Ivan: His Lovely Touch

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I woke up to the sound of movement next to me. I sat up and saw brown eyes staring into mine, and I groaned loudly, dropping my head back on my bed.

"Hey, sleepyhead! Time for school!" Vanessa shouted and pushed me out of my bed. My face landed on the dusty floor, and I groaned loudly again. It was terrible enough for Vanessa to sneak into my bedroom, but have her see my face on the floor was way worse. Why? Because of her horrible laugh.

Vanessa is beautiful, yeah, I admitted, she's gorgeous, but holy hell. Her laugh in the morning sounds like a dying cat mixed with a screeching whale. Not my favorite sound at all. I rather have the annoying bird chirping every morning than have her laugh.

"It's too early for your annoying ass laugh, Vanessa," I said groggily and got up.

Her eyes were sparkling, but something was different about her. Her hair was loose, and she was wearing a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and Jordan's. She wasn't wearing the usual makeup she wore but lipstick on her lips, and she was a necklace that I gave her on her birthday. I raised an eyebrow and opened my mouth to ask her something when she beat it to me. "I know, I know. I look more like a--"

"Boy?" I asked.

Vanessa nodded and sat on my bed. She rubbed her hands together and looked at me with her brown eyes. My heart thumped a bit. "I want to try something different? I don't know. Do you like it?"

Why would Vanessa care what I like? She could dress however she wants, and I would still have a crush on her. I wasn't disgusted by the fact that her body had a dick and no breast, but she would make a nice-looking boy and girl or whoever she wanted to be. 

"I like anything you put on. It's your personality that fucks it up," I joked and punched her shoulder. She grinned and punched me back. 


I didn't know where the sudden affection came from. It was like small confidence that Vanessa had, and I was a bit curious, shocked, and happy. She leaned onto me more, held my hand sometimes, and talked about other things than boys. She didn't talk about Alexander, and I was grateful. People stared and whispered at us and thought we were a couple but there something missing. I don't know what, but it felt right to like Vanessa, but it wasn't right to be with her. I shook my head and took a bite of my cheeseburger. Maybe I was just hungry. Vanessa stared at me for a bit, and I got a bit annoyed.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"You should tell me when someone is coming to my house, Ivan," Vanessa said and drummed her nails on the table.

"I always do. Did someone come over yesterday?" 

It wasn't weird for Vanessa to have a random person come to her house. She knew what I was doing and understood why. I find people, sometimes homeless people, to go to Vanessa's house, which has a private place that they can eat, sleep, and shower for a day or more. Vanessa mostly stays there due to her parents leaving a lot and her little brother, Carter, staying at a friend's house. I thought it would be a great idea to help people because that's what I do best.

"Yeah, his name is Erick. He got kicked out because he got in a fight with his best friend. When I woke up, he was in the kitchen. I thought he would leave when I woke up, but he just told me he'd lock up. I don't know. I...I trust him, and he's nice, hot, and he asked me questions about you and me. How sweet is that?" 

It broke my heart that Vanessa already likes this Erick guy and not me, but I wanted Vanessa to be happy like I said.

"Wow. This is actually the first time a guy takes a great interest in you. I'm so fucking happy for you," I murmured and took a bite out of my burger.

"Thank you, but I got an eye on someone else," Vanessa said happily, and her brown eyes looked into mine. 

I felt my heart stopped for a second. Was Vanessa showing interest in me? What should I say? I can't ask her to study with me. Who the hell says that anymore? No one. Maybe she was happy because she's happy about Alexander. I didn't want to hurt our friendship. I was overthinking this. Let me ask her out and see what she says. 

"Vanessa, would you--"

Out of nowhere, Alexander slide next to Vanessa, and my heart was back to beating but for anger and jealousy.

"Hi Alex, how are you?" Vanessa asked happily. 

Alexander shrugged and grinned. "I'm better. Glad to see ya'll faces again."

I rolled my eyes and threw my tray in the garbage. I tuned out their conversation and stared at the wall behind Alexander, but I was really looking at him. His little beauty mark made him more handsome and the small smiles he gave whenever he was happy. His muscles were poking out of his grey shirt, and how his brown eyes would brighten up anyone's day.

He was kinda cute too...

What the fuck am I thinking? Sure, he was cute, but staring at me like a lunatic was something I would never do.


I snapped my head to see Vanessa standing up with her book bag.

"I have to go to the library. Mr. Frank gave me a fucking F, and now he wants me to re-due everything. Anyways, see you after school or tomorrow. Bye Alexander," she giggled the last part and kissed my cheek.

When the hell did Vanessa start kissing my cheek? I didn't let it affect me as I watched Alexander stare back at me. He lifted his lips upwards and placed his hand on mine. I felt a spark erupt from my body, and I wanted to know why that happened. I felt the spark too with Vanessa, but this was a huge one that is caused my body to be on fire. His eyes never left mine, and I never left his.

"I see you and Vanessa are a couple now?" He asked, his eyes turning darker.

"Why, jealous?" I asked cockily. Of course, he liked Vanessa. This stupid Erick guy and now Alexander? I have two idiots to worry about now.

He clenched his jaw and rubbed his thumb on my hand. He pulled me to his side, and I hit his chest, his other hand on my thigh. I looked down and back up at him with a confused look. He likes Vannesa, right?

I don't know what his deal was but if he was trying to get both of us, he was crazy. I narrowed my eyes and snapped, "Get your goddamn hands off me."

"Why would you want that if you love my touch?" He whispered in my ear.

I felt another spark in my body. Alexander's big hands found my wrists and held them tightly, pulling me closer to his body, sending shivers down my spine.

"This is sexual harassment. Let go of me, asshole, or else," I warned. I could care less if Alexander's touch made me shiver or have random sparks appear on my body. I wanted him off me now. He was getting on my nerves.

"I dare you," he growled. I opened my mouth to scream when someone placed my hand over my mouth.

"I think you should listen to him,"

My eyes went to familiar blue eyes.

He winked, and I knew the day wasn't going to end like I wanted to.


        HEYYYY, I will be posting this story more because I want this story to go well and yeah. I have a playlist that sarahkoalacrazy6 made and I love it! If you want to listen to it, the link is down below. Comment and vote! :)

               Thoughts about Alexander?

        Thoughts about Ivan's crush on Vanessa and his slight, liking for Alexander?

        Ivan's and Vannessa's friendship turning for the worst or the best?


5/2/2021: as you can see, i changed some of the dialogue. :)  I don't think the playlist above works anymore. 

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