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Harry's pov.

"Money is the anthem of success."

Lana Del Rey — National Anthem


Today the sky was a light shade of gray, something common in London. The sun fighting its way through the clouds; in vain. Maybe deep down I was wishing this day looked a little happier for my best friend's wedding, we'd have the nicest time under the sunlight. But no, London had to be a bitch to live in.

This morning wasn't easy, I showed a side of me I had never seen before; my merciful side. Something so rare it should be impaled in a museum, so people would pay to see it. I am sure this will never happen again, as I am sure that wasn't the last I had seen of that woman.

I was in a house I didn't know, Seth rented it for his wedding. It was more like a mansion, with big stairs on the entrance leading directly to the garden, where the wedding was going to happen. I peeked through the window for a second, all the decoration was light colored, the isle had a thin coat of natural white flowers, it had individual chairs where guests slowly took their seats, chatting with their friends and family. The whole thing was so romantic, but I didn't think anything of it.

I turned around to face complete madness, dudes in tuxes wrestling with each other like teenagers and a photographer trying to capture the moment. I rolled my eyes to what it felt to the nape of my neck and adjusted my black tie.

"Guys, the guests are here", I tried to catch their attention politely, but no one heard a thing. God.

"Hey!" They finally stopped and looked at my angry expression. "Bloody hell, the guests are here!" Sometimes I felt like the dad of the group, which kind of sucked. I don't ever want to be a dad.

"Shit", Seth silently cursed and pulled his hair back in place, a desperate hairdresser trying to fix the mess he made.

We took a few pictures together, with all the boys with the groom, and then the bridesmaids entered the big- yet small room, for that bunch of people. My fiancé, Angelina, came to me, with a mesmerized look in her face and her big blue eyes sparkling.

"Baby, you look so good!", her delicate hands touched my shoulder, she leaned in and kissed me, barely touching our lips. She had red lipstick on and a light blue dress, tight on the waist, matching the other bridesmaids.

"You too, honey." I tried to sound as natural as possible, and smirked. She really did look nice, but today I was trying not to look annoyed all the time.

She placed herself in front of me and the photographer told all the boys to hold onto the women's waist; and so we did.

We walked our way through the house, getting ready for everything, a giant staff leading us to the right place. I did everything I was told- and was rehearsed. I stood there next to Seth, did my thing, tried not to look bored. I tried to pay attention aswell, but that went off the window as soon as the priest started quoting the bible. The only thing that caught my attention was when they said their "I do's", when Seth comically shook his voice on purpose, making everyone laugh- like he always manages to do.

We followed the bride and the groom through the isle and to the back garden, where the party was placed, soon being joined by the guests.

I sat on a big table, next to Seth and the others. People started making speeches, I drifted away on that part aswell. But I got back when I caught every eye in the room staring at me.

"Dude, wake up", Seth whispered. "Speech time."

"What?" My eyes widened and my whole life flashed through my eyes. I didn't prepare a stupid speech, I didn't even know I had to do that. But that of course was something I couldn't let Seth know, so I just nodded and got up from my chair, holding a glass of wine.

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