Enzo: Don't Leave Me Alone

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Ivan wouldn't let me hold him but he did let me speak to him, though he wasn't responding. His mother tried everything to make him upbeat but his blue eyes were lifeless, almost a dull blue sky and a storm was making its way. Whenever I tried to reach for him, he would flinch back or stare at me with a blank face.

I hated it.

My mate was surviving, not living. I was living for him and the Blood Horizon Pack. I was slowly losing it too. I would snap at anyone, I would only stay with Ivan (unless his mother forced me out the room to get some fresh air), and I would constantly look over my shoulder.

Zev wasn't taking Jayden's disappearance too good either, since Jayden is Zev's mate, or was. But he was way worse than Ivan and I.
Zev would come home drunk off his ass with the smell of a girl and sometimes a guy on his clothes and him, raw hickeys on his neck and once I saw scratches on his back.

I was disappointed in him that I stopped talking to him for a few days. The only time I get to talk to him when he's sober. Thankfully, Zev doesn't remember what he does but I know he feels like shit when he sees the hickeys and the stained red lipstick on his shirts.

I don't know what to do but I was beyond pissed about everything.
I closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch, running a hand through my hair, sighing tiredly and staring at the wall in front of me. Afterwards, Zev entered the room with a cigarette pack in his hand. I ignored the death stick and shook my head.

"I think Vlad is coming today, tonight," I said.

Zev rolled his eyes, putting the pack of cigarettes in his back pocket. "You said that last time and he didn't show up."

"I don't know, man. Every time I look over my shoulder, I feel like someone is watching us or going to stab us."

"No one cares about us, Enzo. We have each other and that's all we need because once we let someone in, they'll disappearance and leave a fucking note," Zev said bitterly. I bit my bottom lip and sighed again, getting up and walking out of the room. Zev had to cool down again and I wasn't going to bring up Jayden's name. He would have a melt down and I didn't need that right now.

I heard movement in the room that I was in and my nose triggered the smell of smoke.


Ivan stared at the wall, lifeless and unresponsive. My heart ached and I didn't care if I was pushing his limits, I needed him. I grabbed his wrists and pulled him close to me. I leaned forward and smashed our lips together, my shoulders relaxing when I felt his lips on top of mine.

Even though his lips weren't moving, his warmth was all I needed. He struggled a bit, digging his nails in my wrists but I held on, kissed him like I was saying good bye, kissed him like this was the last time I would ever see him. I pulled back and felt something warm on my cheeks.

Ivan's blue eyes widen, a flash of shock were in his eyes. I smiled, or at least tried, and let the tears to continued.

"I miss you so much, Ivan. My heart hurts when I don't see you smile or when you cry yourself to sleep. I know how it feels to lose someone you love and I swear to God, if Zev ever leaves me, I would find him, because he's the only best friend and brother I have. But you need to get better, Ivan, not for me, but for everyone because we need you, I need you the most. And...if my mate isn't happy, I won't be happy either. I love you," I whispered the last part.

I kissed his forehead, his breathing getting softer. His eyes were closed and for the first time he looked relaxed, almost like he wanted to go to sleep.

He slowly opened his eyes and my breathing stopped.

He wasn't crying....it was something better, something wonderful. I saw love. He nodded solemnly and wrapped his arms around my neck, snuggling his face on the side of my neck, taking deep breaths and letting it.

"Okay," he said hoarsely.

My heart broke when I heard his broken voice but I couldn't help but smile because it felt like years since I heard his voice. When I was going to pull him closer, someone clapped their hands loudly. I turned my head and I automatically growled, rushing to my feet and grabbing Ivan so he would be behind me.

"Isn't this heart warming? I think I might cry but crying are for pussies, and I am not one," Vlad said and smirked.

Damn it, if only Zev believed me when I said Vlad would be coming tonight.

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