Ivan: Hate

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      I stared at the ceiling with my hands behind my head and music playing softly in my ears. By the time I woke up, school had ended. I let Vanessa know what happened, and she nagged me about my education and other nonsense. I checked my phone and saw it was about to be eight. I was waiting on my mom to come home and cook, but I don't know how long that would take.

I needed some time alone anyway. My parents have been acting odd for a few weeks. They would look at me weirdly, pay less attention to Nicki, and be more concerned for my safety than Nicki. Thankfully they weren't home today. Nicki was going to be mad, too, because I wasn't in school today or told her I wasn't going to school today. 

I frowned and turned my head to look out the window. A man with messy black hair was looking around with his blue eyes. His eyes locked on mine, and I didn't feel fear or anxiety. I just stared blankly at him and waved at him. The man titled his head, puzzled at my action, and did the same to me. Then he ran off. I got up and closed the curtains. This wasn't the second time a Werewolf looked at me, and they looked confused when I waved at them. I don't know why I waved at them. Maybe to show that I wasn't going to harm them or maybe because I could care less that they were a Werewolf or not.

I walked out of my room to the kitchen and looked in the fridge to always find nothing. I closed the fridge and went to the living room. I turned on the TV and watched the news. The soft music played in my ears as I watched the newswoman talk about the weather. I lived near the trees, cars, and more of a quiet place instead of the city lights, crowded areas, and the smell of greasy fries. I guess my parents wanted more of the American life. Not that I minded. The woman was still talking when two red eyes glowed behind her. I scrunched my eyebrows when I saw another newswoman talking about the increase in animal attacks. No surprised there since Werewolves are roaming around the world. I was about to change the channel when I saw the newswoman at my house's corner. It wasn't often they come around here but there are woods a couple of blocks away from me. 

"W-what the hell is that?" The woman whispered, stepping away from the camera.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing there," the cameraman said.

"No, I'm serious. Something's—" The woman screamed as she was pushed back into the woods.

The sounds of skin ripping, organs being pulled out, the woman's screams getting louder and louder, and the roars becoming dangerously close to the cameraman. I stood up and stared widely at the TV. The cameraman was running with the camera in his hands, gasping and choking on his sobs. The camera was moving widely, and the roars and the pounding of feet were moving quickly and loudly.

He wasn't too far from my house. I felt the urge to go out and help him out. I was about to open the door when I stopped. What was I doing? If I let him in, we both die. If I don't, he dies? All of this is happening too fast. What should I do? I dashed out of my house and looked around in the dark area.

I turned my head when I heard a scream. The cameraman appeared, and he didn't have the camera in his hands anymore. His face flushed with relief when he saw me. "Help me!" He yelled. I ran towards him and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into the house. I locked the door behind me and stood away from the door. I looked at the man, and his eyes were darting around widely. His hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his chest heaving up and down.

"Thank you, thank you so much! I-I don't know what happened. I-I was recording her, and then-then she disappeared!" He exclaimed and clung to me. I hugged him back as the camera guy rambled on and on about what happened. How could I tell him what he was saw was a Werewolf? He would probably think it was some bear that was chasing him. The man stopped moving, and he pulled back with wide eyes. 

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