and smiled when he saw I was smiling, not directly at him, but it was meant for him. I felt something warm on my fingers so I looked down and saw his fingers holding my fingers. I looked back up and saw him looking at my mom, laughing whatever she was saying. I placed my head on his shoulder and he relaxed, his shoulders sagging, and I could hear his heart thump faster. It was almost as if I was saying sorry for ignoring him because I didn't like ignoring him and I was doing it on purpose. 

"Glad to have you in my arms, love," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes and couldn't fight back the blush that came on my cheeks. "Whatever. I just wanted you to stop acting like a child," I grumbled.

Enzo smiled brightly, too bright for my liking. It sent a flutter in my heart and I worried if I was having a heart attack. I almost wanted to look because I was going to blush more whenever I saw him smile like that because I never seen him smile like that. I didn't want to believe my mom was right.

Love could not make someone an idiot.

Love could not make someone smile so brightly like his.

Love could not make me have heart attacks.

It seemed like the short and sweet moment didn't last long before a roar echoed the house. I flinched when I heard the disturbing roar and got up. Jayden soon appeared and his blood eyes looked around before landing on mine. He gritted his teeth and growled, rushing towards me. Before he could get close to me, Enzo grabbed Jayden's collar and threw him in the living room. "Stay here and don't move," Enzo ordered.

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